Chapter 210

Leaving a look of "you're lucky", Mei Yanluo left proudly.It's just Xiao Luoluo's role, so she doesn't care anymore.The most important thing is to get rid of both Qin Ruxue and Qin Weixue.

Half an hour later, except for Qin Ruxue and Leng Zhu's No. [-] arena, all other arenas had ended their battles.The two were still fighting on the stage, which was so inseparable that people were dazzled.

The speed of the two of them has also slowed down at this moment, and they have been fighting their evenly matched opponents for half an hour without falling down, which is also a bit of skill.If you look carefully, you can feel that Qin Ruxue still has more strength, and Leng Zhu has reached the edge of exertion.

In an instant, Qin Ruxue dodged Leng Zhu's attack, and slapped the opponent's chest with a palm. Just as he was close to the chest, the sharp-eyed person suddenly noticed that a sharp weapon appeared in Qin Ruxue's hand, and everyone's eyes widened. , before he could react, the sharp weapon had already pierced Leng Zhu's chest. At the same time, Leng Zhu let out a muffled snort, and even a sword pierced into the opponent's shoulder in return.

Qin Ruxue's complexion changed, and she quickly kicked the opponent away, leaving herself aside.

When he wanted to attack again, Leng Zhu conceded defeat.

"Leng Bamboo!!"

Leng Qing quickly landed on the stage, her face was a little pale, she didn't know how to express her emotions, but at this moment, she could see worry on her face.He quickly took out the elixir and fed it to Leng Zhu.

"Leng Zhu, how are you doing?"

She and Leng Zhu grew up together and have a deep relationship.

"He's fine, the sword missed."

Mei Bao'er came up, her eyes fell on Leng Zhu's chest, just now when Qin Ruxue stabbed at him with a sword, Leng Zhu reacted and turned her body slightly to the side, so as not to hurt her heart.

Leng Qing was still very anxious, at this moment Leng Zhu's face was pale, and he was sitting cross-legged on the ground, while several people stood by and remained silent.Qin Ruxue over there had a venomous look in her eyes, and she was also taken down. Her own shoulder was only slightly injured, and she could recover within a long time of recuperation.

Coincidentally, the next match is tomorrow.

After a long time, Leng Zhu came to his senses: "I'm fine."

"That's good." Leng Qing seemed a little happy, they already knew that Qin Ruxue was not easy to deal with, and they didn't expect to win the opponent, it was a great fortune that Leng Zhu could save his life.

"Then there are still 24 people left." Xing Chen's face darkened, "We have three people here, Bao'er, Weixue, and Qianqiu, and there are Qin Weixue, Mei Yanluo, and five Qin family disciples over there." .”

Xing Chen's words made everyone serious. The five Qin family disciples were all at the top of the prefecture level, and even except for the people here, the rest were all at the top of the prefecture level.

Naturally, Li Xichen was severely beaten by Nangong Qianqiu, and at the moment she didn't see Nangong Zhaofeng present, Mei Baoer couldn't help asking: "Where is Zhaofeng?"

"She..." Nangong Qianqiu looked helpless, "I beat you hard, she went to see Li Xichen."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but laugh.Although Li Xingwen had cast the Forgetfulness Curse on Li Xichen, the IQ of Li Xichen was really no match for Nangong Zhaofeng.Normally, although she was a bit arrogant, as a princess back then, she was naturally arrogant.Now for the people I like, I have also begun to change.

After some hard work, at least she was able to say a few more words with Li Xichen.Everyone looked at it and sighed a little.It would be great if there is another solution to the forgetfulness curse.

"Come on, let's go draw lots!"

There was no bye this time, and several people subconsciously focused their attention on Mei Baoer.I hope they don't draw one of their own!However, there were only three of them here, so the chances of getting one of their own were not too high.

Leng Qing helped Leng Zhu up, and the group walked towards the lottery.

Coincidentally, Mei Yanluo and Qin Ruxue also came in this direction.Naturally, the two people stared at each other angrily, especially the cold eyes, as if they wanted to pierce each other through.

"Next time, you won't be so lucky."

Qin Ruxue seemed to be provoking, and chuckled, "Although the game is over, it's just that the sword has no eyes, and each has its own means. Who knows what will happen?"

What Qin Ruxue said made people worry.Next, there are three people on their side who will compete, and the chances of meeting each other are really too high.

Qin Ruxue glanced at the silent crowd, put her hand in the stick, and pulled out one, with a smile in her eyes: "No. 1, it seems that I should be No. [-] in this assessment." Although she The strength here is not the strongest, but the fighting power is not low.

Mei Yanluo's eyes drooped slightly, and there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth. Of course, she also wanted No.1, but if she faced Qin Ruxue, she would not fight. It's good to lose both sides.

She also drew a lot: "No. [-]."

Nangong Qianqiu is No. 12, and Qin Weixue is No. [-].

Ever since, it was time for Mei Baoer again.

I saw her little hand stretched out, and in an instant, she touched a sign and took a closer look: "No. [-]."

Seeing this, Qin Ruxue and Mei Yanluo were very disappointed.If they meet one of the opponents, they can maim each other.They think so, Mei Baoer is not the same.

After a few people walked away, the rest began to draw lots.They didn't stop to look at their opponents either. The rest of them were all prefecture-level peaks, so there was nothing to see.

Tomorrow, everyone will live in peace.

Few people are worried about Mei Bao'er. After all, she had dealt with sky-level monsters in the dungeon back then. Few people here could be her opponents with her fighting power and the collision of strength and power. If she met in the arena , there is really no way.Fortunately, they never met.

Leng Zhu was injured, and everyone didn't intend to go out to get together, so they went back to the courtyard to practice.

Early in the morning, on the competition ring, Mei Baoer looked at the opponent in front of her, a little surprised.Isn't this the young master of the Si family, Si Muxuan? ?I heard that the other party was No.1 in the three groups of the last exam.

Then the strength should be good. Last time, she calculated the other party, and she saw a kind of happiness in the other party's eyes.Presumably he was happy to know that he could take revenge above the ring, right?
"Mei Baoer, we meet again."

Si Muxuan smiled.

This woman made him get bitten by a monster, which made him lose face to his grandma's house.This is a good opportunity, nothing can be missed.He must teach her a good lesson. After all, he is also the young master of the Si family, how can he allow ordinary people to treat him like that?

Since I was a child, I have never been so aggrieved! !

(End of this chapter)

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