Chapter 155

Qin Ruxue snorted coldly, turned around and left with Li Xingwen.

Mei Baoer made a calculation and said, "When will the college assessment be?"

"Five more months."

Is there an assessment in five months?She was a little worried, now that Qin Weixue is in the middle stage of Xuan level, but Qin Ruxue is in the early stage of Earth level, the gap between the two is really too big.However, in five months, a lot of things can be changed.

"Don't worry, Bao'er, I'm sure!"

Qin Weixue spoke with a determined face, very confident, which made her less worried.

"That's good. The other party is not simple, so we should be more careful."


She sighed, she hasn't resolved the grievances of the original body yet!Since it was Mei Song and Mason who killed the original parents, she naturally wanted to kill them.Let's talk about breaking through to the sky level, after all, it is useless at the mere prefecture level.

She will officially enter school in two days, so she has to practice hard.It's just that she can practice very fast only when she sleeps.Do you want her to apply to the teaching elders in class and sleep in class?
Of course, Feiyun College's courses are not taught every day, but at a certain time, there will be teaching elders who will come to give advice, and it is not necessary to go just for cultivation.

If you want to learn about alchemy and formations, then you must go.The interest she reported was alchemy, so when it was assigned, it must be all about alchemy students.

Recently, she has often dreamed about the big devil in her dreams, which made her feel a little uneasy. Could it be that something happened to the devil again?

Nangong Fuchen saw that Mei Bao'er suddenly lowered her head, as if she was a little depressed, her eyes flashed, and there was some regret in it.No matter what he did, it seemed that he couldn't get into her heart.Maybe she didn't know, but unconsciously, she had put Mo Ming in her heart.

Naturally, Nangong Qianqiu also watched it, but she couldn't be reconciled in her heart, but seeing the sullen look on that little face, she naturally felt uncomfortable.It's just that he didn't want to give up, he had already missed it once, and he didn't want to miss this last chance again.He understands very well that if he misses this time, he really has no chance.

Someone had already entered her heart, and he had to find a way to squeeze that person out.

Three days later, the newly admitted students of Feiyun College officially enrolled, and the classes were assigned.

Mei Bao'er was assigned to Class [-] of the Intermediate Class. Because she hid her strength and revealed that she was in the middle stage of the Xuan Class, she was in this class.If she had real strength, she should have been assigned to the advanced class.

She chose alchemy, Nangong Qianqiu and the others chose formation, and they were in the sixteenth class of the intermediate level.

Following the indicated sign, she walked into the classroom where she was studying, which was already full of people.What makes people a little uncomfortable is that Li Xingwen is also in this class.She didn't want to cause too much trouble, and naturally she would not be afraid if trouble came up.

After looking around, I chose a seat and sat down. There are only about [-] people in this class.There are only a few new students here, and the rest are old students.

When seeing an unfamiliar face, everyone looked at it silently.Li Xingwen is very beautiful, so naturally many people will come to talk to her.

Mei Bao'er looks very cute, but for some reason, many people show disdain when they see her.She was surprised, how could these strangers look at her like this, as if they were disgusted.

She caught sight of Li Xingwen out of the corner of her eye, and found that there was a mocking look in his eyes, she thought to herself, could it be that this person is playing tricks?At the same time, I found that there was no one sitting around where I was sitting. Do you really dislike her so much?
"Xingwen, is that the Miss Mei family who hides men in the boudoir?"

Li Xingwen smiled lightly: "Keep your voice down, it's not good to say it like this, it's all my fault, I accidentally told you about the recent events of Dongyue Kingdom, and I didn't hold back for a while, I just said it, in fact, Xingwen also reminded me, so as not to get caught At that time, everyone got involved with her."

"We all know that, I heard that she is No.1 in the second group of the exam, and she lives in the first-class courtyard? She is really lucky. Xingwen is so powerful, she should live in the first-class courtyard. "

Facing everyone's compliments, Li Xingwen seemed to be back in Yuecheng, enjoying such gazes very much.Because she was admitted to Feiyun College, she was highly valued by her father, and her status in the family was no less than that of Li Xichen.

"I said that everyone must stay away from that unruly person. Many young ladies here will return to the family in the future. If there is a bad reputation, isn't it worth the loss?"



Mei Bao'er frowned, has her crap got here already?
This is not surprising, but she has no objection to hiding a man in the room, and she has been hiding it for several months.As long as everyone knows it, she doesn't care about fame anyway.

"Don't spout blood!!"

A person walked in outside the door, it was Qin Weixue and Xingyue, both of them were full of anger, it turned out that these two people were in the same class as her, and the class was only assigned today, and they didn't even know it yesterday.

"Baby, are you okay?"

Qin Weixue and Xingyue came over, and they were relieved to see that Mei Baoer's face was calm and she didn't feel wronged by it.

Qin Weixue is taller than Mei Baoer, and her temperament is very mature and stable. Although there is not much age difference between them, she always feels that Mei Baoer is just a little girl.

"Weixue, why are you nervous? Do you think someone can bully me?"

Seeing her appearance, Qin Weixue felt a little more assured.

"By the way, why did you choose the class of alchemy?" Mei Baoer heard that the other party can't make alchemy before, but last time the other party just took the exam, maybe she likes it!
Qin Weixue said with a smile: "Some things are hard to say, but alchemy is more beneficial to my future cultivation."

"Then don't talk about it, we happen to be in the same class, and we can discuss alchemy in the future." Mei Baoer didn't mind that the other party didn't tell the answer, everyone had their own secrets.

Right now, the three of them were sitting on the side talking and laughing, making everyone around them twitch.

"Xingwen, let me tell you, this Qin Weixue is not easy to provoke. You should stop talking badly about Mei Baoer in the future, or you will be punished by the other party, it won't matter at all," a certain person continued, " Last time, because someone bullied Xingyue, he was severely punished by the other party."

Thinking of that horrible scene, the man's face was terrified.

Obviously, Qin Weixue has gained a notorious reputation.




  , Thanks to the user Mansha Zhuhua for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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