Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 170 1 Someone must have messed with her

Chapter 170 Someone must have messed with her
Lying on the bed, thinking whether the devil would come over later, he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

This Moming didn't wait, but waited for the law enforcement elders of the academy.The incident of Mei Baoer's beating has been widely spread throughout the academy, and everyone knows about this student with a bad reputation.

Unexpectedly, every two or three days, something would happen, and others would immediately be regarded as the reincarnation of the spirit of causing trouble.

"Mei Bao'er, come with us. I heard that you have beaten someone. Now come with us to see the vice president." These trivial matters on weekdays are managed by the vice president Xie Fa.Mei Bao'er murmured in her heart, she was afraid that something was wrong, she just offended Xie Yirou before, and she heard that the other party has come back, but it's just a little embarrassing.

But she is not afraid, the worst is not to mess around, just pack up and leave!


Hearing this voice, Mei Baoer raised her head: "Hello, Vice President!" Seeing a face with such a sinister face, it must not be a good thing. She could see certain emotions in the other party's eyes at a glance. This time, I am afraid that the other party will pinch the pigtail.

"Mai Baoer, did you hit someone?"

"Do you know that there is a rule in the academy that you can't beat people at will. If you have any grievances, you can either fight outside the academy or fight in the ring!"


At this moment, another person walked in from outside, looking at it this way, hehe, isn't this Xie Yirou?Seeing the gentle look on the other side's face, he must have no good intentions, I'm afraid he wants to punish her to death!

"Uncle, look at Xingwen's face. It's really Mei Baoer who has been beaten red and swollen. They are all students in the college. How can she kill her? I heard that they are all from Yuecheng. Do you know if there is some deep hatred!"

Xie Yirou's words made people look at Li Xingwen in unison, it was really swollen like a pig's head, almost unrecognizable.

"Please ask the vice president to make the decision for Xingwen. Xingwen didn't provoke her, but I don't want her to come in and just punch and kick Xingwen," Li Xingwen said, crying, "Everyone else in my yard can testify."

"Yes, Vice President, all of this was done by May Boa."

"We have seen it with our own eyes. We heard that Mei Bao'er was expelled by the Mei family long ago. It was because of her temperament that she beat Mrs. Mei. It seems that this is the virtue. She can do such a thing. .”

"It's best to fire her!!"

Mei Baoer's eyelids twitched, and she glanced at the two of them, did she not offend them? ?
Seeing the vicious faces of the two, and the jealousy in their eyes, is it possible that Mei Baoer attracts hatred like this?Don't say cute people, there are many people like it? ?
She looks so cute, why is she so annoying?

Several people kept saying bad things about Mei Baoer, and under those excited faces, there was even a bit of joy, it seemed that they really hated her!She didn't understand when she offended so many people.

"Has Elder Mo come over?"

Xie Fa didn't speak, but his face was not very good-looking, there was a calculation in his eyes, which made her heart skip a beat, seeing Xie Yirou and Xie Fa glance at each other, she understood.Xie Yirou must have told Xie Fa about the previous incident, did the uncle and niece want to punish her?
"Go back to Vice President, Elder Mo just came back, so he'll be here right away."

just came back?
What did the devil do?

Mei Baoer murmured a few words in her heart, she did hit someone, and everyone gave evidence.However, she didn't want to be punished!
Li Xingwen asked for it herself, she deserves it!
"Elder Mo is here."

I don't know who yelled, but Mo Ming walked in, his eyes fell on Mei Bao'er, seeing that she was fine, there was a smile in the corner of his eyes.

"what happened?"

What he asked was Mei Baoer, not anyone else, and he automatically ignored Xie Fa.Seeing the other party's arrogant appearance, the latter really hated him very much. Isn't it just that he is more powerful and has been valued by the dean?
He Xie Fa is the vice president of this college, a mere teaching elder, can he be educated?

Hearing that the other party has a great relationship with Mei Baoer, he has to make good use of it, maybe he can drive Mo Ming out of the academy.He has been the vice president for many years, and he doesn't know when he will be able to become the principal, but with Pei He around, it will never be him.

Now Mo Ming came again, and he already felt that his status was threatened.The dean often said in front of him how good this Moming is.

Judging by the appearance of the other party, he must have come back from the dean! !
"Elder Mo, Mei Baoer from your Intermediate Class [-] beat someone! You should be punished according to the rules of the school!!"

Xie Fa didn't go around the bush, and said directly: "Li Xingwen's face was red and swollen from Mei Baoer's beating. It can be seen how vicious her thoughts are. For the sake of the courtyard, now I have decided to let Mei Baoer go to the dungeon to stay for three days. months, and must kill [-] monsters, otherwise they will not be able to come out until the task is completed!"

Hearing this, everyone changed their colors in unison. Everyone in the West knows what a dungeon is.This place is so vicious that most people dare not enter it at all. It is said that this place is a sealed opening. The Feiyun Academy was established here to protect this place.

There are all kinds of monsters here, as well as the most ferocious Shura, yes, it is Shura.Why is the status of Feiyun Academy so high?Just because they are guarding the safety of the Emerald Cloud Continent.

In Feiyun Continent, there are three such seals, one is west, one is south, and the other is north.The south and north seals are still intact, guarded by men on both sides.Only this one in the west has been damaged a lot, and it can only continue to kill the Shura and monsters that break in.

Therefore, the Dongyue Kingdom in the east is a stable place, and why it is the most suitable place for ordinary people to live in. After all, there is no sealed opening here, which will not threaten the safety of ordinary people.

Mei Baoer felt that everyone's face changed, and she also knew that this place was not easy.In Nangong Fuchen's introduction to her before, the dungeon was also mentioned.His eyes sank, Xie Fa really wanted to kill her.

three months? ?

The lowest-level monsters below are all Xuan-level and above, and Shura is about the same.If she is really at the Xuan level, I am afraid that she will stay there forever.

"You said Bao'er beat someone?"

Mo Ming squinted his eyes, and his eyes fell on Xie Fa, as if he was about to eat him up, "Someone must have messed with her?"

(End of this chapter)

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