Chapter 203 Crisis?

These gatherings and dinners are basically Xingyue and Xingchen making a fuss. As for Leng Qing and Leng Zhu, they cherish words like gold, and they are either too happy or too angry to say a few more words.

After a brief farewell, they each returned to their places, ready to change their clothes before going out.As for Mo Ming.Of course, it was by her side the whole time. Qin Weixue and the others were already used to this.

Everyone knew that as long as Elder Mo was around, he would be by Mei Baoer's side.

"The devil," inside the house, Mei Bao'er had already changed into clean clothes, came out, and with a movement of consciousness, many bottles and cans appeared in her hands, "You take this, and eat some if you have nothing to do."

"That Qin Ruxue is very insidious, what if they use things like the Forgetfulness Curse to deal with you again? You only need to eat these things for a month, and you can defend yourself. By the way, this thing can only defend you. If there are other Yes, you still need to pay more attention to yourself, lest you get caught."

She spent a lot of time refining these medicines. If she didn't want to give them to her family's big black lotus, she would be reluctant!
Mo Ming held the few potions in his hands, and his smile became prettier.Putting it away, he took her little hand and walked out.Is little Bao'er caring about him?Although he doesn't need these things, they are just little Bao'er's things, so he can eat them!

She was led out by him, seeing his smiling face out of the corner of the eye, her heart skipped a beat, this guy is really good-looking.No wonder the women in the academy didn't like her very much, after all, she dominated such a handsome man.

"Bao'er, are you going out with Elder Mo?"

Unfortunately, Mei Yanluo came up to her, "It just so happens that I haven't eaten with Bao'er since coming out of Mei's house, let's go together!" As if she knew that Mei Bao'er would not agree, she turned to the side Li Xingwen said: "Xingwen, why don't you come over?"

At this time, Mei Baoer saw that Nangong Zhaofeng was beside Li Xichen.

Li Xingwen's eyes were naturally unkind, because she was kicked out of the ring in the first round, not to mention the embarrassment, and the three times the tuition fee, even the prime minister's residence, might not be able to afford it.Especially this Nangong Zhaofeng, who hangs around in front of her elder brother all day long, is really hateful.

"Brother, let's go there!" She glared at Nangong Zhaofeng fiercely, the latter was not angry, ever since she knew that Li Xichen was under the spell of forgetting love, Nangong Zhaofeng has calmed down a lot, she will use her sincerity, Let Xichen think of his feelings for himself.

By the way, Li Xingwen just had itchy hands to clean up.

"So that's the case, let's go!"
Mei Baoer understood that this was using Nangong Zhaofeng's feelings for Li Xichen to get her to agree to be with these people.But, what purpose does the other party have?
Qin Ruxue was not here, which made people feel a little thought-provoking.

A group of people arrived at the restaurant, where Xingyue had already reserved a seat.After a few people arrived, they were invited up by Xiaoer.

When Mei Yanluo and Li Xingwen appeared in everyone's eyes, the air seemed to freeze.Sensing the unkind gazes of many people, Mei Yanluo could hold her breath.As for Li Xingwen, she didn't know the reason, no matter how provocative Nangong Zhaofeng was, she never made any sarcasm like before.

It was originally a happy celebration banquet, but in the end... the private room was eerily quiet. Obviously, no one here would welcome these two.

"Little Er, serve."

Mei Baoer glanced at the menu, and ordered a portion of everything she liked, she was hungry.What kind of plan did Mei Yanluo have? She didn't want to worry too much about it, so she ate it first.

"Okay, guest officer, just wait a moment."

Xiaoer took the menu and hurried downstairs.Then someone brought pastries and wine.

"Bao'er, how much did you draw in the lottery?"

Seeing that everyone was silent, Mei Yanluo knew in her heart that if she did not speak, she would not be able to break the deadlock.

"Number one hundred."

Mei Yanluo was a little surprised: "It turned out to be the number one hundred?" There was a smile in the corner of her eyes, and it was actually the number one hundred. It seemed that even if she didn't do anything, the other party's luck was not bad.No. [-], isn't that going to fight against a certain brother at the top of the prefecture level? ?

She didn't know why she confronted the prefecture-level peak before. It should be that the other party made a mistake.Therefore, she felt that Xie Fa was unreliable, and it was better to let nature take its course.Now, she felt that her decision was very correct.

"What's wrong?? Is there something wrong with number one hundred?"

Qin Weixue frowned, and she could see that there was a bit of schadenfreude in the corner of the other party's eyes, as well as some pleasure, and she probably knew something.They left after drawing lots before, and did not stay to find their opponents.Could it be that Mei Baoer's opponent is very powerful?

Thinking of this, the faces of several people are not very good-looking. If it is really the peak of the prefecture level, it is really dangerous.

"All of you don't know that this other number [-] is a young master of the Qin family. He has been at the peak of the prefecture level for a year. It is said that he is only in his twenties, and his talent is very powerful. Bao'er , you met this person, I'm afraid it's a little dangerous."

"Really?" Mei Baoer stopped her hands and raised her eyes, "Very powerful? How powerful is it? Is it as powerful as the one you met before??"

"Of course it's much stronger than the one I met. Five senior brothers He couldn't defeat Senior Brother Qin. This Senior Brother Qin is named Qin Zhou, and he is very indifferent, but as his opponent, he is a bit sad." Although it won’t kill you, it’s normal to break arms and legs every time.”

Mei Yanluo felt the anxiety of several people, and said with a smile: "I heard that in the last assessment, Senior Brother Qin Zhou's opponent had his leg broken, maybe it was because he hit harder at the beginning, and he hasn't recovered yet, really. It's too miserable."

"Also last time, Senior Brother Qin Zhou's opponent was a woman, but her face was slashed and her face was disfigured." Mei Yanluo said with a worried look on her face, "Bao'er, you I'm afraid it won't be easy tomorrow, so I think it's better to just admit defeat."

"Yanluo, you are really kind enough to tell me about this matter. Now that you have told me, I naturally want to meet him for a while. I have never met such a cruel person. If you Several opponents have been beaten by him with broken arms and legs, so this time it should be his turn. As the saying goes, Feng Shui takes turns, it is impossible for a person to be so smooth every time, right?"

Mei Yanluo didn't say anything more, she just came here to talk, she knew that Mei Baoer would definitely not admit defeat.

"Guest officer, the dishes are here."

(End of this chapter)

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