Chapter 259
No matter how powerful those people are, he still has the ability to deal with them, and snatch that power over to her. If they are disobedient, they will be wiped out immediately.

"this one?"

"I'll add another hidden formation for you. You must not show it until you become stronger. We may be separated for a short time in the future." After all, if he goes up, the place he is going to is the demon world, and she is Immortal World, "Bao'er can only wait in Immortal World, I will come to find you as soon as possible."


Mei Baoer silently comprehended that it turned out to be the Immortal World above: "What are the conditions for going to the Immortal World?"

"Cultivate to the extreme, and overcome the thunder disaster."

Mei Baoer's eyes widened: "Is it really going to cross the thunder calamity? Why haven't I heard that there are people on this continent who have crossed the thunder calamity?" I only heard that there are many strong people here, and I know that other strong people will come Here, I don't think that if she wants to go out, she has to go through the thunder disaster.

"This is an abandoned continent, but soon this continent will shine again." Mo Ming looked at her with extremely serious eyes, and she believed it.

"However, these things are still early. Before that, we still have time to prepare. From the current point of view, a battle between the mainland and Shura is inevitable."

"Then Daheilian, what is your strength?" She finally plucked up the courage to ask, "Could it be that you have already reached the apex of the mortal world? No, those two people came from the fairy world before, so they must still be above them."

"Forget it, don't talk about it, I'm afraid of being hit, so I'll ask you, when will you go up through the thunder disaster?"

"Wait for you……"

The extremely succinct answer surprised Mei Baoer, could he control when the thunder disaster came down?How outrageous is this guy, so terrifying!
As if enjoying her starry eyes, he took her hand and stepped out.After asking random people on the street, they finally found out that the Mei family was wiped out overnight a few months ago.Later, Mei Wanchun also had an accident. On the way to worship Buddha, she met a robber and went crazy.

Hearing that Shangshu's mansion was also attacked by a thief, the whole mansion was turned into a mess. Lord Shangshu thought it was the bad luck brought by the Mei family, so he sent the crazy Mei Wanchun into the nunnery, and the nunnery felt that her howling was too loud. Noisy, built a dilapidated house on the mountain, and locked it there.

"She is really miserable!"

Mei Baoer felt that all this happened too fast, she wanted to come and kill Mei Song and Mason, after all, they were the two who shot at the beginning, and she didn't intend to kill the rest.As a result, she didn't do anything, and someone wiped it out.

At present, these people are still thinking about Mei Fanzhi, probably Mei Fanzhi heard the news and hid in the academy and dare not come out!Mei Yanluo went to the Asura Realm, so naturally they couldn't find it.

"Nangong Changsheng has almost made arrangements here, and a high price has been offered to the strong to sit in the town, so there should be no problem." Mei Baoer thought that she should go back to the academy, and she should say goodbye to Dongyue Kingdom completely, "Right, let's go Before that, let's go to another place to see."

She remembered that there was another person in Dongyue Kingdom, so she probably knew her!

"Where to go?"

She was a little embarrassed, of course she was looking for Li Xingwu to see how he was doing?It's just that she forgot to ask where the other party was married, and now she has no goal in looking for it.

"Bao'er, is it Bao'er?"

Just when she was thinking hard and was about to find someone to ask, a familiar voice came, and she was overjoyed that Cao Cao had arrived by himself.

Looking back, I saw a woman getting out of a carriage. The mole of tears was still her symbol. She is like a girl. From her appearance and smile, it can be seen that she is doing well.

"Mother, where are you going?"

In the carriage, there was another clear and clear child's voice, and a child carved in powder and jade poked his head out, causing Li Xingwu to turn around and pull him down: "Yi'er, mother saw a child who hadn't seen him for many years. Friends, just wait obediently in the carriage, mother will be back in a while."

"No, mother, you take me with you. What if you leave me behind? Daddy told me to keep a close eye on you, lest you accidentally slip away."

Mei Baoer stared at the communication between mother and son, and found it very interesting.She's doing well, so I'm relieved.

"Okay, Yi'er, can't mother take you there? But, don't mess around."

"Hmm..." The child was only three or four years old, but now he was a bit mature.The little hand kept grabbing his mother's skirt, as if he was really afraid that she would run away.

"Bao'er, it's been a long time. You are so beautiful that I dare not recognize you." Li Xingwu was also less playful and more gentle.She held Mei Baoer's hand excitedly, never thinking that there would be a day when they would meet again.

"You are not bad, it seems that you are doing well."

Several people found a nearby tea shop and sat down, Li Xingwu stared at Mo Ming for a few moments: "Is this yours?"

"Well, it's the one hidden in the boudoir back then." A joke made Li Xingwu amused.But this man is really well-born, worthy of Bao'er.

"Yi'er, I want your Aunt Bao'er soon."

Li Yi was very serious, looked at him a few more times, and shouted respectfully: "Yi'er, please pass by Auntie Baoer, Uncle."

Er... The child is very smart... Why does Mei Baoer think that this child is afraid that his mother will be abducted?It seems that this is another wife accusation, but Xing Wu married the right person by mistake.Thinking about it, the prime minister also cared about Li Xingwu, otherwise he wouldn't have arranged such a good marriage for her.

The two really seemed to be old friends, and they kept talking about the experiences of these people. Li Yi found that this extremely handsome uncle was only staring at Aunt Bao'er, and didn't have any unreasonable thoughts about his mother, so he finally felt relieved. .

"No son, Yier."

While chatting, a man hurried in from outside. When he saw that the two of them were fine, he breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly hugged Li Xingwu in his arms. His cautious appearance really regarded him as a treasure. .


Suddenly, the man stretched out his arms and hugged Li Yi in his arms. God knows how anxious he was when he waited for a long time and didn't realize their arrival. In order to get Wu'er, he spent a lot of effort. , almost lost her.

"Who are these two?"

Li Xingwu seems to be used to this man, and now he has decided to be with him, but his cautious appearance still makes her feel a little interesting.After introducing Mei Bao'er and Li Shang, he also sat down after greeting them.

He knew about Mei Bao'er, after all, what happened back then was indeed very violent, but he was originally a clear-minded person, and he was from a family background, so he understood the tricks.

An afternoon of reminiscing about the past must go away.The persuasion of Li Shang and the two still failed, and Mei Baoer and Mo Ming embarked on their way back to the west again.The family of three sent them away, and slowly turned back to the carriage, each having their own lives.

(End of this chapter)

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