Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 314 Hua Sovereign, self-respect

Chapter 314 Hua Sovereign, self-respect
"Sect Master Hua, respect yourself!"

Zhuo Xuanyu's voice became gloomy and cold, and her eyes became sharper, as if an arrow had shot into the opponent's body.Scared that Hua Yongmei withdrew her hand, feeling a little reconciled in her heart.

Today, this man and woman seemed to be immune to her seduction, she paused for a moment, and used all her life's skills to activate her seductiveness, and there was an aura called a vixen all over her body.

The people around couldn't bear it, regardless of men or women, their eyes were already confused, and they didn't even know that there was a nosebleed.Apart from the fact that the disciples who practiced charm were able to resist, Mei Baoer and the two of them were not affected.

Hua Yongmei is very confident in her seductive skills, she swayed close to Zhuo Xuanyu, and was about to stick to the other person's body, only heard a scream, everyone suddenly woke up, and saw a person lying on the ground .

If it's not Hua Yongmei, who else is it?

"My son has already said that Sect Master Hua respects himself."

Zhuo Xuanyu had a cold face, shaking the folding fan, and his face was not good-looking at all: "Mere charms are useless to me. If Sect Master Hua still wants to survive, don't use such obscene things at will!"

Hua Yongmei was already injured, but when she heard Zhuo Xuanyu's words, she finally couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of old blood, what the hell? ?Her charms were said to be indecent?

"It seems that Sect Master Hua doesn't agree." Zhuo Xuanyu stepped forward two steps, causing the disciples of Baihua Sect to become vigilant and surround Hua Yongmei, but they didn't dare to do anything to Zhuo Xuanyu. Let me see what the real charm is!"

Mei Baoer was stunned for a moment, this person can also play tricks?
In fact, she also knows how to play tricks, and Ming gave them to her.This old monster has a lot of good things in his hands. She learned it just to avoid being tricked. It must be more advanced than Hua Yongmei.

Everyone was also stunned for a moment, before they finished, Zhuo Xuanyu still performed his skills.His aura also changed suddenly, and the people became confused again. At this moment, they only felt that they were being burned all over, and they were very uncomfortable. If they didn't solve it, they would definitely burn to death.

Hua Yongmei also only stayed for a while, and was also tricked.

Seeing that everyone was being tricked, Zhuo Xuanyu snorted coldly and shook the folding fan to wake them up.At this point, everyone looked at him as if he had seen hell, expressing that they would never dare to make a wrong decision again.

Hua Yongmei has no strength in her whole body, just now... just now she was caught by someone else's charm, and she glanced at Zhuo Xuanyu, not knowing what she was thinking.Being supported by the disciples of Hundred Flowers Sect, he staggered a few steps before he stood still.

"How about it, Sect Master Hua, this young master will just forget about it. It can be regarded as you come and go, but Miss Mei is covered by me."

One sentence makes people understand, if they want to touch Mei Baoer again, they must beat Zhuo Xuanyu.

Everyone looked at Mei Bao'er, then at Zhuo Xuanyu, and shook their heads quickly, forget it!She is good at charm, even better than Hua Yongmei, they can still compete, unless Zhuo Xuanyu is not by Mei Baoer's side.

As a result, many people hid their thoughts and dared not do anything for the time being.

Zhuo Xuanyu was suddenly a little annoyed, she just got angry and forgot to protect Mei Baoer, what if she was hurt by the charm?
Looking sideways, he was surprised.The other party was not affected at all, and looked at all this happily, remembering that Hua Yongmei couldn't use charms to deal with her before, so he understood.

"What's the matter, Mr. Zhuo?"

"It's all right, Miss Mei is very determined."

Mei Baoer smiled dumbly, and didn't hide it: "It's just a bit similar to Mr. Zhuo's situation." One sentence made Zhuo Xuanyu understand that she had also practiced high-level charms, but she hadn't used them. Like him, this is not used to attack others, but to learn in order not to be tricked.

Thinking back to when she was so dangerous before, she didn't even use coquetry, and she understood.He has a little more affection for Mei Baoer, in his opinion, it is better to use this charm less.

Mei Baoer didn't think so. When she first started learning, a certain man said that if she hadn't been forced to, she couldn't use this thing.Thinking of the man's jealous appearance, she thought it was funny, so she readily agreed.

Similarly, if you use charms to deal with someone stronger than yourself, it will also consume a lot of mental power, and it will be troublesome if you are in danger.This should be the reason why Zhuo Xuanyu said to use it less. Anyway, she didn't plan to use it to save her life. She has more ways to save her life.

Seeing that the relationship between the two is unusual, everyone finally realized that today it is impossible to achieve their goals.

Hua Yongmei thought about it, but finally gave up.

"It's my fault today. If Miss Mei is willing, the Hundred Flowers Sect is willing to make friends. How about going to the Hundred Flowers Sect today?" She thought that if she could bring Mei Bao'er to the Hundred Flowers Sect, she might be able to The rest means to deal with the two.

But she didn't expect Mei Baoer to have noticed it long ago: "No, thank you, Sect Master Hua, for your kindness."

"So, let's go!"

Hua Yongmei lost all face today, and naturally she and Mei Bao'er also formed a grudge, and when they meet in the future, it will probably be another entanglement, she has no regrets at all.People like Hundred Flowers Sect are not kind.

"Miss Mei, would you like to go to Xuanbingxing, I think the sect master welcomes you very much."

Of course Meng Qiangwei would not give up, if she brought Mei Bao'er back, the sect master would definitely be happy.Xuanbingmen seems to have had no good news for a long time. I missed it today, and I don’t know when I will have a chance.

"Senior sister, why did you invite her back?"

Fang Ajiao couldn't help it anymore, "I don't think she is willing." She turned her eyes around Mei Baoer and Zhuo Xuanyu, "I am afraid this young master will not be willing either, senior sister, you say our master Compared with this son, who is more powerful?"

The expressions on everyone's faces were a bit subtle, but it didn't matter to Fang Ajiao. After all, she was always outspoken, and it was probably the most normal thing for her to tear things apart.

Meng Qiangwei was almost pissed off.

Mei Baoer was happy, this Fang Gillian was indeed a god assist.Look at Meng Qiangwei's face, it smells worse than poop.She looked at Fang Gillian carefully, and seeing that she still looked like I don't know what she said, she felt a little puzzled.

Is Gillian really heartless in this room, or does she have some other purpose?

In short, she couldn't understand it anymore. From the current point of view, the other party should have no bad intentions towards her, but he is an outlier in the two sects.However, the head of the Xuanbingmen didn't know how to endure such a person.

Seeing that Mei Baoer was looking at her, Fang Ajiao couldn't help but raised her chin, as if to say, you have no chance to enter the Xuanbingmen, so don't change your mind or something.

"You are not a small person with courage!"

Last time she was said to be timid, but this time she was said to be quite courageous.Mei Baoer suddenly became interested in Fang Ajiao, her clear eyes did not seem to be confused.With her eyes half down, this was the first thing that made her confused when she came to the fairy world.

In the end, Meng Qiangwei left with her people. When Fang Ajiao left, she couldn't help but warn her to give up the idea of ​​entering Xuanbingmen.

"Ms. Mei and Miss Fang are familiar?"



Zhuo Xuanyu looked away and didn't care.

(End of this chapter)

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