Chapter 172 You Are ADHD
"it is good!!"

Xie Fa bit the word fiercely, held back the blood and went out.Seeing that his expression was wrong, Xie Yirou hurriedly followed him out, and he didn't spit out the blood from his mouth until he returned to his place.


Xie Yirou was startled, "Uncle, how are you doing?" Thinking of Mo Ming's aura just now, she faced Xie Fa directly, making her understand that this Elder Mo is really powerful, and could even shock her uncle.

How can such a powerful man not be tempted?

"Uncle, Elder Mo and Mei Baoer will go there, I'm afraid they won't be able to cause any harm to her." Seeing Mo Ming's appearance, he cared about the other party very much, and with the previous rumors, it might be true.

Mei Baoer had to be removed so that she wouldn't get in the way.Now that she has taken a fancy to this man, how can she give it up to others?
Xie Fa wiped the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were dark: "Don't worry, as long as she enters the dungeon, she will never come out!! Yirou, don't worry!" Although he couldn't move the seal, neither could the monsters below. At least, just come to a **** casually, just a middle-stage Xuan-level, and you can't escape.

So what if Mo Ming is by his side? ?The dungeon is complicated, and those who have never entered it have no idea what is inside.It would be the best if Mo Ming could stay there together.

The two uncles and nieces had their own thoughts and fell silent.

In Li Xingwen's third-class courtyard, Mei Bao'er walked out leisurely, as if she was a little happy.

"Bao'er, how can you still laugh?" Qin Weixue was worried, "How could the dungeon be so simple? I heard that even a heaven-level powerhouse might die inside."

"Yeah, Bao'er, what Wei Xue said is right. Why don't we go to the dean? Is there any other way?" Xingyue also looked worried. They have lived in the West since they were young, so they naturally know that the dungeon is an underground city. What a terrifying existence, there are many people who go in every year, and many people always stay inside.

There is a rule in the college, as long as people who have reached the prefecture level, if they want to go in and practice, they are all allowed.But life and death are conceited, and the academy is not responsible.

This openness to the outside world is only because the academy also wants people outside to fight against the monsters and Shura inside.The monsters are fine, but Shura is in some trouble.

Shura's strength and IQ are not below that of human beings, how could it be so easy to deal with?

So, they all looked worried!
Mei Baoer paused, then turned around suddenly, her eyes fell on Nangong Zhaofeng who was standing aside and did not leave, she walked back and touched her: "Zhaofeng, let's go."


Nangong Zhaofeng turned her head and saw that everyone was staring at her, she frowned and looked away.But the direction of her gaze was Li Xichen, who was standing in the yard with a worried expression on Li Xingwen's face, feeling a colic in his heart.

"Let's go!" She raised her head high, as if she didn't care about anything, with a faint smile on her face, "Go, Bao'er, I want to go too!"

Hearing this, not only Mei Baoer, but Nangong Qianqiu and Nangong Fuchen also frowned. They also couldn't understand Li Xichen's sudden indifference towards Nangong Zhaofeng.The other party has always been a cold person, only smiling at her, at this moment...

At this moment... it seems to have given up.

They could understand Nangong Zhaofeng's feelings, but there was nothing they could do about it.

"Zhaofeng, the dungeon is very dangerous, you don't have to go, I will accompany Bao'er!"

Nangong Fuchen said suddenly, his eyes flickered a little, the dungeon can finally go!Originally, he thought he could wait for a while, but recently he has felt that calling, and he must go down.

Something was waiting for him inside.

"Sixth Brother, don't try to persuade me." Nangong Zhaofeng walked forward quickly, "I'll go back and get ready, and leave early tomorrow morning!" She didn't know why she was going, maybe it was just because Li Xichen went back.

She thought she didn't like Li Xichen, but she didn't expect that this person had already integrated into her life, and now the other person looked at her indifferently, without any emotion, and it became like this overnight.

She didn't believe it, she didn't believe that he had liked her for more than ten years, but it took him one night to forget her.

She turned her head to look at Li Xichen, and saw that he was concerned about Li Xingwen, and there was a trace of anger in her heart!It's just that she is arrogant and doesn't want to quarrel in the past.In the end, he turned his head and left slowly.

The rest of the people looked at each other, feeling a little helpless, they didn't understand what Li Xichen was doing.Mei Bao'er was also puzzled, this good person, how could he change?

She glanced at Moming subconsciously, would this monster disappear from her side suddenly one day?

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in her heart: "Go back first, don't worry about me, it's fine." She quickened her pace, ran back to the yard quickly, entered the house, turned around and was about to close the door. Suddenly a figure followed him, and instantly met him.

Eyeing each other, she sized her up a little, and silently opened the door.

"You really want to come with me?"

Mo Ming fiddled with her hair, exhaling hot air on the top of her head: "Naturally."

"Mo Ming..." Mei Baoer raised her head and looked up at him. With her small body, she could only look up and look at him, feeling very helpless in her heart: "Do you have nothing to do? Why are you following me?" ?”

"Something to do."

She thought suddenly: "What, when will you do it?"

"I'm already doing it." With a smile on his brows, he was dressed in a luxurious gold silk black robe with incomprehensible patterns embroidered on it. He held her hand in one hand and pulled her into the room, "This Isn't that what it is?"

Mei Bao'er was stunned, and then said, "The human heart is like this today, who knows what it will be like tomorrow? Look at Li Xichen, hasn't it just changed? Who knows if you are interested today, will you feel all this tomorrow? Very bored."

"not boring."

He suddenly put his arms around her waist, and jokingly said: "If you follow the deity, I guarantee you will find it interesting every day!"

"Get away!" She suddenly pushed him away, "Speak well, don't move your hands and feet, you are ADHD, I don't know when you developed the habit, it's not good at all, okay, okay, thank you You want to go to the dungeon with me, let's learn about the dungeon!"

Judging by Xie Fa's appearance, he will definitely not let them go easily, maybe he will do something inside to trip them up.

"I am here!"

(End of this chapter)

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