Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 212 Are you admitting defeat?

Chapter 212 Are you admitting defeat?

"Are you admitting defeat??"

"Do you admit defeat??"


Everyone: This young master of the Si family really has a lot of backbone, after all this, he still doesn't admit defeat, admiration!
Lou Xiaoxiao: Brother Si, why don't you admit defeat, as the saying goes, ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, but you admit defeat!
"Hey, do you admit defeat?"

Mei Baoer grabbed his hair, everyone saw Si Muxuan's "true face" clearly this time, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and there were tears in his eyes, it should be said that his face was full of tears. It's tears.

When everyone was very confused, they heard Mei Baoer say: "Oh... I forgot, the poisoned person may not be able to speak." She looked regretful, as if she really didn't know, but , Everyone is a little scared, really don't know? ?
Why do they think that she didn't know on purpose, or even pretended not to know anything, just to teach Si Muxuan a lesson? ?

She took out another green glass, only as thick as a finger, but twice as long as a finger. Looking closely, it turned out that it wasn't that the glass had winks, but that the things inside were green.

"Well, I will give you the antidote. If you admit defeat later, I won't beat you. How about it, just nod if you agree."


Mei Baoer slapped him on the top of the head: "Why don't you nod or shake your head?"

Everyone: How painful that is!

Mo Ming: Later take her to wash her hands.

"Oh, I forgot, you can't move, well, I will detoxify you this time, remember what I said."

Si Muxuan burst into tears, at this moment he really has no idea to resist, this Mei Baoer is a little witch, not something ordinary people can deal with at all.From now on, he will never provoke her again, this woman is too vengeful.

"Well, let's drink!"

Mei Bao'er poured the potion into his mouth, only felt a coolness spread to his throat, and gradually felt a wave of power swimming in his body, and his body also slowly regained strength.Finally, feeling himself able to move, he tried to open his mouth.

"I surrender."

When he heard himself say these words, he was greatly relieved.Subconsciously, she stayed away from Mei Bao'er, only then did she realize that she had been taken down by Elder Mo.

Faintly, I also heard Mo Ming's voice: "Wash your hands, don't touch those dirty things next time!"

He is dirty? ?
You are dirty, your whole family is dirty! !

However, he felt that his body was covered with dust, which was indeed a bit dirty.

When Moming brought Mei Baoer back, he knew that Qin Weixue had already won, but Nangong Qianqiu had lost.This was also in her expectation, so there are still six people left.

She and Qin Weixue are on her side, and Qin Ruxue and Mei Yanluo are both victorious on the other side, so there are two other people she doesn't know.Therefore, there is a great chance of meeting each other, and even she and Qin Weixue may also be facing each other.

Xingyue and the others obviously also thought of this, and became worried.

"Let's go, let's draw the lottery first, regardless of the final result, it's not that important." Mei Baoer smiled, as if very happy, the ranking is not important to her, and it didn't make her feel old Desire for life, just let nature take its course.If she met the other party, she would have to teach her a lesson.

Qin Weixue drew the lot first, and she turned the lot over: "No. [-]."

"Bao'er, it's your turn."

Mei Baoer nodded, and picked one at random. In fact, anyone would be fine, as long as it wasn't Qin Weixue.

"Quickly open it and see what it is?" Xingyue looked very anxious, and she was also worried. What should I do if the two meet?With their nature, they probably won't give up automatically, and they will definitely fight.

Mei Baoer turned the lottery over, and when they saw the number on it, they breathed a sigh of relief: "Number two!"

"Hey, I'm number two!"

At this moment, Mei Yanluo's voice sounded.Mei Baoer narrowed her eyes, number two?Okay, very good, finally met Mei Yanluo, and it's time for them to settle down.

"Bao'er, it's really a coincidence. Yanluo will only have to offend me later in the ring." She didn't think Mei Bao'er was so powerful, and she was able to defeat Si Muxuan before, but the other party was poisoned.Naturally, she didn't watch May Baoer's battle, otherwise she wouldn't feel that way.

After all, she was also in the competition at the time, and everyone said that Mei Baoer won, but they just said that she poisoned, and people misunderstood.Up to now, not many people think how powerful Mei Baoer is, they only think that she is lucky.

Even the people who watched before were shocked by the incident of Mei Baoer's poisoning, and forgot that there was a huge power in her small body.

Qin Ruxue squeezed the lottery in her hand and frowned, "It's actually number one!" There was some regret in her eyes, if it was number three, she could fight Qin Weixue.

After half an hour, there were only three arenas left in the square.

Mei Baoer's opponent is Mei Yanluo, Qin Weixue's opponent is a prefecture-level peak master, who looks very powerful, Qin Weixue is also a prefecture-level peak master, I heard that these two have stayed here for several years, in order to break through , The two have also gone out to experience, and their actual combat ability is very strong.

"Bao'er, let's go!"

With a little smile in the corner of Mei Yanluo's eyes, she made a gesture of invitation.Immediately, the two jumped up and landed on the ring.Couldn't Mabel be poisoned?She has already guarded against this, and she will never let the other party succeed.

"Bao'er, you're welcome."

Because she will not be polite, and it has always been her wish to teach Mei Baoer a lesson.Even if she clearly targeted the other party, she never broke face with the other party.After all, the other party is on Qin Weixue's side now, and she feels uneasy if Qin Weixue does not fall.

She must also get the exchange space in Qin Weixue's hands, the other party's is much better than hers.This is the exclusive treasure given to the heroine in that book.

Naturally, Mei Bao'er would not be polite, and immediately the two rushed towards each other and started fighting.Mei Yanluo was a little surprised on the spot, the power in that fist made her a little scared.

How could this be? ?

When did Mabel become so powerful?

Mei Bao'er ignored it, and punched the opponent's body with one punch after another.The air seemed to be moved by her, and the air flow was also controlled by her. For a moment, Mei Yanluo was beaten helplessly.

She didn't expect that Mei Bao'er would be so powerful. Li Xingwen was extra careful and didn't tell them that Mei Bao'er could deal with sky-level monsters.Even in her heart, she still thought that it would be the best if both sides could lose out.

(End of this chapter)

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