Chapter 303 Naughty
"I am here."

Hearing this voice, Mo Ming's flustered eyes finally calmed down, he opened his arms, and hugged the jumping person into his arms at once.Hugging her fiercely, at this moment he realized how much pain he would be without her.


Feeling the trembling in his voice, Mabel immediately hugged his neck, ignoring that someone kissed his lips in one breath, as if to comfort him.

"I made you worry, Ming, I'm just going to see what's on it."

If she apologized, he would have dissipated his anger long ago, and just hugged her: "Don't joke next time."

"I know, I won't joke anymore. If I want to be curious next time, I will definitely take you with me and tell you." She didn't let him worry anymore. It was only when she saw his flustered look that she realized that this man was How much you care about him.She didn't think about anything else at all. At that moment, she just wanted to jump down and rush into his arms, telling him not to worry.

It was her fault, she made his heart hurt.

Touching his face, he suddenly found that the corners of his eyes were a little wet, and couldn't help but kissed him: "I really won't worry you anymore."

"Let's have a laugh!"

Sure enough, he showed a smile, and the little monsters around couldn't help but tremble a little, their great demon king was completely defeated!However, the Great Demon King seemed to be very happy, so they also became happy.

Everyone didn't leave, and there was a kind of warmth around the two of them, and they couldn't help being envious.It took a long time for the two of them to realize that he put her down gently, but did not let go of her hand.

He raised his head and looked at the beam of light that suddenly fell from the sky, knowing that this was the passage to the fairy world.He held her hand even harder, just as he regained it, they were about to separate again.

"I'm leaving."

Mei Baoer smiled at everyone, especially Qin Weixue and the others, who were also worried about crossing the robbery before, it was really her fault.These people treat her sincerely, and they don't know when they will be able to meet each other.

"Bao'er, take care." Qin Weixue smiled, but there were tears in the corners of her eyes, and Dongfang Ce carefully comforted her.She is very happy now, her vengeance has been avenged, she has friends and a lover, her luck is that she met Mei Baoer.

Somehow, she felt that if she hadn't met Mei Baoer, she might not have achieved everything that she has today.

"Baby, I'll come to you."

She secretly decided that the speed of cultivation must be accelerated in the future.

"Bao'er, we will also work hard to cultivate and try to meet you in the fairy world as soon as possible." Xingyue and the others are naturally reluctant, and the days spent with Bao'er are their happiest days.

Everyone bid farewell to Mei Baoer one by one. She had never seen such a sensational appearance.He wanted to laugh at them fiercely, but found that the corners of his eyes were also a little moist.

With a dark sigh, she also became emotional.

"Okay, you practice hard, and when I establish a world in the fairy world, we can be together again in the future."

The fairy world is more dangerous than the spirit world, it's a good thing they didn't go up with her.It is always more convenient for her to act alone, and when they come up, maybe she really dominates one side.

She has no desire to dominate, but she knows that if she does not dominate, she will not be able to live with peace of mind.For the sake of a comfortable life in the future, and for the sake of everyone around her, she thought why not work hard. With her status, she would always be involved in various disputes, why not do it herself!

Afterwards, she silently recited a few formulas, Bu Tianya and Mei Zhuang only felt that something disappeared from their bodies, and after a while of relaxation, they felt that the relationship with Mei Baoer was severed.

When the two wanted to say something, they heard Mei Baoer speak.

"Although this is solved, we are still friends. In the future, you will go to the demon world. Our relationship does not need to be restrained by such a mandatory contract, because we are friends."

Bu Tianya opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.The sentence that they are friends made him stunned, and then nodded: "Bao'er, it is not impossible to cross the demon world and the fairy world, we will meet."

He knew that there would be a war between the demon world and the fairy world every few years, but he believed that no matter what the war was, the relationship between them would not change.Perhaps, the fairy world and the demon world should also change.

With these two perverts in front of him, who could have predicted it?
"Boss Mei, I will work hard to practice."

Mei Zhuang's eyes were firm, "I will remember what you said."

"Well, it's good that Xiaozhuang understands, what should be yours is yours, if it's not for your insistence, I can't ask for it."

Domineering possession is only based on mutual gratification.No matter how Bu Tianya and Mei Zhuang develop in the future, she just hopes that neither of them will be harmed.

Mei Baoer felt the pulling force on her body, and she couldn't resist.As a last resort, he could only stop talking, but tightly held the hands of the people around him.Suddenly felt another line of sight and looked over.

"Thank you, Fuchen, take care."

The next time we meet, I don't know when it will be.Perhaps, she was already in the God Realm at that time.

Nangong Fuchen was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that she would say goodbye to him, with a smile on his lips.No matter what, she knew that he liked her, and even though she would not respond, he didn't feel any regrets.

Perhaps, this farewell, there is really no chance to see you again.

Become a god?

He couldn't help chuckling, he didn't know how difficult it was for Shura to become a god, but he would definitely die.Let everything take its course, he smiled lightly, at this moment he hid all his original feelings, and when he looked at her again, he only regarded her as a friend.

"Bao'er, take care."

Surprisingly, the Lord Demon King didn't say a word at this moment, let alone glared at him.It's not that he doesn't say anything, but that he knows that he spends less and less time with this person.

"Ming, don't be sad, we will see you soon."

She pulled his face, not wanting to see him unhappy, "You're so powerful, aren't you?"

Amused by her, he nodded: "Yes, I am so powerful, I will definitely see Bao'er soon." Thinking of the current situation in the fairy world and the demon world, his eyes darkened, "The fairy world is dangerous, so we must take good care of Xiao Baoer." Destiny, no matter what, live."

"Naturally, I don't want to die early. If I die, won't such a handsome man be cheaper than others?"

She felt that her strength was irresistible at all, the force of traction wrapped her around her, and gradually separated her from Moming. This time, she was panicked and felt herself leaving his embrace bit by bit. The mood is extremely complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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