Chapter 247

"My lord, a powerful man broke in."

Here, Dongfang Ce was still thinking about how to send Mu Xinbai back to the Mu family, after much deliberation, he felt that he should wait for the other party to recover before sending him back.Outside, Yuan Jiu rushed in quickly, with a very nervous expression, as if he had encountered a formidable enemy.

"Yuan Jiu, what's going on?"

Dongfang Ce didn't understand that Yuan Jiu had always been prudent in doing things, and he had never seen such a panic.

"My lord, a strong man came from outside the mansion. He was about to barge in. The subordinates saw that he had malicious intentions and stopped him. It's just that the other party was too strong and beat us all to the ground."

Only then did Dongfang Ce see that Yuan Jiu was also in a bit of a mess, apparently being cleaned up.Before he could speak, the door was kicked open suddenly, and a black figure appeared in front of the two of them.Yuan Jiu opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

After seeing the person coming, Dongfang Ce's pupils shrank suddenly. He will never forget this face in his life. The impact it gave him was too strong.Remembering that he was already the head of the family, he had no choice but to resist the arrogance of this man.

"Mr. Mo."

Dongfang Ce stood up and cupped his hands. He came so fast that he was not prepared yet. Of course he knew why the other party came, probably it was Mei Baoer!

"Hmm." Mo Ming walked in, looked Dongfang Ce up and down carefully, and said lightly, "He's not as handsome as he is!"

"The strength is not as strong as the deity."

Uh... what do you mean?
Yuan Jiu didn't understand, neither did Dongfang Ce, and they haven't heard the rumors outside for the time being, so they naturally don't know what Mo Ming is comparing.

"I don't know why Mr. Mo is here this time?"

"The deity's baby is here."

Mo Ming chose a chair at random and sat down, tapped his fingers on the table, he could tell that he was very upset now: "I heard that she likes you?" Although he knew it was impossible, but thinking of those rumors, his heart still accurate.

With Dongfang Ce's power, such a big misunderstanding should be cleared up.

Dongfang Ce was shocked, Mei Baoer likes him? ?
Impossible, Mei Baoer obviously likes this man, and even dislikes her very much.I think Dongfang Ce is also a talent. When Mei Baoer disliked him before, he didn't even give him a face.

This man couldn't be upset and deliberately troubled him, right?

"Mr. Mo, this should be a misunderstanding."

"I know."

Then what are you doing here?
Yuan Jiu complained silently in his heart that when he met such a strong man, let alone his son, even the entire northern forces combined would not be his match.


"There are rumors outside."

Mo Ming said lightly, "Dongfang Ce, you should suppress the rumors."

Dongfang Ce understood in an instant that he was relatively busy these days, so he naturally didn't pay attention to any rumors outside, presumably there were some bad rumors that angered this man.


He stared at Yuan Jiu, expressing the big news, why didn't he notify?

Yuan Jiu said: I am wronged, hasn't he had time?

"Where is my baby?"

Mo Ming crossed his hands, and there was a jade-colored cup on top of it. His fingers were constantly beating, as if he was dancing, but the movements of his hands gave people a bad feeling. Sure enough, the jade-colored cup It became powder.

"Mr. Mo is looking for Miss Mei?"


Hearing Dongfang Ce's address, Mo Ming was even more certain that he had never doubted his baby before, but the rumors outside made him unable to hold back his anger.If this incident was true, Dongfang City would have disappeared long ago.

"Then Mr. Mo and I will come down, Miss Mei is busy, please don't disturb me." Dongfang Ce hastily separated the relationship, who dares to provoke the woman of this domineering man?

Not to mention his woman, even Mei Baoer herself is not something anyone can provoke.Although the opponent's strength is not strong yet, but his strange medical skills make people have to be surprised.

"Bu Tianya, at what level have you cultivated to be able to transform?"

Facing Mei Baoer's sudden concern, Bu Tianya seemed flattered. Ever since this woman had a man, he and Xiaozhuang had been completely neglected.

"Imperial level."

Speaking of transformation, Bu Tianya is still looking forward to it. Unknowingly, he has been in Feiyun Continent for several years. Under the blessing of Mei Baoer, he can say that the wind is going smoothly. If it is not for the sudden arrival of the ghost emperor, he will definitely choose it experience.

The Ghost Emperor was able to clearly capture his aura, so he didn't dare to come out and could only practice in the contracted space. Fortunately, there were various potions from Mei Baoer, which made his cultivation go smoothly.

"Mei Bao'er, I can come out when I take shape."

"Aren't you afraid of the Ghost Emperor?"

"No, I'm transformed, so I can use secrets to hide my aura. As long as I don't get seen by the ghost emperor, I won't be discovered." He can't stay in the contract space forever, right?

"That's fine, when the time comes, you can also bring Xiao Zhuang with you, she is your apprentice."

Mei Bao'er secretly smiled, although Mei Zhuang hadn't talked about mating for so many years, she never stopped thinking about Bu Tianya, she really wanted to see what would happen in the end.

Bu Tianya only felt a tremor, as if he had been calculated.

Suddenly, the door opened and a gust of wind blew up. When Mei Baoer was still wondering, a pair of arms hugged her.The fragrant breath hits the tip of the nose, only one person in this world can have such a smell.

"You came?"

She hugged him with her backhand, and shielded the contract space by the way, Bu Tianya held up a rabbit paw and raised a middle finger fiercely.

Dongfang Ce, who was following behind, wanted to come in, but the door slammed shut, and left with Yuan Jiu with a wry smile: "Where's Weier?"

"I seem to have been invited by Miss Mu."


Dongfang Ce frowned: "Let's go over and have a look!" He felt uneasy about letting Wei'er get along with Mu Xinbai.

Inside the room, Mei Baoer shrank her neck, the intimacy just now disappeared, her waist was tightly held by this man, unable to break free.His face was pale, and he looked really angry.

She stretched out her finger and poked his chest: "Well... what's the matter, am I alright?" The cautious tone was still so cute.The soft voice almost made him soft-hearted.

Pressing against her forehead, looking into her eyes, she clearly saw the anger emerging in these pupils, and rubbed his chest with both hands: "Did someone make you angry, help you Shun Shun Angry, don't be angry."

Rubbing his chest with his small soft palms, it surprisingly calmed down his anger just now.However, he never thought of letting her go so easily.

(End of this chapter)

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