Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 244 Bao'er, Look at Your Red Face

Chapter 244 Bao'er, Look at Your Red Face

"He said he wanted to send Mu Xinbai back, and he has already expressed his intentions to you, Weixue, I will leave with him when Mo Ming comes over later, when the time comes, will you go back with us, or stay here?" Yuan Yuan She should also settle the grievances with her.

"When will Elder Mo come over?"

"I don't know, it shouldn't be long."

"Let's talk about it when the time comes. I'll wait and see." Qin Weixue herself was not sure, she had just started with Dongfang Ce, if she separated now, she didn't know if she would be separated in the future, so she was very conflicted.

"Weixue, if Dongfang Ce is good, you can stay and cultivate your relationship first, and I don't want you to stay here forever. It's also a good time to get along with him to see if it's really suitable. An old lady, if you want to be with him, I don't know if that old lady will accept you, but it doesn't really matter, as long as Dongfang Ce really likes you, he can help you solve all these worries."

Said here Mei Bao'er was serious: "If that old lady makes things difficult for you, but Dongfang Ce helps the old lady, I still advise you to let go earlier. No one is humble in front of love. Choosing to be together is to like each other, not One person compromises the other. Don't lower your own status, and don't think highly of yourself."

Someone pays, and if you like it, you have to respond, so that love can last forever.If a person keeps giving, there will always be a tiring day.Similarly, a person who really likes you will not let you endure the slightest grievance.

With Dongfang Ce's talent, it was very easy to deal with the old lady.

Qin Weixue felt that her thinking had been subverted. She could always hear a lot of other remarks from Mei Baoer, and after each listening, she still felt that what the other party said was correct.She thought about these words carefully, and felt that they were very correct.

"Understood, Bao'er, you don't have to worry. I won't wrong myself. Even if I want to stay, it won't be too long. I have to go back to Qin's house to find out the whereabouts of my mother."

Mei Baoer was relieved, she was afraid that Qin Weixue would fall into a relationship and couldn't get out, especially the sadomasochism she hated the most.Since you like it, just like it well, don't hurt, don't doubt, don't find any reason to hurt the other party.

She misses Daheilian so much, and she doesn't know when that guy will come over. It can be said that Daheilian's appearance has satisfied all her fantasies. Alas, he really is her good man!

"Bao'er, seeing your blushing face and sweet, pensive expression, aren't you missing Elder Mo?"

Qin Weixue wanted to tease her, but unexpectedly...

"Well, yes, it has been more than a year, and I don't know how he is, whether he is more handsome, whether he is fatter or thinner, whether there are flowers and plants around him, whether he is slapped... ..."

Qin Weixue covered her face, why did she think such a Bao'er was so scary!
"Elder Mo of your family is very infatuated. He will definitely be more handsome, neither fat nor thin. There must be no flowers and plants that dare to provoke him."

She originally wanted to comfort her, but Mei Baoer said seriously: "You guessed very right." That satisfied mockup almost blinded her eyes...

"Is this where they live?"

Mu Xinbai's face was still a little pale, but it was much better than a few days ago.She looked at the path, fixedly glanced a few times, and got Yu'er's answer, and Nuo'er helped her in.

I heard that she is a teenage girl, how could he be liked by Mr. Dongfang.

Thinking that Mr. Dongfang cared about her body that day, asked her to cultivate well, and strive to get better soon, she felt sweet in her heart.The pain this time was not in vain, at least the Dongfang Young Master who didn't look at her before now cared about her.

Then... thinking of this, her pale face turned rosy.

"Chun'er, what's wrong?"

When Chun'er came in, she saw Mei Bao'er leaning back on the rattan chair with one leg on the table, holding the teapot in one hand and the teacup in the other, sipping tea leisurely.Such an elegant thing was made so vulgar by her, no wonder the young master didn't even look at her.

On the other hand, Qin Weixue was leaning against the window with a calm expression, which looked like a beautiful picture scroll.She secretly rejoiced that the young master didn't care about Qin Weixue either.

"Ms. Mu is here."

Mei Baoer paused when she was about to drink tea, and her legs were put down, but her body was still lying lazily, with no intention of getting up at all: "So it's Miss Mu, please invite her in!" After finishing speaking She drank tea on her own again, "By the way, bring some new tea as a treat."

"Understood," Chun'er didn't understand, and even looked disgusted, "Miss Mei, Miss Mu just recovered from illness, aren't you going out?" She even almost said why you didn't go out to greet her, thinking of their identities, she also It wasn't something she, a little maid, could offend, so it was changed to this.

"go out?"

Mei Bao'er looked puzzled, "Just let her in, why go out? Do you want me as a guest to welcome her? Chun'er, I want to talk to you young master, how can there be such a maid in Dongfang Mansion?" " She doesn't care about her reputation, and she has always been more rude to such rude people.

"No, Miss Mei, servant..."

"Okay, just let her in, it's just a joke."

Chun'er was full of anger, but couldn't vent it, so she had to go out.She thought to herself that Miss Mu could clean up Mei Bao'er in a while, so as to relieve her anger!Remembering that Miss Mu has always been kind, she felt that this wish could not come true.

"Miss Mei, Xinbai also heard that the two of you are in the mansion, so I am really disturbing you."

Mu Xinbai came slowly, she really had a bit of a ladylike temperament, and her words put herself in the position of the mistress, which was very interesting.


Mei Baoer felt that this person must have a dark heart.

I feel pity, with a sickly face, delicate and soft, isn't this a standard white lotus?
"you are?"

"Mu Xinbai, the daughter of the Mu family, lives in Dongfang Mansion for the time being." Mu Xinbai walked in, without looking at Qin Weixue at all, and went directly to her side: "You are Miss Mei, right?" She recognized Mei Baoer at a glance.

"I've heard that Miss Mei is still a genius doctor before. I don't know if Miss Mei can help Xinbai see a doctor?"

Want her to see a doctor?

"I'm a miracle doctor, that's true, you want to see a doctor, are you sure?"

Mu Xinbai tilted his head: "Naturally, isn't Miss Mei unwilling to agree to Xinbai's request?"

"No, it's very expensive for me to see a doctor..."

(End of this chapter)

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