Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 98 Negotiations

Chapter 98 Negotiations
On Baicao Beach, the sun is rising and the golden glow is overwhelming.

On the shady field, there are tents one after another.

When the sun completely jumped out of the horizon, the leaders of the Qiang and Hu ministries led their personal guards and came to Luozheng camp to meet the alliance.

Beside Luo Zheng's camp, blankets were quickly set up, and more than twenty Qianghu tribes, large and small, lived in them.

Not long after, Sister Le, Queen Zhenbao and other Qianghu leaders came hand in hand, Xun Yu went out to welcome them, and welcomed Yi from the Qianghu leaders in.

Luo Zheng sat in the tent of the commander of the Chinese army and did not come out to meet him.

It wasn't until the leader of Qianghu entered the tent that he raised his hand and gave up his seat.

There is a Qianghu leader whose face is not very good-looking, and feels that Luo Zheng is too arrogant and rude.

Luo Zheng waved his hand and said loudly: "Today's alliance, this general has a gift, which I want to give to the leaders."

A soldier came forward with an exquisite wooden box and placed it on Luo Zheng's table.

Luo Zheng opened it casually, and all the Qiang and Hu leaders stared at them with wide eyes, and immediately their eyes froze, all eyes showing anger.

Queen Zhenbao asked softly, "What do you mean, are you provoking our Little Yuezhi tribe?"

Only Sister Le's expression was indifferent, without any emotion.

Luo Zheng was too lazy to talk to Queen Zhenbao, a woman with big breasts and no brains, and raised his glass to persuade him to drink: "This general obeys the order of the emperor of the Han Dynasty, and pacifies the tribes of Xiqiang, and the other tribes of Zhongqiang are rebellious. Openly provoking the majesty of our Han court, my general can tolerate him, and my Han law can't tolerate such traitors and thieves. Therefore, this general personally raised three thousand cavalry half a month ago to flatten the other tribes of Zhongqiang and take it carefully. Level, dedicated to the leaders. How about it, is this gift not bad?"

All the Qiang and Hu leaders all looked solemn, without saying a word, but their hearts were secretly awe-inspiring.

Although he knew that Luo Zhengyi had wiped out the other clan of Zhong Qiang, but he heard it personally, he was still a little apprehensive.

Especially the leaders of those small tribes are even more heartbroken.

Even the mighty Zhongqiang tribe was flattened with one blow. If Luo Zheng wanted to destroy his own tribe, An Neng could resist it.

Sister Le smiled and said: "Is it possible that the Lord is going to send troops to suppress even my tribe?"

Luo Zheng didn't care about the woman's soft knife, waved his hand, and said in a long voice: "Then it won't happen, this general is not a murderous person, as long as the leaders can understand the general situation, cooperate with the Qiang Xiaowei Department The local government orders are not to be obeyed, and this general also wants to live in peace with the Qiang and Hu tribes. Of course, if there are idiots like the Zhong and Qiang tribes, in order to maintain the good situation of stability and unity between the Han and the Qiang and Hu tribes, This general will spare no effort to destroy the whole family by means of thunder."

The leaders of Qiang and Hu didn't like it very much, and some of them couldn't help cursing their mothers in their hearts.

Whoever is close to you is like a family, speaking is better than singing.

However, thinking of the three death fights last night, these Qianghu leaders felt a little apprehensive.

As for Xu Chu, Zhao Yun, Li Meng, Wang Fang and other generals, all of them stared wide-eyed.

When did the big man and these Qianghu people become like a family?

General (My Lord), isn’t this talking nonsense with your eyes open, isn’t it too shameless?
Immediately, he felt that this idea was really disrespectful, and quickly called out guilt, not daring to slander him any more.

Sister Le straightened her face, and said slowly: "Since we are here today, we are sincerely participating in the alliance. You don't have to threaten me with demonstrations anymore, do you? How do you want to treat me and other Qiang and Hu tribes? Please explain, and I will discuss it with you!"

Luo Zheng glanced at the woman and said happily: "In this case, the general will not talk nonsense."

Saying this, he shook his head and winked at Di Yu sitting next to him.

Xun Yu understood, cleared his throat, and said, "My general is benevolent. He intends to grant official status to the Qiang and Hu tribes, and to give them good land to cultivate. I wonder what you leaders think?"

The leaders of Qiang and Hu couldn't help but slander, Luo Zheng is kind to children?
I really didn't see this, if this guy was kind, there would be no wicked people in the world.

A Qianghu leader asked: "It's no problem for me to wait for official status, but I don't know how much tax is paid?"

This is a sensitive issue, and it is also the key issue why the Qianghu tribe has not been admitted to official status.

In fact, after the Qiang people moved into the Han territory, the Han court had always wanted to make these Qiang and Hu tribes official, but the problem was that the tax imposed by the court was too heavy, which was [-]% heavier than that of the Han people.

From the standpoint of the Han court, there is nothing wrong with imposing taxes on the Qiang and Hu people that are heavier than those on the Han people.

But the problem is that the imperial court collected more than [-]% of the taxes on the Han people, and some places even received [-]% of the taxes. Under such a heavy tax, even the Han people had no way out, let alone the Qianghu people.

The literati and bureaucrats of the Han Dynasty refused to make concessions, and the Qiang and Hu people could not possibly back down.

If you can't figure it out, it will naturally be delayed, and the delay will last for dozens or hundreds of years.

These Qianghu people can't get official status, so they can only cultivate some mountain land in the mountains. The local government wants to collect taxes, and these Qianghu people are naturally unwilling to be exploited.

Xun Yu twitched his beard and said: "If you become an official, you will be my Han people, and the taxes should be the same as my Han people."

Another leader of Qianghu asked: "I don't know how much tax is paid under the rule of the Huqiang school lieutenant?"

Xun Yu said: "Taxes are set by the imperial court, and the guards and lieutenants of the Qiang School should follow the imperial court's laws and regulations to collect taxes."

Queen Zhenbao stared her beautiful eyes and said: "Nonsense, now your Han court is in a mess, and those princes still obey the orders of Emperor Dazhu. If taxes are still collected according to the court's laws, how can the people live?"

Sister Le said: "I have no objection to becoming an official, but let's talk about how the envoy wants to collect taxes!"

Xun Yu said: "Well, since that's the case, I'll just say it straight. Now the court's taxes are indeed a bit heavy. My general intends to reduce or exempt the people under his rule. If the Qiang and Hu people are admitted to the official status, the taxes can be protected. The people under the leadership of Qiang Xiaowei's department are the same."

A Qiang Hu leader asked: "I heard that the Hu Qiang School and Lieutenant Department has resettled many refugees and exempted all taxes for two years."

Luo Zheng glanced at the leader of the Qianghu, and said coldly: "They are newly resettled refugees, not people who pay taxes to the government. This general has already reduced the taxes of the people to [-]% of the imperial court. If you are still idle If there are too many, then General Ben has nothing to do, another day General Ben will personally lead the army to visit your small tribe."

The Qiang leader showed anger, but dared not speak out.

Sister Le gave the guy a hard look, and then said: "This tax is indeed not high, but there is a saying among you Han people, there is no free lunch in the world, so I am afraid that there are other people who treat me so leniently. conditions!"

Luo Zheng clapped his hands and smiled: "It's easy to talk to smart people, not like some idiots!"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the Qianghu leader just now, and the angry guy turned blue again.

Luo Zheng was too lazy to look at him, and said to Sister Le: "There is indeed no free lunch in this world. This general intends to treat the Qiang and Hu people well. If you want good farmland and fertile grassland, naturally you must Pay the corresponding price. The general has no other conditions, the only requirement is conscription, the general wants [-] cavalry, no problem!"


Sister Le showed distress, and the faces of the other Qianghu leaders also changed.

Queen Zhenbao's eyes widened and she said angrily, "It's just too bullying. All our ministries combined only have [-] cavalry. You just open your mouth and you want [-] cavalry. It's even more robber than a robber. Why don't you go and grab it!"

Luo Zheng glanced at Queen Zhenbao unkindly, and remained silent.

Xun Yu continued, "I'm afraid that's not the case at all! As far as I know, there are no fewer than five thousand string-controlling people of the Xiaoyue clan, and no less than [-] string-controlling people of the Lejie Qiang tribe. I'm afraid there will be no less than [-] cavalry, but there are still [-] cavalry."

Queen Zhenbao glared at Xun Yu again, "That's the sum of all the adult men in our tribe, and not all of them are cavalry. You will recruit [-] of our cavalry at once, what will happen to the safety of our tribe?"

Xun Yu smiled and said: "Since all the Qiang and Hu tribes are the subjects of my Han court, the safety of each tribe will naturally be guarded by the Qiang School and Lieutenant's Department. Don't worry about this, the leaders, my general has enough ability to protect you. "

"Don't think about it!"

Queen Mobo was furious.

Sister Le also looked at Luo Zheng, and said solemnly: "Since the envoy wants to place us and other Qianghu tribes, please show some sincerity. The adult men of our tribe add up to only [-], and the envoy said If you want to recruit most of us and other adult men, our tribe will not be able to maintain it even if it is grazing and farming, let alone defending against foreign enemies."

Luo Zheng is purely a lion. He knew that these Qianghu people could not agree. After all, the adult men of these Qianghu tribes add up to only [-]. If he recruited [-] young and strong, he would not be far from extermination. Said: "This general is not a person who is unreasonable. Twenty thousand is indeed too much, so ten thousand is impossible."


Sister Le frowned and said nothing, and the other leaders also showed embarrassment.

Luo Zheng lowered his face and said coldly: "Why, it is difficult for this general to have [-] cavalry?"

Sister Le calculated, without fear of Luo Zheng's sharp eyes, she said calmly: "We and other tribes also have to work hard, young and strong are important labor for our tribe, at most we can only give the envoy [-] cavalry, no more If so, I’m really helpless.”

"make a deal."

Luo Zheng didn't talk nonsense, and immediately agreed happily.

Originally, his goal was to squeeze [-] cavalry from these Qianghu tribes, which was already very good.Opening his mouth required [-] yuan, which was just a negotiating strategy, but he didn't expect to ask for [-] more in the end, which exceeded the expected goal.

(End of this chapter)

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