Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 141 The Old Monster Who Doesn’t Know How Many Years of Cultivation

Chapter 141 The Old Monster Who Doesn’t Know How Many Years of Cultivation

"Hey, you can let me go."

She was brought into a small courtyard of the inn, and she couldn't help but speak.Mo Ming seemed to have heard it, and finally let her go reluctantly.Feeling the two who followed behind, their hearts were gloomy.

My baby is coveted by others all day long, who has no temper.

Mo You couldn't help complaining, his icy face was about to crack, and the cruel Lord Demon King couldn't come back.If it turns out that Lord Demon King fights over with a few spiritual powers, who would dare to rob a woman with him?
After regaining her freedom, Mei Baoer chose a place to sit down, and three eyes fell on her, as if she was about to eat her.

"What happened to you?"

Nangong Qianqiu walked in front of Mei Bao'er, with serious eyes and regret: "Mei Bao'er, how about...we don't cancel the engagement, and we will get married in a few months, how about getting married as usual?" Very excited, even looking forward to it.

"It's not good!!" The other party's words made her tremble in fright. Nangong Qianqiu had a brain convulsion.

When she glanced, Nangong Fuchen was sitting on the other side, also staring at her, as if he was looking at some treasure, his whole body was terrified.

"What happened to you?"

Nangong Qianqiu showed a smile, which looked very handsome on that face: "Bao'er, I am also going to be admitted to Feiyun College, maybe we are students at the same level."

With a loud noise, the stone table in front of him slowly cracked open, and there was a fist on it.She looked up in a daze, Mo Ming's face was so dark that it had no color.He took out the fist that was deeply embedded in the stone table, as if he was violently suppressing something.

"Mr. Mo, if you are so violent, you will scare her."

Mo Ming glanced at the two of them lightly, and the corners of his lips twitched: "The texture is too bad! Poor review!"

After speaking, he picked up Mei Bao'er domineeringly and returned to the room. Mo You understood his master's thoughts very well, and quickly guarded the door.

Nangong Qianqiu gritted her teeth: "Sixth Brother, what should we do?? Mo Ming is too domineering, we can't beat him again!"

"It's indeed a bit domineering," Nangong Fuchen said with a serious face, "However, it depends on Bao'er's intentions, go back and prepare first, don't let the other party stay with Bao'er for a long time, maybe it's too late, and people will develop feelings for her. At that time, we will have more chances when we enter Feiyun Academy. Mo Ming is so powerful that anyone who has reached the heaven level will not have the opportunity to take the exam. Then..."

Then Mo Ming would have no chance to get in touch with Mei Bao'er, he had a sinister smile on his face.

"Brother Six is ​​right, let's go back quickly!"

Mo You glanced lightly at the figures of the two, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Inside the house, Mei Bao'er was put on the bed, and she reached out to touch the black seed on her neck. It was shiny and very smooth, especially the radiance, which was very beautiful.

"What is this for?"

"Why can't it be taken off?"



She shook her calf, not knowing whether to blame her short legs or the height of the bed.Sitting on it, it still can't reach the ground, and can only talk while dangling.Feeling a little uneasy, she found that she didn't reject this monster at all.

Does she really like him a little bit?
Frowning, looking at him silently, his face was serious, as if he was facing a big enemy, which made her unable to understand.The skirt was also closed, which made her a little uncomfortable.

Let's observe for a while longer, she has to face up to the feeling in her heart.If she really likes her, how can she escape her feelings as a genius doctor of her generation.If it's just a little affection, not a liking, she also knows what to do.For a while, neither of them spoke.

"If you are in danger, hold the seed and call my name."

After a long time, Mo Ming spoke.

Dazed for a moment, she touched the seeds on her neck again, is it so magical?

"Is this really a seed on your body?" She has a round face, which is very cute, and she has grown some flesh, which makes her look even better.

He touched her little face and responded.

"Then how many years do you bloom, and how many years do you bear fruit?? How many seeds can you bear at one time? Can these seeds be sown? Can you really plant one?" Her eyes were full of brilliance, but the question in her mouth was full of brilliance. make him laugh.

"do not know."


Mei Baoer is bored, she doesn't know when it will bloom and bear fruit? ?

Have you lived too long? ?So... lost count?So, the other party is an old monster.However, that face is so pretty, even if it is an old monster, it can be considered a handsome old monster!

Thinking of the purpose of the other party giving me the seed, is it because I am afraid that I will be in danger? ?

A strange feeling rose in my heart, as if a hot current hit my whole body.In fact, she doesn't know what family affection and love are like. People who come from the Mei family have no feelings at all.

Heard it, seen it, but never experienced it.

Before the age of ten, she spent every day in training tasks, and occasionally she could see a child as old as her, snuggling in the arms of her parents or grandparents.

In the past, she just thought that the children outside were too troublesome, but after watching a lot, she realized that the children of the Mei family were not normal.

"One seed, 1000 years of cultivation."

Mo Ming said suddenly.

Mei Baoer was stunned: "Then... if you give this to me, won't it cost you a thousand years of skill?"

"No..." Seeing that she was nervous, he finally laughed out, and the previous gloom dissipated, "As it grows, seeds can also store cultivation."

So, this seed is his stored skill, not his own?He let out a breath, with a smile on his face, for fear of feeling guilty.

Then his eyes widened again: "You are an old monster! How many thousand years have you lived??"

"Being the wife of the deity, you have the right to know." Touching her fleshy cheek, she couldn't help pinching it, it was really fun.

She puffed her cheeks and glared at him: "You think so beautifully!!"

He didn't speak, sooner or later.

From the very beginning, little Bao'er couldn't escape from his palm.No matter who it is, they can't take her away from him.


The fact that Mei Bao'er had left the Mei family was reported in less than a day.The person concerned didn't care much about this, but this matter was not rumored for long, and it was suppressed for some reason, including the matter of the man hiding in Mei Baoer's boudoir, and few people discussed it anymore.

Mei Wanchun didn't know where she got the news about Mei Baoer, so she rushed to the inn with her people.At the same time, Li Xingwu also came over to express his thanks last time.

"Bao'er, I really thank you last time."

If there was no Mei Baoer, perhaps she would have died long ago.

"you are welcome!"

(End of this chapter)

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