Chapter 262
"Qianqiu, Zhaofeng, I'm back, Baolai Restaurant No. [-], Tianzifang No. [-]." There were only a few short words in the letter, but they were both surprised and happy.The handwriting was exactly Nangong Fuchen's, and the two of them believed in it. Nangong Qianqiu was also very happy, and immediately wanted to look for it at Baolai Restaurant.

"Wait a minute, Brother Seven, why didn't Brother Six come to us directly, or why did he find out that we only sent someone to deliver a letter? This doesn't seem to suit Brother Six's temperament."

Nangong Zhaofeng was a woman after all, so she was more careful, and soon found that the letter was a bit inexplicable, and she even doubted the authenticity of the letter. The handwriting can be imitated, and it is not impossible for someone to impersonate it.Nangong Qianqiu was also dazzled by joy just now, and thinking about it now, it really reveals something weird.

"Then what's going on here?"

"Should we still go to Baolai Restaurant, who else will pretend to be Sixth Brother to deliver a letter to us, is he in some danger?"

Nangong Zhaofeng thought for a while and said: "No, if the sixth brother is in danger, it is even more impossible for this person to lead us in this way. Why don't you just send a letter saying, 'Your sixth brother is in our hands, what do you want? If you want to save him, come here quickly, 'Why did you do so much? As for who is pretending to be Sixth Brother, what does it matter, but the purpose is... No, Seventh Brother, let's go!!" Nangong Zhaofeng didn't know what he was thinking of, Pulling Nangong Qianqiu and rushing out quickly.

Not long after, the people chasing from a distance looked at the empty place, and looked a little annoyed: "What to do, they are too smart and have already slipped away. It seems that this method will not work at all, and I don't know how to explain it to the girl. .”

"I will definitely be punished by the girl when I go back." The other person trembled, "The letter was obviously written by the girl. She said that showing the two of them in this way would definitely make the other party feel good, but they don't seem to be fooled, could it be?" Did you see something?"

"No, it's very likely that some recent events have made these people vigilant. I guess they don't even know who the sender is, so they suspect it. It's really hateful. If they are caught, they can use This is to blackmail Emperor Shura, if Emperor Shura is willing to control the Feiyun Continent with the girl, there is no such trouble at all."

"It's a pity, but Emperor Shura hasn't appeared for many years. I heard that she is still in retreat. The girl is still hiding this matter from him. We still think of other ways. We can't just go back to the business like this. First let people Go after it, and leave some people to think of other ways.”


Nangong Zhaofeng and Nangong Qianqiu didn't stop all the way. After more than ten days, they finally arrived at the place where there was a teleportation array, and they teleported directly back to the Emerald City. They didn't feel safe until they entered the Emerald Cloud Academy.

The two were panting and panting beside them with embarrassment, causing many people to become vigilant: "Both, what's the matter with you, did you meet Shura?"

The two waited for a while, and finally looked up, Nangong Qianqiu said: "No, someone is going to hunt us down." In fact, he was already suspecting that someone was going to arrest him and Zhaofeng to blackmail their sixth brother, so he ran away so fast.

From this point of view, the sixth brother is still safe, so he can vaguely guess that the sixth brother should not be the leader who invaded the mainland, so he can rest assured.

Similarly, Nangong Zhaofeng also thought of it, with a smile in the corner of his eyes: "Actually, we don't know if that is Shura, we just feel that they are very dangerous. To be on the safe side, I ask this senior brother to help report this situation to the higher authorities."

"Okay, junior sister, tell me quickly."

Nangong Zhaofeng was surprised, this senior brother seemed to have a bright face, as if he was very happy to hear that Shura was there.But without hesitation, he told about what he had encountered in that small town, and the location, and finally bid farewell to this enthusiastic senior brother.

"Okay, junior sister, we will take care of this matter. You and this junior brother should go back to rest quickly. Don't worry about Shura, we will take care of it!"

This senior brother is really enthusiastic. If it wasn't for the fact that they couldn't see through the other party's strength, they would definitely suspect that it was faked.Afterwards, the two of them inquired about it, and only then did they know why he was so excited. It turned out that it was because there would be rich rewards for hunting Shura.

But the two became worried. Could something be wrong in the Asura Realm at this moment?

"Zhaofeng, are you still worried about Sixth Brother? Why don't we practice hard, there will always be a chance to meet Sixth Brother, and it's useless for us to worry. At present, Sixth Brother should have met an opponent and didn't threaten him, otherwise the other party wouldn't Will adopt such a bad strategy, if the other party is not unable to subdue Sixth Brother, they will definitely not use such a method."

"Seventh brother, you're right. I just think it happened so suddenly, it's unbelievable. As long as the Shura who invaded the mainland is not from Sixth brother, I can rest assured." After all, they are brothers and sisters of the first life, and they have been close since childhood. Let her do righteousness and kill relatives, I am afraid it will be very tormenting.

"Zhaofeng, are you back?"

Mei Baoer's voice sounded from outside, the two smiled at each other, and hurried out to open the door, only to find that not only Mei Baoer and Mo Ming, but also Qin Weixue and others.They all stared at the two of them for a while, and found that they were not injured, Qiqi was relieved.

"It's good that you're fine. I heard that you ran back before, and I was very embarrassed. I thought something happened." Mei Bao'er patted her chest, her expression became serious, "Let's go in and talk about it!"


Nangong Zhaofeng didn't hide anything, and told what happened to her one by one, and also took out the previous letter.

"Then who is it? If Fuchen's opponent, how would he know about Zhaofeng and Qianqiu?" Qin Weixue couldn't help wondering, "After all, there are not that many people who know about their relationship."

This is also the doubt of other people. Those people seem to know the two of them, and they send letters without hesitation. This is why Nangong Qianqiu almost fell for it without even thinking about it.

"It's not important for now. I'll take a look at this letter. By the way, Zhaofeng, do you still have Fuchen's handwriting? I want to see if it's real or fake."

People who can imitate again, even if they look very similar, or even exactly the same, will reveal many differences in the ink blots. It is very difficult for ordinary people to identify this point, but for Mei Baoer, it is very simple. This is to analyze the elixir extraction potion, and the composition analysis and ink stain analysis are not much different.

"I have words written by Brother Six here."

(End of this chapter)

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