Chapter 26
Ziyu finally came to a place with people, a small town.But Ziyu found it very quiet here.There were obviously a lot of people, but Ziyu felt that he had entered the ice cellar, shivering from the cold, and the people here were only doing their own things, as if they didn't notice Ziyu coming.

Ziyu grabbed an aunt who was knitting a sweater, "Aunt, where is this place?"

After waiting for a long time, no one answered.When Ziyu went to see her aunt, Ziyu was so scared that she fell to the ground.

That aunt is a human being, she is clearly a ghost, okay?

His hair was covered with coagulated blood, and his black face was not rosy at all.One eye was gone, only a hole, still bleeding.The mouth was wide open, and there was still rotting flesh in the mouth.

The aunt stared at Ziyu as if she wanted to stare at her food, "Jie Jie~, come and accompany me, little girl!!!"

The aunt quickly came to Ziyu, her nails were comparable to the legendary Nine Yin White Bone Claws! ! !Long as hell.

Ziyu saw that she was dragging her body to move backward quickly.Elder Su didn't know where he went, Mo Yuan was just resting in the shadow, he didn't expect to see Ziyu's situation.

"Don't come, don't come. If you come again, I'll blow you up! Get out!" Ziyu said tremblingly.

But the ghost aunt seemed to have heard some joke.Without the threat in Guan Ziyu's words, he continued to walk towards Ziyu.

By the way, there are also Soul Eater Sword and Nether Fire.

The Soul Devouring Sword was kept between Ziyu's eyebrows by Jin Hanxuan last night.And what kind of mark is that flame mark, Jin Hanxuan also told Ziyu last night.What Ling Ziyu didn't expect was that the Netherfire was originally exclusive to the Ghost King, but she didn't expect that it could be used by her after it had formed a mark on her hand. God was looking after her.

"Hey!!! Since you won't let me go, hey. You're going to...hey!" Ziyu smirked.

The ghost aunt was a little horrified when she heard it, and then she thought that she was afraid of herself just now, but she is not afraid now.Maybe it's trying to be brave?
The ghost aunt thought about it and figured it out.In order not to let other ghosts find out, I had to deal with her quickly.

Aunt Gui quickly attacked Ziyu, and Ziyu hurriedly chanted a spell when she saw it.

The Soul Devouring Sword appeared in Ziyu's hand like this, and Ziyu took it and slashed at Aunt Gui.

Aunt Ghost, seeing the aura emanating from the Soul Eater Sword, she was a little scared.

If the joke is ordinary aura, not only would she not be afraid to run away, but she could also swallow the aura, transforming the aura into ghost power for her own use.

Aunt Gui looked at the thick aura and thought that it must not be easy. It would be great if she was let go at the beginning.

Now she wants to escape, but Ziyu is pestering her, making Aunt Gui unable to back down, so Aunt Gui can only grit her teeth and attack Ziyu.

Try to avoid the Soul Devouring Sword, once the joke ghost gets infected with evil spirit, even if he is not seriously injured, he will lose half his life.She doesn't want to explain it here, and it's still in the hands of a little girl.

"Hiss." Ziyu inadvertently slashed at Aunt Gui's waist.


"Yeah!!! Killed a ghost!!!!" Ziyu instantly became happy, this was the first time for him to kill a ghost! ! !

There is no way, low-level divination masters are powerless to destroy ghosts, who said that divination masters can only divination! ! !Only high-level divination masters have the ability to destroy ghosts, and they still use the power of the divination masters themselves.

Although Ziyu is still a middle-level divination master, even though he is a little bit higher than the low-level divination masters, he still cannot destroy ghosts.But a ghost was killed.Does it mean that I am one step closer to a senior divination master?

"What's the matter, Princess Ghost!!!" Elder Su came back with a bunch of fruits in his hands and couldn't help asking when he saw Ziyu bouncing around.

 It's the first time to kill ghosts, do you think Ziyu is very powerful! ! ! !
  Send me a recommendation ticket! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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