Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 101 Behind the Empress Dowager

Chapter 101 Behind the Empress Dowager

Those little lives were about to be taken away by an old woman just after they were born. She not only felt sad, but also wanted to abuse the Queen Mother severely and kill him again.

Thinking that the Empress Dowager also has this purpose for her, no matter whether she will marry Nangong Qianqiu or not, the other party's purpose is unacceptable to her.If it was really her child, the queen mother's old hag would definitely be torn to pieces.

No wonder the two looked extremely heavy.

"Actually, we should have many brothers and sisters, but in the end there were only four left, and the others were all killed by the queen mother. Many of them died inexplicably not long after they were born, and the death conditions were also different. It was very scary, as if the blood was sucked dry by something, and this incident was very big back then."

Nangong Fuchen sighed: "I didn't find out the reason until the end. I heard that I also disappeared for a while, and was found in the Imperial Garden later. I think it should be my illness, which made the Queen Mother feel that my blood it's not good!"

Is that right?

Her eyes fell on Nangong Qianqiu, wondering why he survived in good health.

Nangong Qianqiu frowned and said: "I am born with a half-spiritual body, and you are a natural-born spirit body. If our child is together, it is likely to be a natural-born spirit body. The blood of such a child is very precious. The Queen Mother should have a special gift." method, to use the blood to achieve eternal youth. Only the blood of babies can be more pure and the effect will be better."

Mei Baoer felt a little heavy in her heart, even though she hadn't been harmed yet, she still felt very uncomfortable when she thought of those innocent little lives.No matter how cruel a person is, there is no reason to deprive the little lives that have just come into the world. They may have been ruthlessly killed before they had a good look at the world.

Several people were silent for a long time, and Mei Baoer breathed a sigh of relief: "When did you find out?"

Nangong Qianqiu paused, his face was a little embarrassed, which made Mei Baoer wonder again, why is he embarrassed?
"Actually, this is the person left by my mother. They have been hiding in the dark and protecting me," said he, a little embarrassed. "Last night, in the carriage, they were the ones who chased and killed you."

Mei Baoer suddenly widened her eyes: "After a long time, it turns out that it is yours?"

"Well, Mei Bao'er, it's really not what I ordered, and those people have stayed in Sixth Brother's dungeon for a long time, and I'm also investigating why the Queen Mother insisted on letting me marry you. Come to me and tell me all this."

When he knew it, his whole body collapsed a little bit.

"Forget it, let's forget about this matter." Fortunately, the devil was merciful and didn't solve those people directly. If they were really solved, she would have nothing to do. "Since the truth of this matter has been revealed, what are you going to do next?" How to do it??"

"Do you want to attack the Queen Mother?"

I'm afraid this is unrealistic. It's probably not easy for the Queen Mother to do so many things. Although her own strength is not very strong, there must be powerful people around her.

Otherwise, after so many years of misbehavior in the palace, no one has discovered it.

The water is probably a little deep.

Of course, the two could think of this, but they didn't think of a good way. The queen mother is still the biological mother of the emperor of Dongyue Kingdom. It is really not easy for them to deal with it.

Unless they can find evidence of the crimes committed by the Empress Dowager, many people will definitely think that they want to be emperors and do such things.

"I think it's better to let me be admitted to Feiyun Academy and stop the marriage contract first, what do you think?"

The two thought for a while and nodded, which is correct.As long as Mei Baoer and Nangong Qianqiu are not married, the Queen Mother will never be able to do anything.

Once the queen mother is in a hurry, she may show her feet.

"I can only do this first," Nangong Qianqiu said with a serious expression, "Next, I have to find out the truth about the death of my mother and concubine."

At that time, he was still too young to understand the truth at all. Now that he thought about it, he still had many doubts. He had a guess in his heart that the death of the mother and concubine was probably inseparable from the Queen Mother.

At the thought of this, hatred filled his eyes!
"By the way, has the Queen Mother always been like this? Which family is she from?"

Mei Baoer suddenly had a flash of inspiration, the queen mother alone should not be able to do so many things, right? ?

No matter how cruel a person is, especially a woman, how can she do such a thing from the beginning? There are many doubts about the Queen Mother.

The two carefully recalled that even before they were born, such a thing happened in the palace.But some word of mouth back then said that the queen mother was just a gentle and virtuous woman at first, not a woman with such a young face but a heart of snakes and scorpions.

"The queen mother comes from the old Hou's mansion. The Hou's mansion has declined many years ago. It seems that all the members of the direct line have died, and the collaterals have also left Yuecheng. It seems to have gone to a very remote village." Nangong Qianqiu said silently. Recalling, "I still remember the concubine mother said that shortly after the death of the first child she gave birth to, her temperament changed a little. Later, the direct descendants of the old Hou's mansion also gradually fell ill and passed away."

He couldn't help frowning when he said this, "Do you suspect that the queen mother is a fake queen mother?"

"I don't know if it's true or not. There are two possibilities. One, the queen mother has changed her temperament because of the loss of her child. Two, something manipulated the queen mother."

Or some kind of ghosts and goblins got on the Queen Mother's body.

Originally, she guessed whether someone had taken the queen mother away, but ordinary people can't do such a heartless thing, so she can only guess that it was those wild and untrained demons.

Drinking the blood of babies, eating the flesh and blood of babies, is this something that humans can do? ?

When the two of them heard Mei Baoer's words, they all thought that it might be the second type. Even if their temperament changed because of grief, they wouldn't become so inhuman, right?

Moreover, even if his temper changed, the Old Hou's Mansion was not a family of cultivation, so how could it be possible to give the Queen Mother such a powerful manpower? ?
It can only be explained that the queen mother is controlled by something, so the explanation coincides.

Suddenly, Nangong Qianqiu had a flash of inspiration: "Sixth brother, do you still remember that there was a rumor in the palace back then about an animal skin. Zhang Xuelin's animal skin fainted from fright, and after that day, the court lady went crazy, and now it seems that almost 30 years have passed.

After that palace lady went crazy, she was left in the palace for the elderly because of the favor of a certain concubine at that time. I don't know if she is still alive. Why don't we check it out, maybe we can get some news. "

(End of this chapter)

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