Chapter 179 Exceptions
"It's not good, a king-level Shura is here!!"

The most powerful Asura who usually come out is only at the sky level, but the one who can come out at the king level can only show that the strength of the opponent is much stronger, and the power of the seal has also weakened, which is a big deal.

Naturally, these people belonged to the academy, and they had to go up and inform the dean of this matter, so that people could hold back the power of the seal, lest the more powerful Shura would come out.

"what happened?"

Mo Ming's palm moved slightly to attract a person, the method was rough and simple.

Seeing such a powerful person, that person quickly said: "A king-level Asura escaped, and I don't know where he went. I'm going to inform the dean, and I ask seniors to let go first."

Hearing this, Mo Ming put it down.Several people understood that it turned out to be like this.Li Xingwen's heart skipped a beat, Wang Ji, she is so powerful, she must follow closely behind Elder Mo, otherwise she won't know if she lost her life.

If she meets this king-level Shura, for her, she can only obediently give her life.

She doesn't want to die, she still wants to be with her elder brother.

"Let's go, let's go and see what's going on."

Nangong Fuchen said, he seemed to be a little anxious, he walked to the front by himself, and didn't wait for the people behind.The rest of the people didn't notice anything, but followed silently.

There were two people who noticed him, Mo Ming and Nangong Qianqiu.

But neither of them said anything, to Mo Ming, the other party is not important.Although Nangong Qianqiu wanted to ask, she also knew that now was not the time, so she chose to remain silent.

Now that Mei Baoer's [-] monsters have already been collected, they are just wandering around here, anyway, it will take three months to go out, just in time to explore the dungeon, the most important thing is, this Li Xingwen wants It is definitely not possible to follow them to pick up leaks.

The mutual cooperation of several people makes it impossible for the other party to reap any benefits.

Nangong Zhaofeng also calmed down, she still felt that Li Xichen would not just give up on her like this, because something must have happened.After going out, she will ask clearly.

She was so impulsive before that the two of them never had a proper conversation, and Li Xingwen stopped her every time.What made people most suspicious was that Li Xichen listened to the other party very much, which made her unable to figure it out.

Several people continued to walk forward, but they were all a little more vigilant.

People kept appearing around, it seemed a bit chaotic, and a voice came from a distance: "It's bad, it's bad, three more Shuras ran out, all of them were kings, and they even injured the elders of the academy." !!"

The pace of several people couldn't help but quicken a little, and the situation seemed a little serious.


Suddenly there was a scream, not far from them, Mo Ming pulled Mei Bao'er and jumped over, only to see a young man lying on the ground, his neck was twisted and broken.

"Is it Shura?"

Mei Bao'er took a look, this person had died, and there was no possibility of resuscitating him.Surrounding this person, there were a few people who were guarding against the surroundings. When they saw Mei Baoer's group coming, they didn't say anything, and ran outside in a hurry.

They are only at the prefecture level, and those who come here to practice, if they run out of king-level Shura, they will definitely not be able to stay here and die.

When they came here before, they saw people going out from outside.

"Shall we go and have a look?"

Facing all this, Nangong Fuchen didn't seem to be afraid at all.Four, four Shuras, why did they run out today? Could it be that the other party sensed something?
No, you must not let that thing fall into the hands of these Shuras.Thinking of this, he walked quickly, and suddenly disappeared into the dark light, which was a shock.

"Brother Six, where have you been? What are you doing so fast?"

Nangong Zhaofeng followed anxiously, but there was no one there.

"Seventh Brother, Sixth Brother is gone."

Only then did Mei Baoer realize that Nangong Fuchen had been relatively silent all the way here: "Do you know where he went?"

She pulled Mo Ming, and saw Mo Ming closed his eyes, then opened them: "Let's go!"

He simply put his arms around Mei Bao'er, jumped up, and the people behind followed quickly.Now the only way to find Nangong Fuchen is to rely on Moming.Nangong Zhaofeng and the two were very worried. The three brothers and sisters had a very good relationship since they were young. Now that Nangong Fuchen was abnormal, they were really helpless.

This place is so dangerous, even though Nangong Fuchen is about to break through to the heavenly level, even if he breaks through to the heavenly level, there is no way to deal with the king-level Shura.

In case of any danger, what should we do?
Several people were a little worried, and their feet were flying fast.Li Xingwen could only keep up with difficulty, and she was the weakest here.

Mo Ming took Mei Bao'er, sensed Nangong Fuchen's breath, and followed along.Gradually away from the place where the red mist was just now, there were not a few people or even half a monster along the way.

However, the terrain looks very complicated. This dungeon is not man-made. It was formed automatically when the seal was broken. No one knows how big it is. In short, there are many magical places inside, which are full of dangers. .

At this moment, they are standing in a very scary place, and they are stepping on very solid rocks. The rocks are piece by piece, very high, and very narrow. Under the rock, there is a black liquid rolling , Under the black, there is actually a piece of red. After each roll, you can see a large piece of red revealed.

It was steaming, as if it was going to scorch people.

Mo Ming pulled Mei Bao'er, stepped on various rocks continuously, and flew over quickly.Nangong Qianqiu and the two were also very careful, in the end Li Xichen could only take Li Xingwen with him, which seemed very difficult.

"What is this place?"

Finally, they saw the figure of Nangong Fuchen, who was dressed in white and landed on top of a hill.

It is better to say it is a mountain awl than a mountain top.The mountain under his feet can only accommodate his pair of feet.However, where he stood was indeed the highest.

"Sixth brother, where are you doing?"

Seeing that he was fine, Nangong Zhaofeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Nangong Fuchen didn't seem to hear it, he closed his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking about.At this moment, around him, a mask rose up. Nangong Zhaofeng wanted to leap over, but was blocked by the mask.

"Nangong Fuchen, what are you going to do?"

Mabel was serious for a while, and now this place gave her a very dangerous feeling, especially the abnormality of the other party, which made her a little uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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