Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 295 You Are A Cruel Person

Chapter 295 You Are A Cruel Person

"Brother, Xingwen is going to die."

She smiled miserably, but was very happy to be able to see him before she died, "Princess, even if you are with elder brother, elder brother will always have my place in his heart. If he hates me, he will be able to remember me." .”


Li Xichen uttered a few words coldly, which made her stunned for a moment, and then laughed, yes, she is just obsessed.

"I don't have you in my heart."

Li Xichen held Nangong Zhaofeng's hand nervously, afraid that she might misunderstand.They finally got together, but they didn't want to be tainted by this unlucky thing. His feelings for Zhaofeng, he couldn't say a word clearly, and this thing could destroy it if he wanted to.

"Bao'er, is there any medicine that can keep her alive?"

Li Xichen said suddenly, the corners of his eyes showed a bit of cruelty, "If you live with this face, wouldn't it be the most painful?" The cool words made Li Xingwen shudder, she seemed to have forgotten that this big brother is nothing good stubble.

She seemed to have forgotten that he used to be able to get everything by any means, and he had no patience for anything except his beloved.She seems to have pissed him off?


Mei Baoer understood his purpose and threw a medicine bottle over.

"I wanted to let you go, but you just don't know what to do."

"Give it to her, bring it back to the Feiyun Continent, let the people in the prime minister's residence watch her, tell the prime minister, let him watch carefully, and his benefits will be indispensable."

This time, Li Xingwen finally knew that he was not joking.She stared at Li Xichen, trying to see the slightest bit of resentment in his eyes, but unfortunately there was none, nothing at all, only ruthlessness and indifference, his tenderness was given to Nangong Zhaofeng.

She couldn't resist at all, so she could only allow herself to be given the medicine to keep her alive, and then was taken away.After leaving, she smiled bleakly and finally understood.

"Brother, you are a cruel person."

Li Xichen didn't speak, but from his expression, he obviously agreed with her words.

Ye Litian turned the wine glass, looked at Li Xichen, with some appreciation in his eyes, for this kind of rambunctiousness, this person is straightforward, not bad.The more rambunctious the person, the most vicious means must be used to punish them.

Li Xingwen's punishment is undoubtedly the most painful. She is alive, old, and thinking... In the days to come, she can only survive but not die.

Nangong Zhaofeng didn't say a word, just closed his eyes and leaned against Li Xichen.

"Let's go, let's go to practice too, how about?"


The rare tenderness belongs only to her.

Finally, there were only three people left in Dongfang Mansion.Lord Demon King said that seeing Ye Litian was not pleasing to the eye, but the other party still wanted to follow them.

"Ghost Emperor, you can go to practice now."

Lord Demon King said coolly, "If you want to go back sooner, try harder, maybe you go back late, maybe your ghost world will be in chaos." Lord Demon King was complacent, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, a little gloating.

"Do you know something?"

Mabel was in high spirits, the guy never slack off.

"The ghost emperor hasn't returned for a long time, and there have been many people with evil intentions in the ghost world."

Originally, he didn't intend to remind him, and it's not his business. He was only happy if the ghost emperor was unlucky.However, if the ghost emperor can go back, he can enjoy the two-person world with Bao'er all day without facing a rival in love.

After much deliberation, he still told the ghost emperor about it.

As expected, Ye Litian's complexion changed, and his fingers kept counting, his complexion became more and more ugly, and finally became dark.He slapped the table suddenly, and the table shattered on the spot.

"These bastards!"

How many years has he been gone?How did you come up with such a thought?
When he ghost emperor does not exist?

"It seems that the ability under the control of the ghost emperor needs to be studied, go back quickly, if it is too late, maybe your ghost world will be refined." Although I know it is impossible, but you can anger the other party, the devil king is interested Very high.

"Hmph, this emperor's territory, anyone can refine it, Moming, don't be complacent, one day, this emperor will take Bao'er away." Ye Litian shook his sleeve robe angrily , the blue eyes flickered with fire, as if to burn everything in front of him.

"Bao'er, this emperor will leave after a while, please be good, and I will come to pick you up after this emperor settles down the chaos in the ghost world." Ye Litian calmed down, "I don't know where this man came from The wild monsters in the world are not as noble as this emperor, if you regret it, you can come to this emperor anytime."

Faced with Ye Litian's words, Mei Baoer didn't answer.

Does she dare to answer?
When Lord Demon King gets angry, she can't stand it anymore. Besides, she didn't think about having any entanglements with the ghost emperor, so she can just live by the man beside her.

"Bao'er, you wait, the emperor keeps his word and will come to you." Ye Litian didn't know what he thought of, "The emperor didn't do that on purpose, who would dare to trouble you in the future, the emperor I'll come and pick him up."

"With me here, any trouble is no trouble."

Lord Demon King showed his loyalty at a critical moment, which made Ye Litian hate him.He had to admit that with him around, Mei Baoer would not be in any danger.What he wanted to say made him hold back abruptly. One day, he will get Mei Baoer and take her back.

How can love last?
Ten years, a hundred years?
Is love after a thousand years still love?He couldn't believe it anymore, he had lived for so long, and he was used to separation and reunion.These two people are you and me, and one day they will part ways.

No matter how angry Ye Litian was, he finally left.Although I don't know how he returned to the ghost world, since he is the ghost emperor, there must be other means.

Here, Lord Demon King feels refreshed and happy every day.The Dongfang family is operating normally, and there are countless experts among them. Without Dongfang Ce, there will be no troubles.

The two stayed in Dongfang Mansion for a while, and finally prepared to go out for training.They all felt that such idle time was running out.The spirit world can't do anything to them for now, but what about the fairy world?What about other places?
The fact that Mei Baoer is a pure spirit body has probably been known to the fairy world, and she is probably already thinking about what to do now.The two of them didn't seem to feel such a tense atmosphere, and they still enjoyed the scenery along the way comfortably after clearing away a lot of people who tried to trick her.

Dangling, five years.

Mei Baoer is already in the Venerable realm, and there are few opponents in the entire spirit world.The experienced people also returned one after another, and retreated in the Dongfang family.Those who did not retreat also returned to normal life.

Mei Baoer just smiled when she received the news that kept coming in, and didn't plan to go back.

"Is there no problem with the formation in the Dongfang Mansion?" She was still a little worried. If a powerful enemy really came and hurt everyone, she would definitely feel very uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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