Chapter 272 You Are The Best


Qin Weixue was startled, looking at Mei Baoer's expression, she seemed to have a bad premonition in her heart.She has always seen May Bo'er's smile, and rarely sees him so serious, even a little heavy.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

She has been training in the dungeon all these years, and it has only been a few days since she came out.

Mo Ming automatically released Mei Baoer, motioned to Dongfang Ce, and the two walked out.After the two had walked a long distance, Mei Baoer sighed deeply. Actually, when she knew about it, she didn't know how to say it.

"Weixue, your mother..."

"Her, what happened to her?"

Qin Weixue's eyes were already red, needless to say, she already understood, really understood, as if all her beliefs collapsed at this moment.She just couldn't believe it, couldn't believe it all the time.

"Half a year ago, Ming's subordinates inadvertently obtained the secret passage of the Qin family, and found your mother's bones and relics there. It seems that it has been many years, and the Qin family doesn't seem to care. , and brought the relic back."

Mei Bao'er took out a ring, which contained ashes and relics, "There was also a letter inside, when it was found, it was in the rotting bones, maybe the Qin family didn't put her in their eyes, so they kept it down."

As for what happened at the beginning, it has been a long time since it happened, and it is not easy to find out. Only by asking Patriarch Qin can we know.To be able to use such means to deal with Qin Weixue's mother, probably only the Qin Patriarch is such a cruel person!

Qin Weixue was stunned, her face turned pale, she held the ring tremblingly, took out the letter without thinking much, opened it silently, read the contents, tears fell down, showing her sadness.

After a long time, the tears have dried up.

"Bao'er, thank you." She gritted her teeth, "I will not let Master Qin go!!"

The Qin family killed her parents, and made her suffer so much since she was a child. In the end, it was just for some unnecessary things. She hated these people too much, really hated them too much.

If her mother told her to live a good life, she would live a good life. She still has a lover and friends, so she won't fail to figure it out.

As for Patriarch Qin, and Qin Ruxue, she will definitely clean it up!

With eyes closed, he took a deep breath: "Bao'er, I'll do it myself!"


"Currently, Shura is making moves, as if he wants to break through the Qin family, what do you think?"

After all, the Qin family was a big family, and Shura couldn't break through for a while, so they were not controlled. With Mei Yanluo's temperament, she would never let her go.And she had a premonition that not only would Mei Baoer not let the Qin family go, but the most important thing was Qin Ruxue. For Qin Weixue, the other party would not let go, and of course herself.

She has never quite understood what this time-traveling woman wants to do. These people didn't have any hatred for her at first.

After thinking about it, she only had one guess, that is, Mei Yanluo knew that Qin Weixue and Qin Ruxue were threats to her?Threat, why do you know it is a threat?Could it be that Mei Yanluo was reborn through time travel?No, it doesn't look like that. If it was time travel and rebirth, the other party wouldn't act so rashly.

So what is it?
"Bao'er, what's wrong with you, what are you thinking?"

Qin Weixue came back to her senses and saw that she was losing her mind.

"I think of Mei Yanluo, there are too many doubts about her, I'm wondering why all this is, forget it, don't think about it, when the time comes, I will catch her and torture her."

"By the way, here in the Qin family, do you have any ideas?"

"Since Shura wants to break through the Qin family, let's help them!" Qin Weixue smiled a little, "A family has existed for too long, so it should encounter some setbacks, don't you think?"

"You are right, then let your man help you, he is very powerful."

The two people who felt similar over there happened to be walking at the door when they heard these words.

"Bao'er, what do you think I'm good at?"

Just as Dongfang Ce asked this sentence, he felt the air-conditioning released by a certain Demon King. He shivered quickly, hugged his own person, and said that it is warmer here. This man really is, eat some dry vinegar every day , frightened him half to death.

"Is he good?"

Mo Ming pinched Mei Bao'er's chin, and hooked the corner of his mouth: "I've gained a lot of weight, and it's become rounder, not bad."

"That... Mo Ming, He Ce will leave first."

Qin Weixue and the two quickly ran out, they didn't want to disturb the two of them here.Terrible, the man was as frightening as ever.Their strength has improved a lot over the years, but when they saw Mo Ming, they still felt the coercion from him.

"What do you think is so good about him?"

Mei Baoer quickly shook her head: "You are amazing, you are amazing, you are the strongest, he is tough on Weixue, I am telling Weixue what I said, so just ignore it and not hear it."

"But I've heard it."

The little face collapsed, should he be so stingy and moody, after all, he has the temperament of an old monster.Rubbing his clothes, he hurriedly coaxed the jealous man.

"You are the best, really! Really, really, you are my man. In my heart, you are the best and most powerful. No one can replace you..."

After a series of compliments, a certain demon king was finally happy.

"Look, sunset!"

Mei Baoer looked up at the sky, and the fiery red light shone down there, how beautiful it was, and the clouds on the sky appeared in front of their eyes piece by piece.The two hugged each other. It had been a long time since such a beautiful scene appeared. The students of the entire Feiyun College were a little excited.

That sunset is so beautiful.

The hustle and bustle of the Emerald City seemed to have calmed down, and they all looked over there, beautiful, except for beautiful, they couldn't find any words to describe it.I don't know why, when everyone looked at this scene, there was emotion in their eyes.

That's right, it's been several years. It's been several years since Shura was born. Even though the city is bustling, it still can't hide the tension in everyone's heart. All settled down.

Through the secret operation of Qin Weixue and Dongfang Ce, the Qin family was finally controlled by Shura, but unfortunately, the mantis catching cicadas and orioles were behind, and Mei Yanluo was controlling everything in the Shura world, but Mei Baoer had already known about it her plan.

She is still planning to unify the entire continent, but she doesn't know that Mei Baoer is already planning to kill her.

"Yanluo, what happened this time?"

Mei Fanzhi is still a little baffled. He was brought to this place by an inexplicable person. He was terrified at first, but after seeing Mei Yanluo, he calmed down.At first he thought that Mei Yanluo was dead, but he didn't want her to be worse.

(End of this chapter)

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