Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 93 Death Battle

Chapter 93 Death Battle
The night fell, and the torches were brightly lit.

The long hiss of the war horse and the shouts of killing were intertwined, and everyone held their breath.

All the Qianghu people stared wide-eyed, nervously waiting for the final result.

It's really that this competition is too exciting, if it's someone else, it's fine, but it's the Qiang Zhonglang General who was pardoned by the Han Dynasty court, which makes these Qiang and Hu people uneasy.

I wanted Wutu to take this opportunity to kill Luo Zheng, but I was worried that the consequences would be too serious to bear.

This kind of contradictory mood tortured the hearts of the leaders of the Qianghu people like a passion.

In the open space dozens of steps away, Luo Zheng and Wu Tu were inexplicably killed.

Xu Chu stood aside with a long knife in his hand, staring at him nervously.

Zhao Yun hid in the back, put an iron arrow on the bowstring, and prepared to shoot the Qiang man as soon as possible if the lord wanted to be in danger. What kind of reaction will there be?

A soldier whispered: "General Zhao Yun, the general will not die!"

Zhao Yun said in astonishment: "Don't talk nonsense, there is no one who is immortal!"

The soldier said: "It's true. The villain doesn't dare to talk nonsense. The general is really immortal. Last year, the general was stabbed in the chest by the Kwantung soldiers at Sishui Pass. When he went to the Kwantung, that night He was attacked by the Jizhou army in Luancheng, and the general suffered no less than thirty knives. In the end, to save Mr. Xun Yu’s young son, he even blocked the Jizhou army’s knife for life, and his bones were chopped off. After a while, the general was fine and alive again. It's not a villain talking nonsense, many people have seen it."

Zhao Yun's eyes widened, and he gasped, "Is this really the case?"

The soldier said anxiously: "It's true, how dare a villain talk about such a thing. Originally, the general issued a strict order that the army should not discuss this matter in private, but the villain couldn't bear it when he saw that General Zhao Yun was going to shoot that Qiang man." Stop saying it."

Zhao Yun still couldn't believe it, "Humans are made of flesh and blood, so there is no one who is immortal."

The soldier looked admiringly and said: "The general is not a man, but a god. Otherwise, he would not die after being stabbed so many times, and his chest was pierced by a gun. If a man must have died, what is this not a god!"

Zhao Yun was dumbfounded, subconsciously, he couldn't believe it was true.

However, seeing what the soldiers said had a nose and eyes, and the soldiers around him nodded repeatedly, they had no choice but to believe it.

After a moment of hesitation, he slowly retracted the iron arrow.

If the lord is really like what the soldiers said, he was pierced through the chest by a gun and survived, then he himself.Interfering in this last duel is really superfluous, not only will it give the Qianghu people an excuse, but it will also hurt the prestige of the lord.

At this moment, dozens of fierce battles in other places have reached the last moment.

Luo Zheng fought Wutu for dozens of rounds, and gradually felt a little bit hard to support.

Knowing that procrastination would be of no benefit to him, he gritted his teeth in a flash of thought, and after being swung away by Wu Tu's swift and ruthless shot, he did not dodge or evade, facing Wu Tu's steel spear sharply against his chest. rushed over.


Suddenly, there were exclamations one after another all around, and all the Qiang people cried out in shock.

Even Sister Le's complexion changed, and she took a step forward.

Queen Zhenbao even covered her mouth and exclaimed, her beautiful eyes were full of disbelief.

Why is this, this damned Han Chinese will die in vain!

The veins on Zhao Yun's forehead twitched violently. He wanted to draw the iron arrow with his backhand, but he restrained himself.

Xu Chu let out a loud roar, and rushed over with a long knife in hand.

However, with a distance of dozens of steps, how can they be in time.

In the exclamation of everyone, Wutu's steel gun slammed into Luo Zheng's chest, and Wutu clearly heard the sound of a sharp blade cutting through flesh and blood, and a ferocious smile burst into the corner of his mouth, this damn The local Han people were still killed by themselves.

Both Dianli and Dongzhi died, and only he won the final duel.

Wu Tu has already begun to fantasize about the scene when he becomes a hero and is cheered by his tribe.

It's really exciting, and it would be even better if she could win the favor of Queen Zhenbao.

However, before this momentary fantasy was over, a sudden change occurred.

Wutu's steel spear had pierced Luo Zheng's chest, and a foot-long gun rod came out of his back. However, Yuantu was shocked to find a hideous face in front of him, and raised his right arm, holding his hand Inside is a dagger gleaming with cold light.

The sharp blade sealed the throat, and the blood splattered.

Wu Tu wanted to yell, but he opened his mouth, but he couldn't yell.

On the cut throat, a large stream of blood sprayed out again.

Two muffled sounds.

Luo Zheng and Wu Tu fell from the horseback at the same time.


Xu Chu roared wildly, as if a thunderbolt had struck the night sky.

The Qianghu people who had been completely stupid were awakened by the shock, and all of them were speechless and speechless.

Two breaths!

Three breaths!

Xu Chu's majestic body seemed to be flying, and finally rushed to Luo Zheng.


Xu Chu picked up Luo Zheng and yelled, the corners of his eyes were about to burst.


Luo Zheng spat blood, gritted his teeth and said: "Quick, pull out the gun!"


Xu Chu was so anxious that he wanted to go crazy, so he didn't dare to draw his gun.

The chest was pierced across the chest, and pulling out the gun at this time would only kill him faster.

"Pull the gun!"

Luo Zheng tried his last strength and roared.

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Xu Chu repeatedly agreed, gritted his teeth, grabbed the steel gun and pulled it out.


Luo Zheng sprayed Xu Chu's face with a blood arrow, and almost fainted.

Fortunately, this is not the first time I have suffered this kind of injury, and I have already experienced it.

Barely holding his breath, he began to meditate on the mind-soul communication ring.

At this time, Zhao Yun had already rushed over with [-] soldiers and surrounded them.The three hundred guardsmen formed a thick human wall on three floors and three floors outside. All of them held knives and stared murderously at the Qianghu people who rushed over later.

Zhao Yun was sweating on his forehead, and Xu Chu stayed beside Luo Zheng, anxious.

I secretly regretted that I shouldn't have believed the words of the soldier. How could I use such a joke to make fun of the lord's life? I should have shot the Qiang man to death. install.

Soon, more than 20 Qiang leaders and their personal guards also rushed over.

Sister Le's face was serious, she stopped and asked, "How is Mr. Luo?"

The soldiers held their knives and stared at each other with murderous intent, but no one answered.

Zhao Yun and Xu Chu didn't even care about these Qianghu leaders, and looked nervously at Luo Zheng, who was lying on the ground with his eyes closed.

The leader of the Qianghu people who stood aside waited for a while, and began to whisper to each other.

Most of the people were very excited, they didn't expect that Wu Tu would be so powerful that he would kill this surname Luo.Although Wu Tu also died heroically in battle, his tribe, his wife and children will receive due care for such a great contribution.

Only Sister Le's face was cloudy and uncertain, and she was already thinking about how to deal with the pressure from the Han court.

Queen Zhenbao whispered beside her, "It's best to die, otherwise this queen will be miserable."

Sister Le glared at him angrily, it would be nice if things were as simple as this.

Other Qiang people couldn't think of such a powerful thing, but Sister Le is a shrewd person, so how could she not think of it.

If it was just to kill a Qiang Zhonglang general who was the guardian of the Han court, it would be fine, and the matter would not be too serious.

Anyway, during the Beigong Boyu uprising, he killed Lingzheng, the captain of the Qiang guard, and the Han court did not come to suppress it.

What's more, the Han court is also in civil strife now, so it doesn't care about Liangzhou's affairs at all.

But the problem is that it is Dong Zhuo who controls the Han court now.

Dong Zhuo is not easy to provoke, of course, in Liangzhou, which Qiang tribe was not afraid of Dong Zhuo.This person surnamed Luo was a subordinate sent by Dong Zhuo, but now he died here, sister Le had to examine the consequences.

But before she could think of a countermeasure, things changed again.

(End of this chapter)

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