Shhh!The ghost king arrives

Chapter 11 Elder Su's Wish①

Chapter 11 Elder Su's Wish①

When Mr. Su saw that Ziyu was falling into the spring, he floated away.

"Old Su, how long do you want to soak?" Ziyu asked.

"Huh? People went there!!!" Ziyu was surprised.

After Ziyu went down to the spring, she felt that a force in her body was nourishing Ziyu's body, but Ziyu had to soak more and more powerfully.This feeling made Ziyu feel very comfortable, but what troubled Ziyu was how to sleep at night.Because she felt that the longer she soaked, the better her spirit would be. As a senior sleeper, it was necessary to consider this issue.

Ziyu gently placed Jin Hanxuan on the steps submerged by the medicinal spring water. Ziyu walked slowly in the medicinal spring and found that the spring of the medicinal spring came from a small hole in the middle. Although the spring was not very big, it was The flow of water is fast.I also found that there are small fish in the medicine spring, swimming around.Ziyu felt that it was very novel, so he went to catch it, but he didn't expect to catch one easily.

"Girl, the fish in your hand is called Yaoquan fish, and it also means to heal. This fish can heal the wounds of ghosts without any side effects! It can effectively heal the wounded scars of ghost kings. The warming effect of the medicine spring and the effect of nourishing ghost power are a perfect combination. But it takes patience, because it takes a long time to soak to heal the overdraft of the ghost king's ghost power." Mr. Su took a box and handed it to Ziyu, "Girl, the box is a A piece of clothing. You are a mortal and soaking in the spring for a long time will damage your soul, but if you wear this, it will not be. Go to the hut over there and change your clothes!"

Ziyu took the box given by Mr. Su and went ashore to change clothes.After taking off Jin Hanxuan's clothes, Mr. Su took out a bottle containing an unknown liquid from his sleeve after landing.

Dropped in the medicine spring, the spring water changed from the original dark earth color to blood red, and then changed back to dark earth color after a while.After finishing all this, Mr. Su floated away satisfied.

Ziyu took the clothes given by Mr. Su and went into the bamboo house to change.Ziyu opened the box and saw a tulle dress, which felt comfortable to the touch, but it was too thin for the conservative Ziyu.Ziyu felt that she was wearing it as if she hadn't. Ziyu refused to wear it, but thought that Jin Hanxuan was injured because of her, so she had to put on the tulle dress.

Before opening the door, Ziyu stuck out her little head to have a look, and after confirming that there was no one there, she quickly jumped into the medicine spring.

After soaking for a while, Yu felt that there was something wrong with the medicine spring. The more soaked it just now, the more energetic she became, but now the more soaked it became weaker.With the remaining strength, Ziyu took off the clothes on her body, and after taking them off, she really felt much better.

Not long after, Ziyu felt weaker and weaker, but her spirit became better, but her whole body was weak.

At this time, Jin Hanxuan woke up, but his pupils were blood red, not the usual maroon.

Seeing that Jin Hanxuan had a problem, Ziyu wanted to avoid Jin Hanxuan.But Jin Hanxuan, when he woke up, he saw Ziyu's powerless appearance at the first sight. At this time, Jin Hanxuan was unconscious, only knew that Ziyu was his wife, and today he had to make Ziyu pregnant.

"Jin... Jin Hanxuan, Jin Hanxuan, don't come here, don't come here" Ziyu yelled, Jin Hanxuan like this made Ziyu feel helpless and scared.

"Ziyu, Ziyu, my wife, my wife." Jin Hanxuan called Ziyu's name while holding Ziyu tightly, as if he wanted her to be embedded in his body.Suddenly Jin Hanxuan entered☆☆☆! ! !

"Ah......!!!" Ziyu cried out in pain and joy.

A few hours later, Ziyu fainted.Jin Hanxuan's pupils also turned back to maroon.

Looking at Ziyu in his arms, Jin Hanxuan felt very guilty.He didn't expect that Mr. Su would do this, drug him and Ziyu, and make Ziyu pregnant! ! !He couldn't imagine how Ziyu hated him after waking up, after all, she and the current Ziyu had only known each other not long ago.

Furthermore, if Ziyu is pregnant with a ghost fetus, Ziyu's character will definitely not destroy the ghost fetus, and when the ghost fetus is born, it will be the day of Ziyu's death.


 Ahem, I can’t write too much, so I can only write like this.

  Forgive me for being afraid of being banned! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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