Chapter 207 Huh... Disgusting...

Qin Ruxue was furious in her heart, and immediately raised her voice: "Mr. Xue, you should go back! If you don't go back, don't blame Ruxue for being rude." This kind of nausea is not something ordinary people can understand. With the strength of the Xue family, she would have killed the thing in front of her long ago.

"Ru Xue, do you hate me?"

Suddenly, Xue Weiyuan stepped forward and held Qin Ruxue's chest. In an instant, the whole scene stopped. They couldn't help rubbing their eyes, and finally confirmed that they were not mistaken.Xue Weiyuan really held Qin Ruxue's hand, and held it tightly, firmly.


Without any warning, Qin Ruxue sent Xue Weiyuan flying with a palm, and the whole person fell heavily on the ground, and even rolled several times.The onlookers finally couldn't hold back any longer and let out loud laughter.

Qin Ruxue was extremely annoyed.

Instantly pulled out the sword, jumped in front of Xue Weiyuan, pointed at him and said: "Xue Weiyuan, because you are the eldest son of the Xue family, I won't care about you today, if you dare to provoke me again, Watch out for your life!!"

"Ru Xue, what are you doing? I really like you. This heart can be learned from the sun and the moon. It will never change in my life."



Qin Ruxue became furious, and the hand holding the sword trembled, "If you don't get out, I'll kill you!!"

"Ru Xue, look at you, the sword you are holding is trembling, isn't it that you are reluctant to kill me?" Who is Xue Weiyuan?He is an ugly man who has flirted with countless women. Although he seems to be ignorant, he is actually very powerful.

He was holding Qin Ruxue's sword between his arms, and whistled vigorously, making Qin Ruxue's arms feel a little numb.

"Hey, Qin Ruxue, I didn't expect your taste to be so strong!"

Qin Weixue's voice came from one side, and everyone looked over in unison, only to see that Mei Baoer and Mo Ming, who had disappeared before, were also there.They understood that the two didn't slip away, but went to find someone to watch the fun.

Thinking of this, everyone's cheeks are about to grow muscles.

Qin Ruxue felt even more ashamed, seeing this scene by her deadly enemy, she really had the urge to kill.

"You look so reluctant to kill him, Ruxue, just admit it in front of so many people! As the saying goes, there is no distance when you like someone, you don't care about height or appearance, you are right wrong?"

Qin Weixue ringed her hands and stood aside, feeling happy in her heart, glanced at Mei Bao'er from the corner of her eye: "Bao'er, it's lucky to have you, otherwise I wouldn't be able to see this excitement."

There was deep meaning in her eyes, as for what happened, it probably had something to do with Mei Baoer and Mo Ming.These two are really ruthless, but she likes it. It is a very good thing to have such a friend.

Qin Ruxue's face was already flushed by the words, and gradually turned into an iron blue color, which showed how angry she was.

"Xue Weiyuan, now, get the hell out of here—"

She took a deep breath, almost unable to bear it anymore.

"Ruxue, I am true to you. In front of so many people today, you agreed? From now on, I will always be by your side and never leave you. Get up with you, eat with you, and play with you sleep with you..."

If this sentence was uttered by a very handsome man, the effect would definitely be different.However, after being told by Xue Weiyuan, they felt that they were about to spit out the food they ate yesterday, it was really disgusting, they couldn't stand it anymore.

Fortunately, Qin Ruxue was able to endure it for so long, Mei Baoer glanced at Moming silently, and said softly: "If you look so wretched, this girl would have killed you with a dose of poison."

Since Qin Weixue was inexplicably brainstorming after hearing this, could it be that Moming also had no choice but to become like this?Remembering that every time they went to find Mei Baoer, Mo Ming would come out of her room, it was really very possible.

They feel very lucky, lucky that Mo Ming is a handsome man!

Sure enough, these days, good-looking people do get preferential treatment.However, among them, all of them are good-looking, and their appearances are also top-notch, so they won't be as disgusting as Xue Weiyuan.

Between the thoughts of several people, Qin Ruxue couldn't help it anymore, and stabbed Xue Weiyuan with a sword.Xue Weiyuan who was on the ground immediately jumped up, and when the sword came, his two fingers caught it instantly, and Qin Ruxue leaned forward a little bit, and was about to fall to the ground.

His salty pig's hand fell on her waist in an instant, and the small waist that was tightly grasped was held by him. He smelled the fragrance of her hair, and took a very lewd deep breath.

Seeing everyone tremble, is it the wrong way to open it? Why does this picture look a little disgusting instead of beautiful?
"Let's go!"

Mei Baoer took her family's big black lotus, expressing that she couldn't watch it any longer.As for the result, it doesn't matter, who told Qin Ruxue to drug Daheilian?This is just a punishment, just wanting to disgust the other party.

Let her teach her a long lesson, not everyone can covet her big black lotus.

No, except her, no one can spy on her big black lotus.

The competition started again, but before the competition, everyone found that their great dean appeared in mid-air and landed on the high platform with a serious expression on his face.

"Meet the dean."

"Well," Pei He gave up, his expression still grim, which made everyone worried. Could it be that there was a mistake in the assessment this time?As soon as they thought of this, they heard Pei He say, "Everyone, you are all serious students who have been admitted to my Feiyun College. Everyone is what we value. Every assessment, for you, And to me, it's a very serious thing."

Speaking of this, everyone's hearts seemed to be raised: "But, for such a serious exam, someone actually played tricks. Is this because I, the dean, don't exist?? Or is this college run by your family? To do whatever you want?"

With a dash of anger, everyone was confused.

However, some people understood.

"Not much to say, so as not to delay everyone's assessment time, this time some people used cheating methods to choose an opponent for themselves without authorization, and they are opponents who are several realms weaker than them." Hearing this, everyone was shocked. Now, it turned out to be like this, this is indeed not very fair, "Then, these people cancel the assessment now, expel the academy, and never hire!!"

Afterwards, Pei He read out the names of eight people, all of whom were disciples of the Qin family, and all of them were prefecture-level peak existences.Although the Qin family is a big family in the west, there are quite a few families in Feiyun College, and their power is not comparable to Feiyun College, so naturally there is no need to be afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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