Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 292 Master, just wait for Xiaozhuang to become a great beauty!

Chapter 292 Master, just wait for Xiaozhuang to become a great beauty!

After Mei Baoer and Mo Ming officially held the ceremony of becoming Taoist couples, Dongfang Ce was also a little anxious.The "simple" ceremony that Moming said shocked the entire continent, where it is simple, it is obviously so complicated that it cannot be copied.

Now the entire continent knows that Mei Baoer and Mo Ming are as deep as the sea, so they don't dare to have extra thoughts.

Since that day, Dongfang Ce hastily returned to the north, prepared a grand wedding, and successfully married Qin Weixue back home.As for the original members of the Dongfang family, they were all dismissed by him.Without Dongfang Ce's care, the old lady had a very difficult life.

As for that clan, it has been eradicated by Dongfang Ce. From then on, the Dongfang family is only Dongfang Ce's family.Originally extremely arrogant, the Mu family, who wanted to replace the Dongfang family, couldn't bear Dongfang Ce's blow, and finally lost. Mu Xinbai had no choice but to marry into an upper-middle-level family, and the days passed.

Dongfang Ce saw that the other party didn't come to approach him again, so he didn't do anything else.

After they got married, Mo Ming and Dongfang Ce slowly invaded their power in the spirit world one after another. The major sects in the spirit world only heard about the new Dongfang family, but they didn't know where Mo Ming's power was.

Regarding this point, everyone also has some doubts.The fact that Mei Baoer is a pure spirit body really cannot be concealed, and now the entire spirit world is in a bloodbath, even though she knows that Mei Baoer is Moming's Taoist companion, she still has a lot of thoughts.

After all, it is a pure spirit body, if you miss it in this life, you might lose it.

For this matter, Ye Litian was surprisingly very guilty.Of course, it was more anger, he was still planning how to abduct Mei Baoer, and as a result, many people were watching.This incident was not what he expected, but there was nothing he could do at all, he couldn't kill all the people in the spirit world, could he?
If he did this, he felt that he hadn't finished the massacre, and he would be reduced to pieces by the heavens.

Bu Tianya was a little worried: "Xiao Zhuang, you are about to cross the catastrophe of transformation." He didn't know why, but he was always worried. Unknowingly, after so many years, the little rabbit who had been by his side had grown up.

Facing Mei Zhuang, he always has very complicated emotions.He also likes Mei Zhuang's intelligence, so naturally he doesn't want to see her get hurt.However, the Lightning Tribulation of Transformation is something every monster must go through, and it cannot be escaped.

If you don't cross, you won't be able to transform at all.

What he was worried about was that Mei Zhuang had no actual combat experience and her body was relatively weak, so he didn't know if she could survive it. Originally, it was very difficult for monsters like rabbits to overcome the tribulation.

"Master, are you worried about me?"

Mei Zhuang's paws scratched him, they were fluffy and soft, very comfortable.Bu Tianya couldn't help but patted her head: "Yeah, it's difficult for us rabbits to transform into shapes, especially when they are experiencing thunder disasters. They are more dangerous than other monsters. Xiaozhuang, it's better to cultivate How about suppressing and suppressing again, and going through the tribulation after the body becomes stronger?"

"Master, if it is suppressed, the lightning tribulation of transformation will also be strengthened, isn't that what you said?"

Mei Zhuang's heart is still very pure, she spends most of her time in the contract space, and was later released with Bu Tianya to accompany her, so she doesn't know the dangers in the world at all.

It can be said that for so many years, only plum makeup has not changed much.In particular, a certain emotion hidden in her heart has not changed from the beginning to the end, and now she has regarded her master as her own.

She wants to change form, become a beauty, and marry Master....

Both Boss Mei and Miss Qin are very happy, and she also wants such happiness.She understood that Master might not have such feelings for her, so she wanted to change form even more.

If I don't change my form for a day, the master will never see my emotions.If she takes shape, she can do many things.

"Forget it, Xiaozhuang, you practice hard, and you will cross the catastrophe in one month. Bao'er told you to go to the spirit world to cross the catastrophe. Now everyone is preparing to move into the spirit world, so you should prepare more!"

Bu Tianya sighed, stroked Mei Zhuang's soft fur, and then turned to go out.His expression was a bit complicated, but he felt that this was the master's concern for a disciple, but he didn't think there was any problem.

Mei Zhuang looked at the figure of him going out, and secretly cheered for herself, she must transform into a great beauty, so that Master would like her.

After a period of planning, everyone was finally ready to move into the spirit world.For the sake of convenience, everyone was preparing to join the Dongfang family, while Mo Ming took Mei Bao'er to the place that belonged to demons.

And Moming's influence is slowly permeating everywhere, although it cannot be seen, it is everywhere.Everyone is used to his mysterious and unpredictable methods. If it wasn't for his identity as a human being, they would all wish to go back with Mo Ming.

Mei Zhuang is going to cross the shape-shifting thunder calamity, which is something that everyone is worried about.

Somewhere in the spirit world, the sky was black and oppressive, as if it was about to sink.Countless black clouds roll in it, which is very frightening.Between the clouds, there was actually lightning intersecting, illuminating the dark sky.

Under the clouds, a little rabbit crawled on the ground, trembling slightly.Her ears were soft, her eyes were fixed on the above, and a layer of defensive cover was gradually raised on her body.

Feeling the coercion from the sky, she looked back at Bu Tianya with difficulty, her red eyes showed a trace of tenderness.

Master, just wait for the little makeup to become a big beauty!

Bu Tianya clenched his fists tightly, God knows how nervous he was, unprecedentedly nervous, even more nervous than when he met his enemy Ye Litian back then.That little rabbit didn't know when it occupied such an important place in his heart.

Pursing his lips, he didn't speak, his white clothes were blown into a mess by the wind, Mei Zhuang couldn't help but take another look, and then he paid serious attention to the situation in the sky.

Xiaozhuang, you must succeed.

Mei Baoer looked at the thunder calamity in the sky that was ready to go, not too worried.The potion she gave Mei Zhuang would definitely save her life.But... She glanced at Bu Tianya lightly, with a meaningful look on her face, maybe the master and apprentice were having a play together.

"Have you survived the thunder disaster?"

Thinking that the person beside her was also a monster, she couldn't help asking about his past.

"Go through."

The lightning calamity where plants beat monsters is even more terrifying, basically ten deaths and nine lives.

She couldn't help but clenched his hand: "is it terrible?"

"Not scary."

He lifted his thin lips, showing a smile, his eyes were full of sparkle, and he looked into her eyes, so focused and serious, it made her lose her mind for a while.Thunder Tribulation is not scary, is this guy lying to her?

(End of this chapter)

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