Chapter 205 Just find her a man

The four of Xingyue were excited together, this is Qin Ruxue!

"Okay, farewell, everyone!"

As expected, Qin Ruxue left very straightforwardly, and everyone didn't think much about the rest of the meal, and they were ready to go back after finishing the meal hastily.When they walked outside the restaurant, Mo Ming pulled Mei Bao'er, expressing that they were going to other places, so they took different paths.

It made Mei Bao'er feel a little inexplicable, but he just pulled her around a corner and hid not far away.Seeing this, her eyes sank, maybe there was something wrong.She was a little nervous, was there something wrong with the wine just now?
"Hey, hurry up and take some of the potion I gave you, lest you get hurt."

Unexpectedly, he raised his hand, and a bottle appeared, which turned out to be the wine just now.Reflecting the dim light, she seemed to see the coldness on his face.She has always seen him with a smile, and she rarely sees his expression like this.

Grabbed his clothes: "Is there a problem inside?"

"Not the first cup."

No wonder, she said that if there was something wrong in it, why didn't she see it, she looked into the bottle again, and sure enough, there was a familiar smell, the curse of forgetting love! !Qin Ruxue actually wanted to cast a love-forgetfulness spell on her family's big black lotus? ?
"Give this to me!"

He put the bottle in her hand and heard her say, "Since she's so horny, I'll find her a man!!"

When he heard this, he felt like he had fallen into an ice cellar.This cute face suddenly became a little gloomy, but he was a little happy seeing this, this person actually cared about him so much.

At this moment, the two people's eyes suddenly fell on the outside of the restaurant, and they saw Qin Ruxue and Mei Yanluo having a round, they said a few words, and then left.

She propped her chin on the spot, thinking silently: "Daheilian, there shouldn't be any beggars in Emerald City, right?"


This is difficult.

Seeing her frowning, he held her hand, and his body soared up.Under the cover of night, the two floated in mid-air, and the Emerald City below fell into their eyes again.The lights were dim, and the figure below could be vaguely seen, and various voices could be heard.

"Where are we going?"

"Find her a man."

Mabel: ...

"What kind of one are you looking for?"

"What does Bao'er want to find for her?"





"What do you think?" Feeling that he didn't speak, he couldn't help asking.

However, the corner of his mouth opened, "It's not bad, but it's not the same."

"What's the difference?" She was surprised. Could it be that what she said couldn't make him relieve his hatred?The big black lotus is indeed black from the inside to the outside, but she likes it!

I like the way he looks black.

"Bao'er seems very satisfied with me?"

Being caught by a word, her face suddenly turned red. Anyway, she likes this person, and she is teased by him every time: "If I am not satisfied, I will not be with you! Let's talk first, even if If you are satisfied now, who knows if you will be satisfied in the future, Daheilian will perform well in the future, if it makes me unhappy that day, then I don't want you."

It's just, is she sure she can get rid of this big waist pendant?
"Bao'er wants to throw away the deity?"

His cool tone made her waist tighten, she quickly laughed and said: "No." Shaking her head, she quickly said, "Why, it's just talking, it can't be true, by the way, tell me quickly Anything less."

"Identity background."

"Identity background, what do you mean?"

Mei Baoer suddenly came over, "If the other party has no identity background, the other party can kill that person at any time. If the other party's identity is very special, then no matter what happens, she has to endure it."

As expected, only Daheilian could have imagined this matter.

"So where are we going now??" A name appeared in her mind. It stands to reason that because this cultivator absorbed the spiritual power between heaven and earth, all the waste from his body would be discharged with his practice.

No matter how ugly a person is, they will improve after practicing for a few years.

But the Xue family in this Western family, there is a person in the Xue family who broke this convention.People from top to bottom of the Xue family, although they are not so handsome, they are no worse than ordinary people.

However, this Young Master Xue is different.His name is Xue Weiyuan, he is the beloved son of the Patriarch of the Xue family, when everyone in the west hears this name, their cheeks will tremble a lot, and there will definitely be a look of horror in their eyes, especially women.

"All right."

The two quietly appeared on the roof of a house. When they looked down, the lights inside were still brightly lit. It could be seen that no one was resting, and they could faintly hear the sound of frolicking from a certain yard.

"Young master, hurry up and arrest him?"

"Young Master, Young Master, are you unable to run anymore?"



"Little beauty, don't run away, I will definitely catch you."

Mei Baoer said softly: "It's Xue Weiyuan?"

"It turns out that Bao'er also knows this person."

"Well, I saw it in the information that Fuchen gave me before."

After saying that, he bent down and looked at her face: "Bao'er seems to have a good relationship with Emperor Shura!" The voice sounded a little weird.

"It's just a friend." She said with a laugh, "Daheilian, you are not cute at all."

"How about letting Xue Weiyuan eat this stuff first?"

He didn't seem to be delving into anything, and easily fell into the courtyard with his arms around her.From the shadow coming from the house, it is known that Xue Weiyuan is having fun, there must be at least three women inside.

When the two arrived at the door, they saw him make a hand gesture, and a white light entered the room, and suddenly they heard the sound of falling to the ground, and the laughter inside stopped instantly.

Pushing open the door and entering, the whole room smelled of thick powder. There were four people lying on the ground. Among them, three women had good looks, and their figures were also very beautiful, but they wore less clothes.

Mo Ming didn't glance at him, his gaze fell directly on Xue Weiyuan.When Mei Baoer saw Xue Weiyuan, she had an urge to vomit.Originally, she thought that Mo Zichong was ugly, but she never thought that this Xue Weiyuan really deserved to be the most ugly person in the West.

"There is such an ugly person in the world, how did she survive?" She pointed to the ground with a face that couldn't bear to look directly at her, "If Qin Ruxue has such a suitor who follows behind, beg her What is the shaded area of ​​?

It's really ugly, the facial features seem to be squeezed together, taller than her, and the body is round, like a ball, no, it should be called a meat ball, which is more appropriate.

(End of this chapter)

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