Chapter 56

At night, Ziyu lay down to sleep, and Yuling sat next to Ziyu as before.

Yuling held Ziyu's hand and noticed that Ziyu's body temperature was gradually getting colder and stiffer.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Su." Yu Ling anxiously called Mr. Su loudly.

"What's wrong?" Elder Su next door replied immediately.

"Master, her body has become stiff and cold!!! Come here quickly!" Yu Ling panicked, he didn't want to lose her anymore.

Mr. Su is a genius doctor in the ghost world, and he will definitely cure Ziyu's illness, definitely!
Elder Su heard the panic in Yu Ling's words, and hurried over through the wall, followed closely by Mo Yuan.

(Because Mao likes to walk through walls, Xiaofeng touched the head of the wall!)
Seeing Ziyu's appearance, Mr. Su opened his eyes wide.Seeing Ziyu's appearance, Mo Yuan was dumbfounded.

"Master!!!" Yuling hissed in pain, Ziyu had no signs of life.

"Princess Ghost!!!" Elder Su knelt on the ground, and Mo Yuan also knelt on the ground.

It was he who didn't protect Ziyu well that made Ziyu lose his life.If only he didn't ask so many questions, he would have time to treat the ghost princess.

When Taotie, grandma, and Yasi stood at the door of the room, what they saw inside was the painful Yuling and Mo Yuan and Elder Su kneeling on the ground sobbing softly.

There is also a person lying down with a pale face and lifeless, "Sister!!!" Ya Si accidentally tripped and fell to the ground when entering the door.

Bright red blood flowed from the broken skin of her hand, and she didn't feel any pain. Now she was only thinking about how Ziyu was doing.

Getting up, squatting in Ziyu, stretching out trembling hands to Ziyu's face, touching Ziyu's cold face, Yasi's face left lines of bitter tears.

Grandma was still calm, and hurriedly growled, "What are you doing in a daze, Ziyu's soul must still be nearby, hurry up and find it!"

Everyone came back to their senses and hurried out to find Ziyu's soul.

Aunt Sun's house
Aunt Sun sat in the main seat in the living room, looking at the new soul in the cage in front of her that imprisoned the soul, she smashed the soul-keeping bottle containing her son's soul with satisfaction, and put her son into the cage.

"Aunt Sun, what do you want to do?" Ziyu woke up leisurely, staring at Aunt Sun in horror.

"It's strange, yours looks juicy." Aunt Sun looked at it proudly.If it weren't for the fact that the two daughters of the Ye family are all good-looking in this town, and the others are all crooked, otherwise she would have to find someone more beautiful than Ye Ziyu for her son.

"Son, it's alright, let me hug my grandson sooner." Aunt Sun dropped these words and left heartlessly.

Leaving behind her son, Se Mimi, she rushed towards Ziyu, Ziyu's red pupils widened, and she bounced the man away.

"A lonely ghost is also worthy!" Hongtong Ziyu knew that he didn't have much time to control Ziyu's movements.Ziyu is now a new soul, not like a human body at all, and if she is not careful, her soul will fly away.

Before the man came back to his senses, Hongtongziyu bit his finger and drew an ancient spirit-calling spell pattern on the ground.

"Enlightenment!" Ziyu mobilized the little spiritual power left in his body, shouted, and the blood-red mantra house shone red, quickly ascending to the sky, covering up the bright moonlight.

Taotie and grandma, who were looking for Ziyu's soul with the moonlight on their backs, noticed the difference in the moonlight, turned around and looked at the ancient patterns in the sky.

"It's a curse!" Taotie exclaimed, "Ziyu is just under the pattern."

Only a few of them know such an ancient soul-calling spell, including Ziyu of course, they will definitely not summon other things at this time, so there is only one possibility, which is the soul-calling spell used by Ziyu.

Grandma looked at the house under the pattern, which was the house of Aunt Sun who was doing the funeral today.Grandma's eyes flickered, it seemed that I was being soft-hearted and almost caused Ziyu to have an accident.

The others naturally saw it too, and they all ran towards Aunt Sun's house.

Aunt Sun noticed the difference in the moonlight and returned immediately.

"Sister Ziyu, don't make any unnecessary resistance, my mother will definitely let us give her a grandson." The man looked wretchedly at Ziyu who was casting a spell.

The corner of Ziyu's mouth was bleeding, and with his red pupils, it made people feel pitiful.

"Jin Hanxuan, if you don't come, I will be ruined by ghosts!" Hongtong Ziyu struggled to support his body, and weakly attached a sentence to the summoning spell.

Jin Hanxuan, who was correcting the memorial to the ghost world in the Hades Palace, felt that someone was calling him, so he didn't want to answer it at first.But I heard the words attached to the incantation.He hastily dropped the memorial in his hand and used space transfer.

After Ziyu attached the words, she dragged her bulky body and struggled to back away slowly.

The man grabbed Ziyu's leg and dragged Ziyu over.Ziyu didn't have the strength to resist, and Aunt Sun, who was still worried, felt relieved when she saw this scene.

Jin Hanxuan, I'm sorry!

Ziyu was like a puppet, shedding blood and tears in a daze.There are no expressions or movements.

Just when the man was about to tear off his clothes, a cluster of ghost fire ignited on the man's soul.

Ziyu fell into a familiar embrace

 Unable to fall asleep in the middle of the night, I got up and stretched my claws to code.

  For the sake of Xiao Fengfeng being so diligent, can you vote for others! 【Show cute, show cute】

(End of this chapter)

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