Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 150 The Night That Was Wrong

Chapter 150 The Night That Was Wrong
In just an hour, the entire barren yard took on a new look in front of their eyes, looking like a brand new one.The cleaned up yard looked unique and beautiful. Mei Yanluo's stomach was filled with sour water. Fortunately, she was very patient.

It didn't look so eye-catching before, but now, almost everyone likes this place.

Mei Yanluo gritted her teeth, she could only lower her eyes, she was afraid that she would not be able to hide her anger once she raised her head.

This is really a good place!
She remembered one thing, she had heard Qin Ruxue say that she was not satisfied with that yard before, she took a look at it, and suddenly laughed.Mabel, do you think you can live in the courtyard here?

Qin Ruxue is not something that ordinary people can provoke. Among the Western cultivators, the Qin family is a big force. How can Mei Baoer, who is just from the East and has no background, be able to fight against her?
She seemed to have seen Qin Ruxue throw Mei Baoer out of the yard.

"Since Bao'er has finished repairing here, Yanluo still has some things to do, so I will take my leave first."

A few people just nodded in a gesture, everyone could see the meaning, if you want to go, go quickly, there is no one here to keep you, which made Mei Yanluo's face stiffen.Such treatment made her hate Mei Baoer even more.

Although she is not the top one in the academy, she is not as good as someone like Qin Ruxue, but she is still much better than most of them. Most importantly, she is not too young to achieve this achievement , I don’t know how many people envy it.

Nowadays, there are quite a few people in the entire academy who admire her, and she still likes such an aura.

However, now is the battlefield between Qin Ruxue and Qin Weixue, she just needs to grow up secretly on one side, but she never thought that Mei Baoer, an eyesore, would appear on this road.Not in a hurry!
After tidying up the small courtyard, the few of them went out, which can be regarded as getting acquainted with Nangong Zhaofeng again.Both of them changed their views on each other a lot, and the group went to the restaurant Hai for a meal, and had a good talk.

It wasn't until the sky fell that they entered the college and went back to their own rooms.

There are still about ten days before the official enrollment. After ten days, they will go to their own classes.Classes are allocated according to their strengths. They are divided into elementary classes, intermediate classes, and advanced classes. Each class is divided into one, two, three...and so on.

If you want to upgrade your class, there is only one way to improve your strength.

The beginner class is the strength below the mysterious level, the intermediate class is the strength of the mysterious level, and the advanced class is the strength of the prefecture level.As long as you break through to the sky level, you will be able to graduate.

Naturally, after graduation, one can stay in the college and become a student of the advanced class to continue training.For those who can stay, the college naturally welcomes them very much and waives all fees.If it reaches the king level, it will be automatically promoted to the elder of the college and awarded the honor of elder.

Therefore, it is not for nothing that Feiyun Academy is powerful.

Mei Bao'er went back to that remote courtyard alone, released Bu Tianya and Mei Zhuang, gave them food, then fell on the bed, and began to sleep soundly——to practice.

It's a bit chilly on an autumn night.

In the originally quiet courtyard, sparse sounds suddenly appeared, waking Bu Tianya awake.He squatted on one side, holding Mei Zhuang with one paw, and looked outside with both paws, he was shocked by everything in front of him.

The two looked at each other, quickly jumped into the room, Mei Zhuang woke Mei Baoer up.

"what happened?"

Mei Baoer rubbed her eyes, she was still sleepy!
"What are you going to do?? I've been tired all day, let me sleep first!"

"Mabel, something is wrong outside."

Hearing Bu Tianya's serious voice, Mei Bao'er's sleepiness was half awake in an instant, and she immediately got off the bed.

"what happened?"

"You'll know when you go and have a look, now the whole house is entangled with something, like some kind of monster, you're the only one who sleeps to death!!" Bu Tianya hummed a few words.

Mei Baoer didn't care, but her eyes were full of curiosity.She walked to the door and tried to open the door, but it seemed that it was stuck by something, and she couldn't open it at all. Then she tried to open the window, but it still couldn't be opened.As a last resort, she poked through the window paper and looked outside.

The courtyard, which had been neatly tidied up, was covered with something at this moment, and it was so dark that it was hard to see clearly.However, these things are still spreading, even wriggling, looking like thick arms with leaves on them.

Like a tree root!
Mei Baoer didn't have any fear at all, she did understand the treacherous smile on that little old man's face during the day, by the way, Pei He is the dean, so naturally he knew what was going on here.

So for me, a first-time student, why did the other party punish me?

If it's an ordinary student, I'm afraid I'll be scared to death.She has seen more exaggerated than this, that is, she saw it on the side of the devil.

Doesn't Pei He like such an excellent student like himself?She always felt that something was wrong. By the way, she remembered that she said bad things about the statue before. Could it be because of this that the other party hated it? ?

If she offended Pei He somewhere, it would be this place.

Just a stingy old man!

"Okay, it's okay, isn't it just a few tree roots?" Mei Baoer waved her hand and said, "Go to sleep, the tree roots will probably leave by themselves tomorrow."

She didn't think that the old man Pei He would really let her go to any dangerous place, probably because he wanted her to not sleep well.


"Ah—" Mei Zhuang suddenly yelled, "Boss Mei, something is wrong, someone is crying outside~"

Mei Baoer glanced at her: "Look for your master to protect you."

She went out of the window and saw the sound coming from the roots, wasn't it just a few naughty roots?Howling ghosts and howling wolves is simply boring.Inexplicably, it reminded her of Mo Ming.

It seems that he really has something to do!

His expression suddenly fell a little bit, and he really left!Angry in his heart, he punched the window open, and his face was sullen: "Why howling? Can you burn you all!!"


"Get out of here!!" The face changed, and a pack of medicinal powder appeared in his hand, and he said cruelly, "If you hear any more noise from you, this pack of medicinal powder will kill you!!"

"Do not believe??"

She picked a leaf with flying hands and poured a little powder on it. In an instant, the leaf rotted and turned into dust.As if knowing Mei Baoer's ferocity, those tree roots and leaves couldn't help trembling, and in an instant, there was no sound in the noisy small courtyard.

"That's good," Mei Bao'er glanced at them, "Since you're here, you're neighbors. From now on, you'll be guarding the door. If someone breaks in casually, just blast them out and scare him to death, understand?? "

(End of this chapter)

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