Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 144 This Really Is Nonsense!

Chapter 144 This Really Is Nonsense!
As soon as these words fell, Nangong Qianqiu's face froze, as if it was like this.

"Not only that, but there's a second level!" Nangong Fuchen had a smile in his eyes, making Nangong Qianqiu want to punch him.

Mei Baoer's eyes also fell on the second level: "A two-two confrontation is too cruel. The loser will be eliminated!" She glanced at Nangong Qianqiu. If she met him, the other party would probably only be able to lose.

"No, you see there is still a row of small characters at the back. In the process of being eliminated, there is still a chance to stand up. There are three places in it, and you can still enter Feiyun Academy."

Mabel paused for a moment, and looked down, and it was indeed the case, so there was no problem.

"Then what about the third level?"

She saw that it clearly stated that there was a third level, but the back was blank, and there was no introduction.If the first two levels are used every year, then the third level is a mystery.

"The third level is different for each exam, so we don't know until then." Nangong Fuchen explained.

"I said let's ignore these things for now, let's go to the ring to have a look. It is said that there are tens of thousands of people taking the test this time!"

In the end, there were only [-] places, which was indeed very cruel. If Nangong Qianqiu said it, the two of them were a little cautious.That's right, tens of thousands of people competing for one hundred places, can it not be cruel?
There are only [-] places for each exam, and there are only [-] places for the two exams a year. No wonder the description of entering Feiyun Academy is overcrowded!
"I think we should be more careful, who knows who is among the 1 people!" Although she is still in the early stage of the prefecture level, she is not bad among her peers.

There is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people, remember not to be too conceited.Be careful!
The two felt the same way, and the ease on their faces disappeared, turning into seriousness.

The three sat on one side, discussing the exam in silence.In the distance, a person came over.She was dressed in a bright yellow dress, which brought wind when she walked, and she had a smile on her face.

But when he saw the lovely girl between the two men, his eyes flickered with displeasure.

"Bao Er."

Hearing this voice, Mei Baoer froze for a moment, then raised her head, Mei Yanluo had arrived in front of her at some point, as if she felt the unfriendly aura coming from Mei Yanluo.

What's going on here?
Mei Yanluo looked puzzled: "Bao'er, I heard that you left the Mei family, what's the matter?? Grandpa heard that you were going to take the exam at Feiyun Academy and asked me to come and find you. You are also from the Mei family after all. , how can you leave Mei’s house so easily? Why don’t you go back and have a good talk with grandpa after the exam?”

Through Mei Song's news, she knew that the strong man behind Mei Bao'er was Mo Ming.This is really unexpected!
Today I didn't see Mo Ming, but saw Nangong Qianqiu and Nangong Fuchen.As soon as the three came in, she found out.This discovery was really incredible, the way Nangong Fuchen looked at Mei Bao'er, with that doting look, he clearly liked Mei Bao'er.

How could this be! !
Feeling a little gloomy in his heart, Nangong Fuchen absolutely couldn't stand by Mei Baoer's side.Nangong Fuchen was the one who survived to the end in that book, and it was Mei Baoer who became her hindrance after all.

That Qin Weixue can't threaten her for the time being, the other party and Qin Ruxue are fighting happily, and she is also watching it lively, if there is a chance to make up the knife later, she will naturally not let it go.

However, from the current point of view, Qin Ruxue is more powerful than Qin Weixue, she has to act when both of them are hurt, otherwise it will be thankless.But she didn't expect that now there is another Mei Bao'er, it is really difficult to calculate.

Mei Baoer saw the hatred in the other party's eyes, did she not provoke this time-traveling girl? ?
Why does the other party hate his appearance so much? ?
She observed carefully, and saw her gaze fell on Nangong Fuchen, and suddenly realized that it was because of men that she hated her.

Could it be that the other party thought that Nangong Fuchen was the male lead, she was the female lead, and she was the supporting actress? ?
Twitching the corner of his mouth, this is really nonsense!
With a smile in the corner of her eyes, she was joking, where there is the Mei family, the Mei family is naturally the heroine, uh, by the way, their surname is also Mei?

"Bao Er, what's wrong with you?"

Naturally, Mei Yanluo did not want Mei Baoer to return to Mei's house. Seeing this, Nangong Fuchen's thoughts were all on Mei Bao'er, which was not allowed by her.Even if she couldn't be with Nangong Fuchen, she would still be encouraged by the other party to gather here.

"You two lords, I wonder if you can help Yanluo persuade Bao'er that the Mei family is her home."

Mei Baoer looked surprised: "The Mei family is not my family!"

Mei Yanluo's face froze: "Bao'er, don't be naughty, let's just quarrel with the family, after the quarrel, go back!" She didn't think that Mei Bao'er could be admitted to Feiyun Academy. , It really took a lot of effort and was almost eliminated. Fortunately, some small tricks were used at the critical time.

Otherwise... he would definitely be abandoned by grandpa.

She is really glad that she has a room for exchange. Although it is a bit of a scam, she can get some things out anyway, but it is too expensive. Now with her worth, she can only get some small things.

Basically, it doesn't help much, but it helped her a little last time.

"Since Bao'er has left the Mei family, it's naturally her wish, and Miss Mei doesn't need to dissuade her." Nangong Fuchen said indifferently, is the Mei family a place that people can stay in?
Now that Bao'er can live to this time, it is really lucky.

"Miss Mei, you should be very clear about Bao'er's life in Mei's house, right?" Nangong Qianqiu looked insightful, "You should know it better than anyone else. Now that Bao'er can come to Feiyun Academy to take the exam, naturally It's better than staying at Mei's house, if you are doing it for Bao'er's good, then don't persuade me, unless you are not doing it for Bao'er's good at all!!"

The words of the two made Mei Yanluo's face change uncontrollably. Fortunately, she was able to quickly control her expression, so she didn't fail.

She lowered her eyes and clenched her fists tightly in her sleeves. She originally thought that Mei Baoer was just a small character, but she was still too careless. She really regretted not killing her at the beginning!

Hmph, if the other party didn't get admitted to Feiyun Academy, then...she absolutely can't miss this opportunity.

However, she had to make two preparations.

"The two princes are right. Yanluo is confused. If Bao'er thinks Feiyun Academy is good, it will be a good place to stay here in the future." Mei Yanluo smiled, as if she had just said those words It's just because she didn't mean to.

(End of this chapter)

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