Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 286 My God, I Didn't Expect Elder Ye To Be Such A Person

Chapter 286 My God, I Didn't Expect Elder Ye To Be Such A Person
So, that day, the students in the academy were all spreading the word crazily. They heard that the deputy dean passed by the academy with his wife in his arms in broad daylight.That smug look really sprinkled generations of dog food to the entire academy, causing countless people to complain and wish to find a partner right away.

Countless women are envious. If their partner is as caring as the vice president, it would be good to let them be devoted to it.

The two are together regardless of customs, as if everyone is used to it, it may be a bad thing for others, but it is a good thing for them.Who doesn't know that the relationship between these two people is still so good for many years.Mo Ming is handsome and strong, Mei Baoer is not bad, she is equally good-looking, and her medical skills are superb, who would dare to offend her?
"I heard that there are still people who want to destroy their relationship." Many students talked about it.

Someone answered: "Who would do such a wicked thing?"

"Who else could be, that Elder Ye, haven't you heard of it? Elder Ye is a master of love who lingers in the flowers. I don't know when he couldn't talk to Mei Baoer at all, and then he held a grudge.

I heard that he vowed to snatch Mei Baoer away from the vice president. "

"Oh my god, I didn't expect Elder Ye to be such a person."

Another woman said: "Actually, Elder Ye is also a pitiful person. Nowadays, the girls in the academy don't like him anymore. Although he is handsome, but whoever likes such a playboy, even if he is not so handsome or powerful. , at least with one heart and one mind..." The woman was a little envious, who doesn't like the vice president's feelings for Mei Bao'er.

Because of the relationship between Mei Baoer and Mo Ming, the entire West has set off a feeling of single-mindedness, a pair of people for a lifetime.But all young people are envious of such feelings.

Therefore, although Yelitian is good, it is not very popular anymore.

In the corner, Ye Litian's face was gloomy. He didn't know who made the rumor. If he knew who it was, he would definitely deal with him well.Looking out the door, I saw the loving couple, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Hehe...Ghost Emperor, does your heart ache? You have today too? I am so happy." Bu Tianya appeared next to Ye Litian at some point, with a sarcasm on his face.Holding Mei Zhuang in his hand, he stroked it slowly.

Ye Litian turned his head and stared at him: "Not happy! Get lost, dead rabbit!"

"Come on, scold me, I just listen to it, the left ear goes in and the right ear goes out, I didn't expect the majestic ghost emperor to choke sometimes, he deserves it... really deserves it..."

Bu Tianya hugged Mei Zhuang, walked leisurely and casually towards the door: "Xiao Zhuang, Master is happy today, I'll find you something delicious."

"Master, are you sick? Why are you twitching from laughing..."

"Master is happy about this."

With Ye Litian's dark face, he could no longer see his original face.He punched the nearby tree, and the tree fell down. He was about to lift his feet to leave, but an uncomfortable sound sounded in his ear.

"Elder Ye, you want to destroy the college's property at will. Please plant ten trees for the college before next month." Xingyue's cold voice sounded, and she recorded the incident.

It is also a very good thing to be able to respond to Ye Litian occasionally.This fellow dares to destroy Bao'er's feelings. You must know that Bao'er is not only the vice president's treasure, but also everyone's treasure. Is it you, Ye Litian, who can move at will?

Ye Litian raised his hand in embarrassment: "Got it." But he was a little depressed in his heart, did he bump into a hapless ghost, no, he is the ghost emperor, which hapless ghost would dare to pester him.

Damn, he felt like something was out of his control.

After thinking for a while, he walked out of the academy gate.I wanted to sort out my messy thoughts, but that delicate little face flashed in my mind from time to time, and I couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

Could it be that his desire to use her to become a god has become an obsession in his heart?

Shaking his head, his steps seemed a little messy.

"Elder Ye."

A woman in white clothes suddenly appeared in front of him, looking at him with a smile, if it was before, he would definitely tease her and make her face blush.Seeing such a woman now, but not the slightest interest.

Wrong step to leave, but was stopped by the woman.

"Elder Ye seems to have something on his mind, why don't we find a place to talk about it!"

After hesitating for a while, he thought that he was bored anyway, and this woman's strength could not threaten him, so he agreed.Followed behind her and entered a restaurant.

"Weixue, I saw that little bitch Qin Ruxue took Ye Litian away just now, do you think she failed to seduce Mo Ming, and now she has changed?" Xingyue rolled her eyes and said, she felt that Qin Ruxue Snow is disgusting.

Qin Weixue frowned: "She is too calculating, let's be more careful, if there is any change in Elder Ye, you should watch carefully, and don't let him destroy the relationship between Bao'er and Mo Ming."

"Understood, don't you feel relieved about me? That little bitch was able to use Xue Weiyuan, it really made me sick."

Xingyue hesitated for a moment, and said, "Qin Ruxue is nothing to fear now, Weixue, what do you think about the Qin family?"

"Naturally, take it back." Qin Weixue smiled lightly, "At first I thought that the Qin family would suffer disaster because of this incident, and they would be defeated, but I didn't expect Qin Ruxue to be able to control the storm and stabilize it, which is a bit troublesome."

"With our strength, it is very easy to overthrow the Qin family, why not do it now?"

Qin Weixue had a sullen face and thought silently: "Xingyue, the Qin family can't perish for the time being, after all, I haven't found a way to go to the spirit world. Why did the head of the family want to get rid of me? Isn't it because of the quota to go to the spirit world? Is it? The Qin family only has one place, so naturally it must be Qin Ruxue, otherwise I am such a small person, why would the head of the Qin family care so much?"

With a sarcastic smile: "If he hadn't taken my father's position as head of the family and killed the relatives and friends of the four of you, why would we have ended up in this situation?" From her mother's relics, she only learned about it from letters. Such cause and effect.

"Then you must not let the Qin family go."

"Don't worry, I won't let the Qin family go. Soon, the Qin family will disappear from this world. "

Since the upper Shura invaded the mainland, the entire continent has been very peaceful, and the four directions have also stabilized.Whether it is the royal family of Dongyue Kingdom or the rest of the monsters, they are more united than usual.Dean Pei He also announced the retreat, and the elders of the college will guard the college together.

"What does Wei Xue mean by the spirit world?" In the private room, Mei Baoer thought about it and asked her doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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