Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 300 The embarrassing number 49

Chapter 300 The embarrassing number 49

"any solution?"

"Hide you so that everyone can't see it."

She was proud, "Look at how much trouble you have caused me."

"Did Bao'er forget that you have a large group of followers?" Lord Demon King felt that he also needed to vent his resentment, "The head of a certain sect, the son of a certain sect's head, a certain monster among monsters A Beastmaster, and..."

"Okay, let's not talk about each other." She surrendered, and they were clearly in the same boat, "What about these people? Why haven't I seen any of them?"

Lord Demon King sneered: "How could it be possible for you to see that anyone who dares to approach you half a mile would have been thrown out by me long ago." If you don't want to die, just be sensible.Ever since Lord Demon King showed his power, although those love rivals were not reconciled, they could only watch from a distance, which made them quiet for the past few years.

The two looked at each other and smiled, they didn't expect that they were all such people, they would do anything to drive away their rivals in love, and at the same time they were very heart-warming, with such a beloved person, what more could they ask for?

"Okay, you sit on the side first, I'm going to refine some potions."

Mo Ming let her go, feeling a little bit reluctant, and sat on the side obediently, never taking his eyes off her for a moment, thinking that he would be separated from his beloved one year later, as if his heart was about to burst.

Feeling the fiery gaze from one side, Mei Baoer suppressed her emotions fiercely, got rid of distracting thoughts, and threw herself into refining the medicine again.Although she also wants to spend more time with him, she thinks that she can live a long, long life, and will be with him for the rest of her life, thinking about it with a smile on her face.

She didn't even realize that she laughed more and more, more and more genuinely. After being with him, she gradually showed her true character.

Twenty years is one-fifth of life for ordinary people, but only a small part for monks. She hopes that every next twenty years will be spent with him.He always talked about his home, she didn't know where his home was, but she guessed it, God Realm.

He disdains the Shura world, doesn't care about the soul world, and has no awe for the demon world and fairy world, so he should be from the god world.

From ancient times to the present, there are only a handful of people who can become gods.He turned out to be from the God Realm, so she had to work hard, strive to become a god, and be with him.Although he didn't say everything, she knew that his coming to the Mortal Realm was probably not voluntary, but an accident.

The more she thinks about her, the more eager she is to improve her strength. Now her goal is not only to solve the mystery of the Mei family, but also to spend every 20 years leisurely with him, without anyone disturbing her.

One year is too short.

The potions prepared for everyone were released one by one, and Mei Baoer felt the depression from the sky.Glancing at each other with their beloved, the two jumped out holding hands, and everyone in the Dongfang Mansion hurriedly followed behind.

They looked at the dark clouds above and followed Mei Baoer's walking, and the thunder and lightning intertwined above were very horrified.Waves of coercion came down, but they could only follow from a distance, not daring to approach at all.

Looking at the black-robed man who had been by Mei Baoer's side from beginning to end, they couldn't help but feel that Mo Ming's strength was beyond their estimation.Thinking of the deep relationship between the two, they were envious and happy at the same time.

Such a big commotion naturally excited all the sects in the spirit world. They all just waited and watched from a distance, and found out that it was a little witch who had crossed the catastrophe. They were a little happy and a little scared at the same time.

The happy thing is that this little witch is finally leaving. The fear is naturally the fear of the coercion of the thunder calamity.In the end, curiosity prevailed, and they prepared to follow secretly.

Finally, Mei Baoer came to a desolate place in the spirit world, and after confirming that surviving the tribulation here would not cause disasters to others, she calmly prepared on the sidelines.

Ascension to Immortal Tribulation, a total of 36 paths.

Recently, there are very few people crossing the catastrophe in the spiritual world, and many people want to come and watch.Therefore, it didn't take long for the surrounding area to be crowded with people.Lord Demon King expressed his displeasure, but he didn't say anything.

"be careful."

"Don't worry, you don't know me yet, this lightning tribulation can't stop me, haven't we demonstrated it many times?"

In order for her to go through the tribulation smoothly, Lord Demon King was so worried, he pulled her to practice continuously, turning the power of 36 thunder tribulations into attacks, so that Mei Baoer could get familiar with it early, and at the same time help her exercise her physical body , to make it more flexible, although it doesn't look much different, the current spirit weapon scratched her body, only leaving a few white marks, which can't hurt her at all.

Therefore, she didn't take the Ascension Tribulation seriously at all. Even Lord Demon King, who knew all about it, still couldn't let it go.After all, his baby was about to be struck by lightning. Originally, he didn't think there was anything wrong with thunder calamity. He thought that his baby would be blackened by lightning, and his face was darkened.

Everyone quickly took a step back, fearing that this doting wife madman would throw them a spirit ball if he did something wrong.

"Bao'er, is there any problem?"

Wei Xue looked serious, she naturally didn't know that Mei Baoer was very sure.Thinking that my friend is about to cross the catastrophe, and will be separated soon, and I don't know when we will be able to meet each other, I feel sore in my heart.

"It's nothing, Weixue, don't worry, you all stand back and watch carefully, in a few years you will also pass through the immortal calamity."


Qin Weixue nodded, and finally backed away from the crowd.She believed in Mei Baoer very much. If the other party said there was no problem, then there must be no problem. Mei Baoer would not do things that were not sure.

At this moment, Moming has also withdrawn from the area of ​​Lei Jie, if he is affected, Lei Jie will bless it into 72 thunder calamities, he dare not do that.Clenching his fists tightly, it almost makes people think that he is crossing the catastrophe himself.

Mei Baoer looked at the sky, it was much more powerful than Mei Zhuangdu's transformation into Thunder Tribulation.Dark clouds rolled, streaks of black and blue lightning intertwined among them, as if all the power of the thunder disaster in the sky had been absorbed into it.

At this moment, the cloud layer suddenly changed, the coercion increased a lot, and everyone's expressions changed.

Mei Bao'er was surprised and said, "Has it become 49 lightning tribulations?"

Hearing her words, everyone in Qin Weixue became worried, why? ?Shouldn't there be 36 paths in the Ascension to Immortal Tribulation?I have never heard of 49 Taos, and Mei Baoer did not do anything that angered people. Except for killing some Shuras, they rarely killed people. They really didn’t understand that if it was a punishment from God, it should be at least 99 Taos. robbery?
The embarrassing number of 49 made everyone confused and worried.

But Mo Ming understood that there should have been 36 Taos, but Mei Baoer belongs to outsiders, and those [-] Taos are a test for outsiders, as long as she passes through, she can be completely integrated, and no one will be able to see that she is an outsider. outsider status.

(End of this chapter)

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