Chapter 135 Planning to Escape
Such bright red blood is wasted.

The queen mother's eyes darkened, a little pity.

"Master... They are disobedient... Besides, it seems that one more person has been arrested. I think killing one person will be a shock!!"


The queen mother slapped it, with a grim expression on her face: "Can the person I choose be killed casually?"

How could she casually kill the people she managed to get together? ?Isn't this going to ruin her plan? ?
"Master, spare your life, master, spare your life!!" The ugly woman kowtowed on the ground continuously, where she still had the slightest momentum from before.Everyone lowered their heads, not daring to raise their heads.

"Well, it seems that she can only be used to make up the number."

The queen mother looked regretful, "I have been used to serving by her all these years, and I feel a little regretful without her," her face suddenly changed, and a strange smile appeared, "But if you can stay young forever, sacrificing one person is nothing. what!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the Queen Mother's eerie words. At this moment, they seemed to recognize who the voice was.At that moment, many people looked up, and they were all stunned when they saw that familiar face.

"Queen Mother!!"

Li Xingwu couldn't help but exclaimed, which made everyone look up.

The Empress Dowager seemed to know this situation, and smiled at everyone: "It's Aijia!"


Li Xingwu still didn't understand, how could it be the Queen Mother? ?What did the other party arrest him and these people for?The queen mother chuckled a few times, that very young face looked a little scary.

"Aijia will tell you later."

Li Xing Wu felt more and more uneasy.

Mei Baoer is already planning how to help these people escape together.When she came in, she felt that there were countless masters here, and there were also many Xuan-level masters. Although she was at the peak of the Xuan-level, she was still close to reaching the Earth-level.

There is no guarantee that there will be no prefecture level here! !
Forget it, don't worry about it, let's take a step later, the medicine powder on his body is ready.How much can be poisoned to death, no matter how much.

At present, the women around were trembling with fear, she helped her forehead and asked them to help, but she was afraid it would not work.Seeing Li Xingwu out of the corner of his eye, he narrowed his eyes, maybe Li Xingwu can help.

It's just that the opponent's strength is too low, and he must not be able to deal with the people here.

Seeing that the Queen Mother turned around and walked into a small room, and no one was watching them all the time, she slowly moved to Li Xingwu's side.

"Li Xingwu."

Li Xing was stunned for a moment, then saw Mei Baoer's small body squatting beside her, and was taken aback.

"you are?"

Mei Baoer paused, then removed the Feng Yin Jue: "It's me."


Li Xingwu was suddenly surprised: "Why are you here??" She held back her voice of astonishment, her eyes flickered.For some reason, a little hope rose in my heart.

Maybel, always different.

It stands to reason that the person who arrested them was the Queen Mother, and she would definitely not arrest Mei Baoer.

"Too lazy to explain, do you want to live?"

Hearing this, Li Xingwu nodded seriously: "Do you have a solution?"

"Yes, but it's a little risky, it depends on your life."

Li Xingwu hesitated for a moment, although he didn't know what method Mei Baoer had, but since the other party was able to stay calm at this time, he must have some skills.

"How to do?"

She chose to believe that Mei Baoer's clear eyes made her smile.

Mei Bao'er added Feng Yin Jue to her face again, if it's not necessary, it's better not to let people know about it.Let Li Xingwu know that it is entirely because he wants to cooperate with the other party.Otherwise, she would not be able to bring so many people out by herself.

After thinking about it, she took out several bottles, which were filled with various medicinal powders.

"It's all poison here."

Hearing Mei Baoer's explanation, Li Xing was shocked, poison?

"If you get a trace of it, you will definitely die. Be careful when you use it, I will give you the corresponding antidote, and you won't have any major problems after taking it." She stuffed the medicine bottle into Li Xingwu's arms, "When I came in earlier, I already felt that there were about 30 people outside, five masters at the mysterious level, and the rest were all at the yellow level. I don't know if there are others. They've all been brought in, but there are bound to be some left outside.

Just take advantage of the time when I am entangled with them, take these people out and bring in reinforcements.The carriage outside is still there, let them take the carriage, and you ride back alone. "

She thought for a while: "When you go to Mei's house, just say you want to find Mo Ming, and you can just say I'm here. After you find Mo Ming, go to the Sixth and Seventh Prince's Mansions and tell them about the situation here."

Li Xingwu listened to Mei Baoer's reasoning and evidence, and had mixed feelings in his heart: "Then you..."

If she leaves with someone, then there will be no problem for the other party to deal with so many people alone, right? ?

She never thought that one day someone she had looked down upon would come to rescue her.Naturally, she was a little moved in her heart, and she held the medicine bottle tightly in her hand.From this point of view, Mei Baoer is not simple, and outsiders see it too superficially.

"Don't worry, I'm sure of it."

As long as there are no earth-level masters, she can take care of the people here.Even if there are earth-level masters, she still has the strength to fight! !As long as these people escape, then the old witch, the Queen Mother, can be killed! !


Li Xingwu still hesitated, "Mei Baoer, you..."

"Don't hesitate, cut it right away! The chance of survival is yours to seize. If you can't escape, then I have nothing to do. You all already know the true face of the Queen Mother. Unless you kill her, you will all die. !!"

Li Xing Wu's heart skipped a beat, yes, today either the Empress Dowager died or they died.She naturally wanted to get out alive, so she nodded.

"Okay, I will definitely go out as soon as possible!!"

If she escaped today, her life would have been saved by Mei Baoer.

"Eat these."

Mei Baoer took out a potion: "Eat it, you won't be poisoned."

Li Xing drank it without hesitation.Now, she can only choose to believe.Not long after the two talked, they finally heard footsteps again.Everyone looked up at the moment, another burst of astonishment.

Isn't this person Ru Xin? ?

The Queen Mother came out of that hut. Ru Xin was brought here, but she still hadn't realized it yet. When she saw the Queen Mother, she was taken aback.

"Queen, why are you here?"

"Bring them all in!!"

The Queen Mother didn't say anything, her face was slightly cold, and she walked into another passage.Everyone was also driven here and followed her.After a while, I finally came to an even more empty place.

What appeared in front of their eyes was a dry white jade pond, which had been washed very clean.However, when walking in here, one could vaguely smell a smell of blood.

 Thanks to Xia Shang おあ溦邦娜, heart-biting and absent-minded for rewarding

(End of this chapter)

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