Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 219 He Is Mine, Yours...Understand

Chapter 219 He Is Mine, Yours...Understand

"I don't want to play with you anymore!"

Hearing her words, everyone cheered up, wondering what she was going to do again?

Seeing that Mei Baoer's figure on the ring suddenly became illusory, he took a closer look and realized that it was not illusory, but an afterimage formed by her speed too fast.They could only hear a muffled groan of pain, and they really wanted to know what happened.

After seeing Mei Bao'er's figure clearly, they realized that there was a white figure lying on the ring, stained with red blood, which one was it, Qin Ruxue?

"Mei Baoer... I won't let you go!" Qin Ruxue gritted her teeth and said viciously, she had never been defeated so badly.

Mei Bao'er lowered her head, and an extremely cruel smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "I didn't want to argue with you, who told you that you shouldn't provoke someone, Qin Ruxue, he is mine, do you dare to provoke him? Then Accept my punishment!"

The ghost doctor with poisonous hands, as the world calls it, finally showed her perfect claws.

She turned her head and looked at those star-like eyes. Seeing the corners of his lips curled up, she knew that he must have heard what she just said.The roots of her ears turned red quickly, and she touched them uncomfortably, and the terrifying aura on her body quickly disappeared, as if she was still that ordinary girl.

Seeing that there were many stains in her hands, she frowned.

"Dean, did I win?"

"Qin Ruxue, do you admit defeat?"

This is the rule, if the opponent does not admit defeat, then you can only continue to fight!
"I don't admit defeat!"

Mei Bao'er lowered her head, her eyes flickered, and the aura that disappeared just now erupted again, making people very uncomfortable, "You don't recognize it?"

"very good!"

She stepped up and walked over, "So, then... I'm sorry, do you know what this is?" A knife appeared in her hand, with a cold luster, and the back of the knife fell on the opponent's face , "Do you know the feeling of peeling and cramping?"

"By the way, I've heard of a criminal law." She seemed to be lost in thought, with a wicked look on her face, "Ling Chi!"

Everyone doesn't understand, what is Ling Chi?At first glance, this name has some charm, but I can't imagine what kind of painful criminal law it is.

But when they heard the description of the criminal law from her mouth, their bodies couldn't help shaking.

"Ling Chi used the knife in my hand to cut your body piece by piece. There are more than 3000 pieces in total. My knife skills are pretty good. I won't cause you much pain if I don't admit defeat..." She smiled coldly, that cute face, which was not even half cute, was clearly a witch!
"I surrender!"

When Qin Ruxue said that she would not admit defeat, she regretted it a little.

She understood that the other party's methods were cruel, and she was not able to deal with them at present.Live first, and one day, she will be able to take revenge.At that time, neither Mei Baoer nor Qin Weixue could escape! !
"Very good, very interesting!"

Mei Baoer put away the dagger, just to scare the opponent.Although her methods are not very kind, they are not so cruel.It's okay to let others cut it, but it will definitely be disgusting if you do it yourself!
"Remember, don't get his idea, he is mine, yours...understand?"


Putting away the bitterness in her heart, how could Qin Ruxue dare to say "no".He was already thinking about how to deal with the other party at that time.Mei Baoer knew that these people were dogs who couldn't change their food...shit, so she didn't care.Since she did this today, she has thought of the consequences, and naturally has a way to deal with it.

It's time to make yourself stronger, she is not alone now, there is another person by her side.For this person, she also had to cheer up.It is best to be able to find the plum tone needle, if not, if you are a bit stronger, you can fight against the sky, at least there is still a chance, isn't it?

"Dean, announce it!"

Pei He seemed to feel that today's Mei Bao'er had changed a lot from the previous Mei Bao'er. Although she didn't know the reason, today's Mei Bao'er seemed to be even more dazzling.Could it be... Did she grow up in just a short period of time?
"Okay, then I'm announcing now that No.1, Mei Bao'er, No.2, Qin Ruxue, No.3, Liu Chengfeng of this assessment. Your rewards will be handed out by special staff from the academy later. "

The assessment is over.

Mabel smoothed the folds of the skirt, and a shadow appeared in front of her, knowing that it was him.

I wanted to hold him with one hand, but I thought that there were still a lot of dust and blood in my hands, so I put my hands down.

Go back and wash first, this is the first time to show your true nature in front of him, I don't know if he minds, even if he minds, he can't escape.

"Let's go, go back first!"

She was about to step over, but was stopped by him, and he didn't seem to be satisfied until his hand fell on this big hand.He whispered in her ear, speaking softly.

"Bao'er like this is even better!"

She glanced away at him, very satisfied in her heart, since he didn't mind, she didn't mind, and was held by him openly, even though there were bloodstains on it, he didn't mind, that's good, save...

"Big black lotus!"

Mei Baoer sat on the side, quietly watching him clean up the stains on her hands, her eyes became bright, "Don't you have anything to say?"

"say what?"

Her heart moved, what did you say?Don't ask her, she is obviously a cute soft girl, why did she suddenly become like this?Aren't you curious?As an individual, I am afraid that I cannot accept the changes before and after.

"This deity is not a kind person!"

She suddenly realized, that's right, this guy is a big monster, maybe he killed more people than her.

"That's right, you're an old monster! Tell me, have you ever eaten a human being?"

"It's so dirty, I can't say anything!"

"That's right, but you don't think I'm dirty?" She stretched out her white and tender palms. Although these hands seldom kill people, the soul that supports them kills countless people. They are covered with blood. She wanted to tell him the secrets of her Mei family at this moment.

"Dirty what dirty!"

Mo Ming seemed to sense something, and pulled her finger into his mouth, "I don't mind this deity." He wished he could hold her finger every day.

"Then... how about I tell you a secret?"

She blinked her eyes, and her pink mouth was very attractive.He squatted in front of her, his eyes fell on those lips: "I don't want to know the secret, I want to eat you!"

"Color embryo!"

She shook her calf, and propped her chin with one hand: "I didn't want to talk about it, but you should know about this matter, and I have to face it." As well as the past, let's talk to him. If one day she really can't bear God and disappears in this world, it will also make him think a little bit, so he won't go crazy easily.

(End of this chapter)

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