Chapter 290 Good Job
Ever since they stepped into the south, they have seen patches of red flowers, yes, patches of neat and beautiful red flowers, various varieties, but they are all red.Even on the mountain peak in front of you, these beautiful flowers and plants are also surrounded. All the red ones grow here in an orderly manner.

Mei Baoer was also stunned: "This place is quite different from before."

I have only been to the south twice, and I haven't been here for many years since then, but I didn't expect the changes here to be so great, but compared with the original virgin forest, the south now looks more beautiful.The mountain is full of green, but there are a little bit of red, and on the edge, you can also see various other colors as embellishments.

In her heart, Lord Demon King has become a very emotional person.

Lord Demon King caught sight of his little Bao'er smiling, and raised the corners of his mouth happily. Moyou and Gouzi did a good job, thanks!

"It's different." He responded lightly, "Let's connect the spirit world first!"

The latter sentence was addressed to Ye Litian, who knew that what happened last time was his fault, and felt a little embarrassed.In addition, he fell into Qin Ruxue's trap, and these two people helped him get it out. If not, he really doesn't know when he would be able to get out.Sure enough, a ghost emperor without his heyday is nothing.

Feeling a little depressed, he silently flew up the mountain, ready to connect to the spirit world.The rest of the people didn't know how to connect to the spirit world at all, so they didn't have any doubts when they saw that Ye Li had gone up to the sky.They don't care who connects the spirit world, they only care about whether it can be connected, or if it is beneficial to them.


"Mo You, let someone guard this place."

Before Mo Ming could speak, Mei Baoer spoke up, "This is our territory, so we will be locked up."

Her words were not whispered, Qin Weixue and the others had an expression of finally coming, and they didn't say anything.The rest of the people who followed behind heard something. When they knew that they were already in the south, they had some bad premonitions.It's useless to just regret it. If you want to connect to the spirit world, you have to rely on Mei Bao'er. Where they want to go is beyond their control.

When they felt very bad, a scorching gaze fell on them.

Mei Baoer coughed twice: "Everyone, do you know where this is?"

"South." Some people answered depressedly, a little uneasy in their hearts, and they didn't know what May Baoer would do. They always felt that they had stepped into a trap step by step.

There was some joy on her brows, and she frowned occasionally: "Yes, this is the south, not our human territory, but if you want to connect to the spirit world, this is the weakest place, and the rest of the places may be able to connect , but it may not be successful. So, after a year of research, we chose this place and signed a contract with the people here."

"What does Miss Mei mean?"

Mei Bao'er's eyes dimmed. Lei Sheng did a good job in this entrustment. He was standing in the crowd without attracting attention. When he suddenly said this sentence, everyone reacted.There must be something unspeakable for Mei Baoer to say that now.They had already prepared in their hearts, and as long as it wasn't too much, they agreed. After all, it was not very kind to let people connect to the spirit world for no reason, and they persecuted them before.

"This..." Mei Baoer hesitated for a moment, and Lei Sheng continued to agitate below, "Miss Mei, no matter what difficulties you have, just tell us, let's find a solution together, after all, the spiritual world is not your business alone, we Everyone has to do their part.”

here you go!
Not only Mei Baoer appreciated it, but Qin Weixue and others also secretly gave a thumbs up.

"Well, since everyone has said that," where did everyone say that? "Then let me tell the truth, after all, this is the territory of demons. After the Shura incident last time, everyone is in the same continent, living in peace, but we want to connect to the spirit world, and we will inevitably have to deal with demons in the future. On the site. However, this channel is also very important, and it cannot be left so deserted here. If someone with malicious intentions destroys it, wouldn’t it put our continent in crisis?"

The crowd was silent, indeed, they did not speak, and believed that she had something else to say.At this moment, they didn't realize at all that Mei Baoer was already digging a hole.

"So, I signed an agreement with the demons, saying that they will take care of this place from now on." Seeing everyone's expressions changed, Mei Bao'er showed no mercy, "Whoever wants to enter from here will naturally have to pay protection fees!"

Xingyue and the others lowered their heads, shrugged their shoulders, and couldn't stop laughing.They knew that Bao'er was a grudge, so they came up with such a way to make these people suffer for themselves.If these people hadn't forced each other a year ago, Bao'er probably wouldn't have done this either, she wouldn't have died if she didn't die!
"Miss Mei, I'm afraid this is not good?"

Someone couldn't help asking a question. Mei Baoer took a closer look and knew the identity of this person.I saw some familiar faces standing aside, a little uncomfortable, and couldn't help pulling a certain old man, but the old man didn't pay attention.So, the man bowed his head in embarrassment. He didn't know that Mei Bao'er was so powerful, and these people must have offended her a year ago, so she thought of the way to vent her anger today.

He knows that the Qin family, the Lou family and the Xie family are now in disgrace, all of which are her handwriting. How can such a person be easily offended?

"I think it's a good idea."

This voice also made everyone startled, and they quickly looked over there, and a certain patriarch here couldn't help but jump: "Patriarch Zhang, what do you mean?"

"That's what this old man means. We can't let us pass by other people's territory for nothing, don't we care about anything? If I pass by your yard every day, see if you, an old fellow, can jump!" Patriarch Zhang said, let a certain The head of the family blushed, of course he didn't want to, but the Zhang family spoke up, so...

"The dean also thinks it is feasible."

Pei He spoke.

"I also think it's very good." Nangong Changsheng said.

"My Dongfang family naturally agrees."

Well, the giants in the east, west and north have said so, what about the rest?

Mei Baoer chuckled: "Thank you for your understanding. From now on, the guards here will be changed every ten years, starting from the south for ten years, followed by Peiyun College, Zhang Family, Dongfang Family, and Dongyue Kingdom. Do you have any opinions? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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