Chapter 309 The Ruins
Bixia star, Hundred Flowers Sect.

Mei Baoer sat on the side, accepting the scrutiny of the first strong man she met in the fairy world, and the pressure was not insignificant.It is said that Hua Yongmei, the suzerain of the Hundred Flowers Sect, is the strength of Xianjun in the later stage, and now she really feels how powerful it is.

The other party just glanced at her lightly, and didn't look too much, but it made her feel a little uncomfortable.Fortunately, there is the seed Ming gave her, which can help her block the pressure silently.In order not to be exposed, she controlled the seeds and did not block too much, so as not to arouse suspicion.

Hua Yongmei obviously didn't care much about her, a little Xiami, and she didn't look too much after just two glances.

"Did Qiangwei come for that seed?"

Hua Yongmei was a little helpless when she said this, she also knew that she could not get the seed, so she asked people to go to Zhan Yuexing to dig away the fairy crystal, but God seemed to be against her, and the fairy crystal didn't have it in the end. how much to get.What makes people even more angry is that the person who did it didn't even know who it was.

Facing Hua Yongmei's scrutiny, Meng Qiangwei was neither humble nor overbearing, cupped her hands and said, "Yes, this time the head of the sect asked Qiangwei to bring more than [-] sisters over to take a look. It would be a blessing if there is such a chance, and I am afraid that these days will be disturbed." Sovereign."

"Well, let's stay again, this time thanks to you."

In fact, the Hundred Flowers Sect was competing with the Xuanbing Sect secretly, but it was a pity that the Hundred Flowers Sect's strength could not keep up, otherwise it would have been unnecessary to look at the color.The Xuanbing Sect monopolizes the Xuanbing Star, but her Hundred Flowers Sect can only live in this Bixia Star, and still share this place with the rest of the forces, it is really aggrieved.

Although they also have strength on other planets, Bixia star has the strongest celestial power, and they will not easily move their base camp without finding a place with more celestial power.

Mei Baoer secretly observed the contest between the two. From the beginning to the end, Meng Qiangwei's attitude was neither humble nor overbearing, obviously she did not take Baihuazong seriously at all.

Since then, everyone has settled down in the Hundred Flowers Sect, and Mei Baoer has completely become a little transparent.

Not long after returning to the room, Fang Gillian appeared in front of her.

"what are you doing?"

Seeing Fang Ajiao circling around her, she was a little puzzled. She was a little more patient with this person whose brain circuit was different.After all, Fang Gillian can become a god assist in many cases, such as Qiqi Meng Qiangwei and Hua Qingling.

"Are you really not going to join the Xuanbingmen?"

Fang Ajiao's face was full of suspicion, "My Xuanbing Sect is the number one sect in the Xuanbing Starfield, don't you have any idea?" Speaking of her own sect, Fang Ajiao is obviously proud, the other party raised her Chin, almost did not raise the tail.

"No, I won't join, so don't worry!"

"Really, you're not lying, are you?"

"Really, after I went to see the baby, I left."

In this way, Fang Ajiao looked at her twice more, and couldn't help laughing: "You also want to play the baby's idea? I don't think you can do it, and the baby will definitely not choose you."

"The baby will definitely choose me."

Fang Ajiao's little tail seemed to be raised up, and Mei Bao'er almost bit off her tongue. What kind of conclusion was this? Seeing her proud appearance, she couldn't help shaking her head, pushed her out, and closed the door.

There was a knock on the door, but she ignored it.

"Hey, hey, you spoke well, why did you drive me out? Mei Baoer, you open the door, I haven't spoken yet!"

Mei Baoer was already used to Fang Gillian, and she still didn't take any action.Sure enough, after knocking for a while, Fang Ajiao seemed to know that she would not open the door, stayed for a while, and then left.

She rubbed her forehead, it was really an accident that Fang Ajiao appeared, she didn't know the reason, but the other party had been in the fairy world for so long, yet she still had such a temperament.

No matter what it is, she is already preparing for other things now, and she will go to the ruins tomorrow to have a look. If she really has the chance to get the treasure, she, a person with no family and no affiliation, will definitely be hunted down by all parties.

She doesn't think that these people will be kind, and they will probably let her copy out the inheritance and kill her. This is the way to monopolize the inheritance, and the fairyland is a cruel place!
After quietly preparing in the room, Meng Qiangwei didn't seem to be so enthusiastic about whether she would go to Xuanbingmen or not.After all, in the past few days, everything she has realized shows that she has no intention of going to Xuanbingmen.

It is estimated that the other party will not keep anything when she goes out this time, but the premise is that she has not been inherited.It's really complicated when you think about it, she wants to get the inheritance, and she has to be on guard at the same time, she is just a small shrimp in the fairy world, and in the early days of the fairyland, she can be wiped out by raising her hand.

However, it is unacceptable for her to miss the inheritance, or the inheritance of pills.Her greatest hobby is to study pharmacology, even if it is dangerous, she will go.

But as long as she is well prepared and uses her abilities, she believes she can escape.

However, this time I'm afraid it will be exposed. No matter what, as long as she gets the inheritance, she can be more careful then.

After a sleepless night, she spent half the night drawing more than a dozen people who are the same as herself. If she gets the inheritance tomorrow, she will rely on these spirits to help her escape.In fact, she prepared so much because her heart was beating all the time, and she always felt that the pill was waiting for her to take it.

Thinking of this, she hooked the corners of her lips, and entered a recovery state in the middle of the night.

The crowd set off early in the morning, and the more people went to the direction of the ruins, the more people there were. Various voices of discussion came to her ears, and she sorted out useful information one by one.While observing the route, he calculated how to escape.

Seeing that she was silent, Meng Qiangwei didn't say anything, and she talked less along the way.He didn't say anything more about letting her go to Xuanbingmen, and he obviously gave up on her.

"Is this the ruin?"

It was still Fang Ajiao who spoke, it seemed that she always had endless things to say.She blinked and looked at the smoky ruins in front of her. Although they were ruins, there were no destroyed walls, pavilions, towers and pavilions around them, and they were still magnificent.

Meng Qiangwei took a deep breath: "Let's go, don't talk, let's see if there is a chance later!" She frowned, obviously feeling a little helpless about the pill, if there is no chance, it is impossible to take the pill .If there is a real chance, then they can have another path after Xuanbingmen.

The rest of the people naturally thought so. Everyone who went in had a fiery look on their face, but those who came out all had a depressed look on their faces.Mei Bao'er walked slowly, it seemed to be an induction from the soul, which made her heart beat faster, and she could already feel the impatience of that elixir without even looking.

(End of this chapter)

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