Chapter 240

Qin Weixue's eyes were also filled with countless shocks, especially the various ferocious monsters on the city wall, which were very eye-catching. What was more eye-catching was not the monsters, but the people who captured them.She exhaled deeply, she really deserved to be a big city in the north, this was her first time here, and she was obviously stunned.

Mei Baoer looked at it twice, but didn't look again. For her, momentum is too subtle.Touching the black lotus seed inlaid with diamonds in the jade, she showed a sweet smile.

"Yuan Jiu, why don't you leave?"

Every time Yuan Jiu and the others entered the city, they would immerse themselves in this place for a long time before waking up. He didn't feel ashamed, and everyone who entered the city would stay here for a while.However, it was the first time he was awakened from immersion, and it was a teenage girl.

Secretly speechless, he really is a master!
"Miss Mei, Miss Qin, I'm sorry."

Yuan Jiu quickly apologized, and invited the two of them in with even more respectful expressions.The guards at the city gate obviously knew him, and after greeting him, the pace of several people quickened a lot.

"Commander, are you back?"

"Commander, did you get the magic ganoderma?"

As soon as he arrived at the gate of Dongfang's house, many acquaintances of Yuan Jiu stepped forward and asked anxiously.If it was a normal day, Yuan Jiu would definitely stay and talk about this experience.But leading the two important people, he didn't dare to delay, and drove away the people who came around, and then invited the two to enter.

The city is majestic and majestic, and the Dongfang family's house is naturally not far behind, adopting a consistent style.It's just that after seeing the city, they were not so surprised by the house.

"Miss Mei, Miss Qin, please wait here for a while before going down to invite the young master over."

"it is good."

Mei Baoer responded, picked up the tea and took a sip unceremoniously, her eyes lit up, what a good tea!What a luxurious oriental family, the tea contains a lot of spiritual power!After drinking, she felt a steam rising from her lower abdomen, which should be caused by the newly entered spiritual power.

When I took the second sip, this feeling was obviously weakened, and there was no regret at all.

"Weixue, how do you feel?"

Qin Weixue saw her enjoyment, her forehead twitched: "Bao'er, what are we here for?"

"Of course, let the Dongfang family help guard the seal? Do you think they really need me to help them save people? As long as that person uses the magic ganoderma, there should be no problem. I am a miracle doctor, very expensive!" He said it matter-of-factly, saying that his outpatient fee is very, very expensive, and ordinary people cannot afford it.

"That's not what I'm talking about. I always feel that there is something wrong with the way Yuan Jiu looks at me."

Of course she found out about such an obvious matter, but she just kept silent, and Yuan Jiu didn't seem to be malicious, and most importantly, she had a secret trust in Mei Baoer.

Mei Baoer turned her eyes and looked at the green smoke curling up from the teacup, as if there was something special about the smoke, the maid who was waiting on the side couldn't help complaining, where did this bumpkin come from?
This is the Dongfang family, why did the commander invite people in so casually.She will never admit that these two people are so good-looking that she is very jealous. They are much better than Miss Mu, especially their spirituality, which is not possessed by ordinary people.

"come over!"

While she was thinking, she heard Mei Baoer's voice. The maid was startled, understood, and quickly stepped forward to help her fill the teacup.Secretly wiped off the cold sweat, don't be distracted next time.

"What kind of person is your Young Master Dongfang?"

To such a question, the maid has already answered it thousands of times: "Young Master Dongfang is a good man."

Mabel: ...

"How do you look?"

"No. [-] handsome man in the north!"

Uh... Seeing the obsessive look on the maid's face, Mei Baoer wanted to believe it, but in her heart, Daheilian was still the most handsome, the most handsome and the most handsome, no one could compare to her Daheilian.

"Young master, they are inside now."

Yuan Jiu's voice came from outside, footsteps approached, and Mei Baoer ended her questioning.Two people walked in from outside the door, one was Yuan Jiu, and he looked a little excited, the other came from behind, with a slender figure and a moon-white dress inlaid with gold rims, he originally had a calm expression on his face, and even A little impatient, I don't know what I saw, and I was stunned for a moment.

But Mr. Dongfang has seen the big world, so he reacted with a slight smile.

Qin Weixue sat on one side and didn't know how to move. She thought it was the last time, but she didn't expect to see the second time. The previous doubts were solved one by one.

Thinking that Yuan Jiu might have known her in some way, two blushes rose on her cheeks.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

A deep voice came from the top of her head, she stabilized her mind, and said generously: "Thank you last time, Mr. Dongfang." His gaze was so hot that she didn't know where to put her hands.

Mei Baoer shook her head, looked at Dongfang Ce, then at Qin Weixue, and propped her chin to think silently, it seemed that there was something going on!

Her gaze naturally called back the two who were immersed in their own world.Qin Weixue was a little embarrassed, Dongfang Ce withdrew his gaze, don't worry, he has already seen her, so she can't escape.

As expected of the person in charge of such a large family.

The few people got to know each other for a while, and the whole process was Dongfang Ce and Qin Weixue's conversation. Mei Baoer was not at all annoyed. She had already expected this result, but she didn't expect it to be so smooth.Very good, this Dongfang Ce looks good at the moment, his identity and appearance are worthy of Wei Xue, but... I don't know how his character is.

She was sipping tea at a leisurely pace. Seeing this, the previous maid hurriedly filled it up again. With the young master's attitude, it's better for a little maid like her not to offend such a person.

Mei Bao'er was very satisfied with the maid's knowledgeable actions.

She seemed to be a one-kilowatt light bulb, but the two locals didn't even know what a light bulb was, and they still talked about it very well, as if they had already ignored her.

It was only then that Mei Baoer realized how she had attracted the vicious eyes of Xingyue and the others when she was with Daheilian. It turned out that in the past few years, she often threw dog food at them.

She also took a bite today, and the taste was really not very pleasant. Thinking of Daheilian coming to her, she felt much better.

"Miss Mei, Wei'er said, do you have any important matters to discuss with me?"

Mei Baoer was woken up by the sound of "Wei Er", how long has it been since Wei Er Wei Er?She stared at Dongfang Ce meaningfully, and she didn't speak until she was horrified by it.

(End of this chapter)

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