Chapter 123 Gifts
Looking at it from such a distance, Mei Baoer is very attractive, and the more she looks, the cuter she becomes. Different from the softness of other women, there seems to be a beating vitality on her body, as if everything around her can float.

"Seventh Prince, what's wrong with you?"

Suddenly, the shouts around him woke him up, knowing that he had lost his composure, he smiled to cover it up, how could he be distracted by looking at Mei Baoer.

He just saw everyone looking at her, and suddenly he felt a meaningful look from his sixth brother, and quickly covered up his embarrassment.

He ordered the waiter to bring Mei Bao'er to her place, at least there is still a layer of identity between them now.In a few days, when Mei Baoer goes to Feiyun Academy, this layer of identity will be removed.

Then he can also have fun with ease.

Mei Baoer sat down and didn't say much, although many people were looking at her, as if they wanted to see through her.

Nangong Qianqiu saw that the surroundings were quiet, and quickly said: "Ladies and gentlemen, today is Xiao Wang's birthday, so there is no need for so many etiquettes, please feel free. The whole mansion has been decorated, and the ladies can naturally go anywhere Enjoy the flowers, and if you are interested, young masters, you can recite poems and play chess while drinking."

Following Nangong Qianqiu's words, everyone became active.

Mei Baoer looked around, and it was indeed carefully arranged, as if she had already discovered that Nangong Qianqiu was someone who still liked to have fun.It's no wonder that he would be so disgusted with the Queen Mother's gift of marriage.

She stood up, many eyes were still fixed on her, wanting to see what she was going to do.

Unexpectedly, she actually walked towards Nangong Qianqiu.Sitting next to Nangong Qianqiu was Nangong Fuchen. She looked at an empty seat and sat down.

Everyone couldn't help but gasp, this Mei Baoer is really brave, she dared to sit next to the two princes so blatantly.

"What happened to that?"

Mei Baoer asked in a low voice, and when other people saw it, they thought she was talking and laughing with the two of them.

Surprisingly, the two of them didn't show any dissatisfaction. It seems that after Mei Bao'er woke up, the seventh prince really didn't feel so disgusted.

The two looked at each other, and Nangong Fuchen said: "I have already sent someone to pay attention, but the other party is a little cunning, and I can't grasp the evidence for the time being."

"I didn't expect her to do such a thing." Nangong Qianqiu gritted his teeth and said, "There are some clues about my concubine mother, and it should have something to do with her."

Now, in his heart, he only has hatred for the Queen Mother.

Mei Baoer could understand his mood: "By the way, you should be more careful! Since she was able to hide it for so long, she must have some skills. If you are not sure, don't act rashly.

Today is a good opportunity. "

They understood what she said. After today, as long as they send someone to watch the ladies and gentlemen who came to the party, they might be able to hold the evidence.

Although the two looked relaxed, they were actually very nervous.

Bringing down the queen mother is not an easy task.

Mei Baoer remembered that she was about to leave: "Sixth prince, your affairs can be carried out earlier, I think you are recovering well."



Nangong Qianqiu was a little puzzled, he always knew that there was some secret between these two people, at first he thought it was Sixth Brother who had something in mind for Mei Baoer, but later found out that was not the case.

Seeing that the three of them were talking and laughing, the rest couldn't sit still.

Mei Wanchun was the first one who couldn't help it, she walked over slowly, raised the wine glass in her hand, her cheeks were a little red.

"Seventh Prince, I would like to offer you a toast in late spring!"

Nangong Qianqiu was a little upset, anyway, today is his birthday, so he didn't care about it so much, he immediately raised his cup and drank it down.

Mei Wanchun was a little pleasantly surprised, at least the Seventh Prince didn't give her face this time, which meant that he had also changed in the eyes of the Seventh Prince.She glanced at Mei Bao'er, and saw that she was sitting on the side, looking like she didn't know anything, with a smile in her eyes.

"Bao'er, didn't you prepare a gift for the Seventh Prince? Why didn't you take it out??"

Did she know that Mabel didn't prepare any presents at all.

Mei Bao'er opened her eyelids: "Gift? Cousin, didn't you say that you prepared one too?? You also said that this gift is very special, and it is specially given to the Seventh Prince."

Hearing Mei Baoer's words, Mei Wanchun almost didn't fall down. Although she prepared a gift, it wasn't that special. Mei Baoer clearly wanted to frame her for injustice.

Feeling the hot eyes around her, she felt uncomfortable all over.

"Yo, it turns out that the Miss Mei family is a caring person, and she even carefully prepared a special gift for the Seventh Prince. Miss Mei family, why don't you show it to everyone, how about it?"

Li Xing had a smile in his eyes, and his eyes fell on the surroundings. When he found that everyone was watching a joke, she couldn't stop laughing. Every time she saw such a scene, she couldn't help but come out to stir up trouble.

It seems that this is a very fulfilling thing.

Mei Wanchun is now in a difficult situation, this Li Xingwu, how come he opposes her everywhere, meeting him, it is really bad luck for eight lifetimes.

"Oh? What gift did you prepare?"

Nangong Qianqiu's sudden words completely made Mei Wanchun anxious.

What can I do now?The little thing she prepared was not something that could be seen at all, if she showed it in front of so many people, she always felt that she would be ashamed.

However, if she doesn't take it out, she...she can already imagine what kind of rumors will appear in Yuecheng tomorrow.

"Could it be that Miss Mei's gift was secretly given to the Seventh Prince, and she didn't want to show it to us?"

Li Xingwu's words have already made this matter more and more biased.

Mei Wanchun finally couldn't bear it any longer, took out a pouch from her pocket, and walked up boldly: "The little girl knows some female celebrities, so she happened to embroider a pouch, I hope the Seventh Prince will not dislike it."

She could already feel that the gazes around her were about to stab her to death.

Originally, he wanted to secretly give it to Nangong Qianqiu, but he never thought...that he would give it in front of so many people.She really has no way to deal with it, that's all she can do.If the Seventh Prince accepts it, she will not lose face.

If she doesn't accept it, then she will be ashamed.

Everyone guessed that the Seventh Prince would definitely not accept it.

Disgust flashed in Nangong Qianqiu's eyes, but if it was embarrassing in person today, at least it was his birthday, it might not be very good.

 I'm surfing outside, the signal is not good, the update is a bit late! !
(End of this chapter)

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