Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 221 If You Forcibly Take It, You Will Have to Pay It Back Sooner or Later

Chapter 221 If You Forcibly Take It, You Will Have to Pay It Back Sooner or Later

"Li Xichen!"

She sat in front of him, Li Xichen felt her coming, and then raised his head, his eyes were confused for a moment.For Nangong Zhaofeng, he always has a feeling of being unclear, so no matter what the other party does, he can tolerate it.

"Did you really forget me?"

Nangong Zhaofeng looked serious, with a bit of pain.If she could, she should have understood her intention early, so that there would be no such setbacks.Every time she sees his strange eyes, her heart feels like being crushed.

"do you remember me?"

Even if there is only a little bit, tell her that he can still remember her a little bit, as long as that little bit, she will be satisfied, and she will have the courage to keep working hard, this is her hope.

Li Xichen tightly held the teacup and lowered his eyes. This expression moved him very much, but it seemed that something was against him in his mind, forcing him to look calm and indifferent. He didn't seem to care about her words.

"Princess, this is not the place for you to come. You have a noble status, and this place is too simple."

The cold and clear tone, but it was like a cold knife slashing at her body, noble status?Simple?She shouldn't have come?

There was a difficult smile on the corner of her mouth, a little bit bitter: "You say that, I don't know if there is any hope, do you think I should give up, or should I continue?" She didn't want to chop Li Xingwen with a knife, I'm afraid He who doesn't remember her now will meet her with swords because of this.

"Give me a little hope?"

She suddenly held his hand tightly, and the soft temperature passed to his heart. At that moment, he wanted to agree, but he couldn't say it out of his mouth. He didn't understand what was wrong.He even broke his hand free.

Seeing her disappointed look, my heart was extremely complicated.

Nangong Zhaofeng felt a burst of coldness: "Don't you even give me any hope?"

"Nangong Zhaofeng, should you give up now? Big brother doesn't like you anymore, please don't bother him in the future, let us live in peace! You are a princess, you are so beautiful, and there are so many people who like you , why do you have to rely on my elder brother. Besides elder brother, there are so many excellent men in the world, you wave your hand, and those people will come to you, don't pester my elder brother anymore, please?"

Li Xingwen suddenly knelt down, and the sound of her knees hitting the ground hit their hearts.Nangong Zhaofeng was stunned, right?Is she bothering them?She clearly knew that he had just been hit by the love-forgetfulness spell, and that's why she forgot about her. However, a long time had passed, and she became more and more uncertain.

"Why are you doing this? Li Xingwen, you..."

Li Xingwen's eyes flashed with panic, and she quickly stopped her words: "Princess, if a person really loves you to the bottom of his heart, no matter what happens, he will never forget you."


Nangong Zhaofeng stood there, dazed.Both eyes are full of confusion, should she give up?

"Li Xingwen, you have the face to say this. Why don't you say that you cast a love-forgetfulness spell on your elder brother? That's why you forgot Zhaofeng?" Mei Baoer's voice came from outside the house, which surprised Li Xingwen. She quickly looked at Li Xichen, and was relieved to see that he was still expressionless, as if he didn't care about this sentence.A ray of light flashed across Li Xichen's eyes, he held the cup tightly, maybe he should check it out.

"Mei Baoer, what nonsense are you talking about? Although you are amazing, you can't force my elder brother to like anyone!!"

She will never allow anyone to take her elder brother away from her again. The elder brother is hers and will always be hers.

"Zhaofeng, are you okay?"

Mei Baoer stepped forward and held Nangong Zhaofeng's hand. Compared with him, she herself was not lucky.Nangong Zhaofeng is such a proud person, if in the past, if Li Xingwen dared to speak like that, she would have stabbed him with a sword, why would she worry so much.The lofty princess is emotional and knows that she is thinking of others.

However, this scene was not what she wanted to see.It seems that Li Xichen is still unable to wake up, and she has not made any progress on the Forgetfulness Curse, and there are too few materials, so there is no reference value.

Nangong Zhaofeng came back to her senses, shook her head and smiled wryly: "It's nothing, Bao'er doesn't have to worry." She stared deeply at Li Xichen again, her eyes misty, "I'm going to go out to practice, and think about it carefully, what exactly will I do? Do it, keep going, or give up!"

She is confused.

It is also difficult for her to live with those indifferent eyes every day.Maybe it is because I once had too much, and suddenly lost it, which is even more heartbreaking.


"Just tomorrow!"

She smiled slightly: "If I figure it out, I'll come back."

The corner of Li Xingwen's mouth curled up. It seemed that Nangong Zhaofeng was planning to give up.In this way, she can rest assured that after so many days and nights of hard work, she has finally eliminated the biggest enemy.She wished that Nangong Zhaofeng would never come back, and it would be best to die outside.

Nobody can take away Big Brother.


"Seventh brother will accompany me to go!"

Nangong Zhaofeng said suddenly, seeing that Mei Baoer's complexion did not change, she sighed inwardly.She missed someone, and so did Seventh Brother.What a pair of troubled brothers and sisters, compared to Seventh Brother, she at least has some hope, doesn't she?

After Nangong Zhaofeng bid farewell to everyone, she and Nangong Qianqiu went on the road of experience.As soon as they left, the academy seemed to quiet down.

"You look happy?"

Watching the two leave, Mei Baoer glanced lightly at Li Xingwen, she was the culprit.You must be very happy to force Zhaofeng away!Li Xingwen looked away and stood beside Li Xichen, as if swearing ownership.

Mei Bao'er couldn't help but sneer, unlucky love, to be so righteous, really shameless!
"Things taken by force will be returned sooner or later. Li Xingwen, do you think you have succeeded? Maybe one day he will be able to wake up and find that the person he loves has left. I believe you will definitely feel that way." You can experience it." She whispered in the other person's ear, this kind of situation is not uncommon, there is a saying that Li Xingwen is right, if you love someone, you may forget it for a short time due to special reasons, but you will definitely remember it later.

Li Xingwen was startled, and quickly pulled Li Xichen back.She looked very nervous, and Mei Baoer's words still sounded in her ears, which made her very uneasy.

"Brother, these people just don't like me. You must trust Xingwen. Xingwen is the best person in this world for you. You must not leave Xingwen. Here, Xingwen has only you as a relative."

(End of this chapter)

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