Chapter 251 Declaring Sovereignty
"Xinbai is really sensible."

Facing the old lady's praise, Mu Xinbai breathed a sigh of relief.After several days of hard work, she somehow managed to make the old lady feel bad for Qin Weixue, which seemed to be a success. Just when she was complacent, Dongfang Ce took Qin Weixue's hand and stood up.

"Old lady, today, I want to announce something. One of the reasons for the banquet is one of the reasons for this. I want everyone to be witnesses."


Even if Mei Baoer is drunk again, she can't help but wake up at this moment. Dongfang Ce is really impatient, and now wants to declare his sovereignty over Wei Xue. It is precisely because of this that she feels that Dongfang Ce is good and can Holding Weixue's hand and standing under the eyes of everyone, it is a man!
"Dongfang Ce is still a man!"

She pouted and murmured in his ear, "Then I can rest assured that Weixue will stay here. I can't let the two separate when they are passionately in love. Let them get along first. Maybe one day this kid He will bring Weixue back to the West." Picking up the wine glass, he took a sip lightly, his red face made his eyes darken, this appearance really makes people want to kiss Fangze, tightly Holding her slender waist, she leaned close to her ear: "This deity is also a man, you will understand from now on."

Because of these words, her scorching body suddenly became cool, and after the coolness, a burst of hot air surrounded her, and her pink lips opened and closed together: "Rogue!"

A low laugh came, staining her ears, and looking at him, her eyes seemed to be beautiful with watery light.Seeing his more and more serious face, she fell on top of him, just teasing him once in a while, if it really provoked him into a fire, it would be a bad thing, and she would be the one who suffers.

But she didn't see a pair of wolf-like eyes with resentment, otherwise she would definitely be unable to hold back.

"What does Ce'er want to announce?"

The old lady looked at Dongfang Ce holding Qin Weixue's hand, feeling a little dazzling.

"Old lady, I have a sweetheart, Wei Er. I am going to confirm my marriage with her today, and I will ask the old lady to be a witness."

Dongfang Ce's words completely shattered the luck in the old lady's heart. An old wrinkled face looked at the two of them, and everyone could feel the anger in her eyes.Yes, the old lady is angry. She is currently optimistic about Mu Xinbai, and she has spoken good things about Mu Xinbai to many people. She also said that Dongfang Ce will definitely choose Mu Xinbai, and she is the master of this marriage.

As a result, Dongfang Ce got slapped in the face tonight.

Mu Xinbai also had a sad face, and the tears in his eyes were indeed a bit endearing. Qin Weixue's expression was light, but in contrast, many people stood by Mu Xinbai's side. After all, everyone knows that Mu Xinbai Xinbai blocked the danger for Dongfang Ce at the beginning, otherwise the Dongfang family would definitely be in crisis.

"I disagree with this matter!"

The old lady patted Mu Xinbai's hand affectionately. She usually doesn't care about many things, but she must take care of this matter: "Ce'er, I don't know where this Miss Qin is from, what is her character, and what is her identity?" One sentence can deny Qin Weixue. In short, she just doesn't like Qin Weixue. If the Dongfang family can marry the Mu family, and Mu Xinbai is good, she thinks it is perfect.

Of course, other people also thought the same way, and they didn't understand how Dongfang Ce would choose Qin Weixue, a woman of unknown origin.

"Old lady, I have identified Wei'er, and there is no discussion on this matter."

The old lady's demeanor didn't seem to be able to change Dongfang Ce's mind. His attitude was quite tough and impressive, and it almost subverted his original image. After all, it was rumored that Dongfang Ce listened to the old lady very much. I can imagine that there will be a scene today.

"You..." The old lady's eyes widened, and she pointed at Dongfang Ce angrily, "You're against me! No matter what, this Miss Qin of unknown origin is absolutely not allowed to join my Dongfang family!!" Quite a few The members of the Dongfang family also nodded, saying that this matter was not discussed. Qin Weixue has no background and is not familiar to them, so he is not suitable to be the young wife of Dongfang.

Dongfang Ce narrowed his eyes, looking very dangerous. He looked at the eyes of the people around him. Those who looked at him shrank their necks and lowered their heads. They wanted to see a joke, but they forgot that the person in front of them was Dongfang Ce. Dongfang Ce, who is very powerful.

"Why does the old lady object?"

Dongfang Ce couldn't hear any emotion in his voice, as if he was simply asking why he objected.Everyone looked at the old lady in unison, wanting to hear her reasons for objecting.

"Cer, I don't think this Miss Qin is suitable for you. Maybe you fell in love with her appearance when you saw her for the first time, but there are so many good-looking girls in the north. I think Xinbai is good. Xinbai is Mu. You are not only Dongfang Ce, but you are also the hope of the entire Dongfang family, so how can you marry a woman casually?" The implication is that marrying Qin Weixue is right for her. The Orientals were of no help at all.

"I fell in love with her, so I naturally recognized her."

In order to express his decision, Dongfang Ce let go of Qin Weixue's hand and hugged her instead: "It can only be him!" His tone was stronger than before. He didn't want her to face so many people, but he Because of her identity, she had to be like this, only holding her hand and standing in the brightest place, letting everyone look at them.How could he hide the person he likes?

The old lady almost turned away, but fortunately Mu Xinbai had quick eyes and quick hands, and supported her: "Old lady, are you okay?" After she finished speaking, she gave Dongfang Ce a displeased look, "Young Master Dongfang, even if you don't like Xinbai, the old lady is your relative after all, how can you make the old lady angry, her health is not good..."

The kind Mu Xinbai?Mei Baoer hooked the corners of her mouth and said softly, "Do you think Dongfang Ce can handle so many people?"

"It shouldn't be a problem, but it's just wasting too much time." As if in his opinion, it could have been resolved long ago.The words of the two did not deliberately conceal, Dongfang Ce was so close, the forehead twitched when he heard it, this man seemed to like to beat him very much to please Mei Baoer.

"If it were me, whoever dared to object would be destroyed." After his triumphant words fell, Dongfang Ce remembered the big family that was destroyed by the other party at the beginning, and said that this was what he could do, not a joke.

"You were so cute when you were in the second grade." She felt that this man was getting more and more down-to-earth, and couldn't help but scratched his chest, his eyes had a kind of light, although she said so, in fact, she knew that he was just expressing his determination.

"Miss Qin." Mu Xinbai turned around, with a bit of accusation.

(End of this chapter)

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