Chapter 137
Five Xuan-level powerhouses rushed towards Ru Xin and entangled with her.I saw the powder in Ru Xin's hands scattered, they didn't expect that she had something like this, so they got caught right away.

Ru Xin ran out quickly, the queen mother was stunned for a while, what's wrong? ?The medicine powder was obviously developed by herself, how could Ru Xin have it? ?

A punch almost hit her head. Fortunately, she dodged quickly. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a big hole in the wall she was avoiding.Her heart felt cold, it was terrible, if it really hit her head, she would peel off a layer of skin even if she was not dead.

"Kill her!!"

The queen mother was very angry, she didn't dare to chase after her, Ru Xin's skill was much stronger than her.If she goes out, she must not be the other party's opponent. It seems that the status of Queen Mother is useless to her.It's all to blame for this body, if she hadn't been reluctant to part with this body, she would definitely have found a body with better talent.

What a waste of a good identity!
Who is it? ?Seeing that Mei Bao'er was attacked by an earth-level powerhouse and had no strength to fight back, she felt a burst of pride in her heart. No matter who it is, let's end here, right?

Mei Bao'er fought against the earth-level powerhouse for a while, and when she suddenly felt that the spiritual power in her body was almost exhausted, the kung fu was running at a high speed.

She was taken aback, is she going to break through? ?

Well, it's about to break through! !

The little hand turned into a fist, and head-to-head with the opponent. Although the small body was sent flying to the wall, it flew up again in an instant, and continued to deal with it.

At this moment, she felt that she was getting more and more energetic and powerful.

Very good, come again! !

She jumped up from the ground quickly, and punched the middle-aged man in the face. At that moment, the man narrowed his eyes, pinched her wrist, made her pause, turned around quickly, and broke his wrist free out.

But at this time, the opponent punched her in the chest, and she was thrown out, hitting the wall heavily.

It's pretty awesome! !

Touching her sore chest, the opponent ran over, and when two punches hit her, she quickly moved away, flipped over and stood up, turned around again, and when she got behind the opponent, her body flew away. Standing up, he kicked the opponent's back with both legs.

With another kick, the whole person flew up, and when the other party turned around, she fell heavily.

At this moment, she saw the other party rushing up suddenly, four fists collided, she only felt that the bone in her hand seemed to be broken, and there was a burst of burning pain from above.

Bright red blood was also dripping from the small white hands, and there were bruises on the face from being bumped.Her small body was still thrown out by these two punches, and just when she thought she was going to fall heavily on the ground, she fell into a warm embrace.

She raised her head in embarrassment, and saw a certain demon cast a gloomy glance at her.

"Devil, you came so fast, hurry up, kill this guy!!" She was so excited that she wanted to jump down, but she couldn't jump down, and her whole body was hugged by him.

I saw him holding her with one hand, and instantly landed in front of the middle-aged man, and slammed his palm over. The man's previous ferocity was gone, and he fell to the ground with blood spurting from his mouth.

I don't know if it's because Mo Ming is showing mercy, but he still has his breath.

He walked in front of the other party, seeing her dying appearance, under her surprised gaze, he stepped on it, and that foot landed heavily on the other party's chest, as if the land was falling apart, and ordinary people couldn't stop it at all.The body of the middle-aged man has been deeply sunken in the ground.

As if he was not reconciled, with a move of his hand, a large piece of stone on the wall flew down, controlled by his hand, and suddenly slapped it down.Then he punched and punched the boulder. He didn't show any expression the whole time, as if he really was a murderous monster.

He stepped on it, and when the stone was level with the ground, he finally lifted his leg.The anger in his eyes finally dissipated a little.

He stared at the ground with a serious face, as if he was a little surprised, how could that middle-aged man be so careless, so he died like this.

Mei Baoer was stunned, what happened to the devil? ?

She felt that she was still being hugged by the other party, and she couldn't come down. The whole person was suspended in the air, which was really uncomfortable.Looking at him with his dirty little face made him feel soft-hearted all of a sudden.

He still didn't let her go, but walked up to the queen mother.

"You...what are you going to do?"

Mo Ming didn't speak, and saw his hand landed between the Queen Mother's eyebrows. After a while, a ball of black air appeared in his hand, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. When he pinched it, the ball of black air screamed and turned into Nothing, disappearing.

And the Queen Mother also fainted on the spot, he frowned, really wanted to punch him to death! !

"That...keep her for now, is her body occupied?? Let Nangong Qianqiu and the others handle this."

He was upset again when he heard her mentioning other people.He took her and flew away from here, returned to Baojun Xiaolou, and put her on the bed.

She didn't move.

Glancing at him, he smiled on his small face: "Fortunately, you came in time!!" He smirked twice, but he didn't smile at all.

It's really hard to get used to such a serious devil.

He reached out and touched her bruised face, his eyes sank.


"So ugly!"

What is wrong with her? ?
A thing appeared in his hand, a black one covered with patterned seeds, and he took a rope, a piece of jade, set the seeds on it, strung the rope, and hung it around her neck superior.

Regardless of her objections, another drop of her blood was taken and landed on the seed.

"Well, that's it."

He was very satisfied with this work, but she was a little depressed: "What is this?"


She knew it was a seed, and she just wanted to ask what kind of seed it was, because she had never seen it before.It looks quite tall, especially with the occasional light shining on it.

"It's my own!"

As if he knew what she was thinking, he actually told the truth.

his seed? ?
She blinked: "Can it be planted?" What kind of body is the devil, but at present, it should be a plant, right?


He touched her cheek, "Why, do you want to grow another deity?" His hands were covered with spiritual power, and wherever he touched, the bruises gradually decreased, and finally returned to their original state.

She felt as if she was soaking in a hot spring. She was still immersed in the body of the other party, and she forgot for a moment that someone was groping her body.

(End of this chapter)

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