Chapter 111
After passing through this bustling street, I finally saw the legendary Feiyun Academy.

The majestic door is engraved with simple and simple patterns, as well as various insects, fish, birds and animals, which will firmly attract people.

"Is this the Feiyun Academy?"

Mei Baoer's eyes sparkled with interest, it really is different!This gate is more imposing than the imperial palace, from here you can see part of the scale inside.

There are still many people coming in and out at the door. Today is the day of the exam, which is why there are so many people.Coming and going, excited and nervous.

There is also a statue standing at the gate. It is a bearded old man with a treacherous smile. He can be seen as a greedy man at a glance. Those small eyes have exposed his true nature.I don't know who the master who carved the statue was, but he was able to carve a person's essence on it.

"Xingyue, who is this wretched little old man?"

Hearing her description, several people were stunned for a moment. Following their gaze, they spotted that very great statue. This is the dean of Feiyun College. How kind, how could it be so beautiful in Mei Baoer's eyes? Is it obscene?

At the same time, in a certain place, an old man stared at Mei Baoer silently with a gloomy face, and immediately blew his beard and stared, and even said that he was wretched.

"Young Master Bao'er, he is the dean, a very kind person. I heard that the dean is very good."

Xingyue didn't know how to explain, Mei Baoer looked at the statue carefully, and walked up to it, looked it up and down again, shaking her little head.

"Still obscene!"

Dean Pei He heard Mei Baoer's words suddenly, and almost rushed out in anger. The damn boy actually said that he looks wretched. !

"Look, those little eyes are still shining with a calculating light, and there is a smile in them, as if they are trying to trick someone, can they not be obscene?"

Hearing Mei Baoer's words, several people looked at her again, and were very surprised to find that the dean seemed to be a bit more wretched.

"Look at his body leaning forward slightly, as if he is about to probe something," Mei Baoer sighed, "So such a wretched dean!"

Pei He almost vomited blood! !

He couldn't help but rolled his eyes, someone said he was wretched! ! !

If this student succeeds in the exam today, he will definitely teach him a lesson, and let the other party know that he, the dean, is in charge of the entire Feiyun Academy, so he is not easy to provoke.

"Boy, you wait!!"

Pei He left quickly, he wanted to go back and prepare, how to deal with this kid.

Just after taking two steps, he suddenly heard a voice behind him: "Maybe he's a small-bodied person."

It just blew him up.

"However, sometimes the outside and the inside are different," said another sentence, which made Pei He pause, you are quite discerning, boy, "However, some people are as wretched inside as they look outside."

hateful! !
Pei He didn't want to hear anything anymore, and today Ben came to see these new students who took the exam, thinking about whether he could find special talents, and the result? ?

I met such a bastard! !
It's just that, as he walked, he vaguely felt the sight of the man next to the kid, which made him feel chilly.

Mei Baoer commented and made Xingyue and the others stunned. The image of the great dean in their hearts suddenly collapsed. In their minds, a wretched little old man suddenly appeared Smiling at them, with a calculated look on his face.

Hastily shuddered and reacted.

"Master Bao'er, let's go in!"

Xingyue hastily moved her gaze away, and she could no longer look directly at the statue. She felt that if she continued to look at it like this, she would be very repulsive when she saw the dean in the future.

too frightening.

Mr. Bao'er actually saw the essence of the dean from a statue, and they all believed it.

Mr. Bao'er's words are poisonous!
A few people stepped into the gate of Feiyun Academy, and felt that the spiritual power in the academy was stronger than that outside, and they thought, this is indeed a holy place for cultivation, and it is possible to spend a lot of money to set up a spirit-gathering formation. No wonder there are so many People yearn for.

Following the indicated route, they finally arrived at the examination place, which was a very large square with three rings on it, which seemed to be used for examinations.

Except for these three arenas, the surrounding area is full of people, and it is very empty, as if it was specially set up for the exam.

Xingyue and the others talked to Mei Baoer, and went there to get the badges they needed for the exam, and then registered their age and strength with the administrator.

"It seems that there will be graded exams here?"

Mabel saw it.

After a while, Xingyue and the others came back.

When Mei Baoer asked a question, Xingyue said: "This year's rules have been changed. The test is no longer divided by strength, but the arena for the test is allocated by age."

Is that so?
In this way, it is more fair than before.

In the same age, those who stand out must be the best in the same age.

"Master Bao'er, we have to prepare first, you and Mr. Mo can go around first." Xingyue said apologetically, "After the exam is over, we will go to Weixue."

"Well, you go!"

She happened to want to know more about Feiyun College, so she stepped out of the exam area and wandered around other places in Feiyun College.As for the devil beside her, he followed closely.

Shaking around, she walked towards the place where the spiritual power was getting stronger, and a very beautiful small building appeared in her sight. The surroundings of the small building were full of flowers. The small building was very delicate and luxurious.

It's a bit like Nangong Zhaofeng's palace. When she saw the plaque in front of the small building, she froze. Zhaofenglou, isn't this Nangong Zhaofeng's place? ?

She touched her face, fortunately there was Feng Yin Jue, otherwise it would have been exposed.

When she was about to leave, Nangong Zhaofeng suddenly opened the door and came out.

"The two young masters stay behind."

Hearing Nangong Zhaofeng's voice, she just wanted to leave and didn't want to stop at all.The other party was not very friendly to her, and of course he didn't do anything to her. Maybe it was because she was a princess, she was more arrogant?
Since people have called people to stop, I had no choice but to stay.

"Excuse me, girl, what's the matter?"

Mei Baoer said that she had never been so polite to Nangong Zhaofeng.

Nangong Zhaofeng came down, her eyes fell on Mo Ming, she was slightly surprised, this man has never been seen before, could it be that he belongs to a certain big family?As if she didn't hear Mei Baoer's words, is she small and neglected? ?
The princess can't be so defiant, can she?
"My lord, are you also here to take the entrance exam?"

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(End of this chapter)

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