Chapter 321 The First Customer

"Mother, mother, what's wrong with you, mother, we have already arrived at Bixia Star, mother, we will be able to reach the Hundred Flowers Sect soon, the suzerain will definitely save you, mother, just hold on for a while."


The two of Mei Bao'er pushed aside the crowd, and a mother and son in distress appeared in their sight. The child was only about ten years old, and the clothes were a little tattered. Looking at the blood stains on them, it could be seen that they had gone through a battle.

Even so, there were only some skin injuries on the boy's body, which were not serious.Looking at the woman who could no longer support herself and leaned on the boy's thin body, her face was pale and her lips were chapped. She was obviously seriously injured. She felt several explosions in the woman's body. It won't be long before he dies.

The woman seemed to have heard the boy's voice, and she slowly opened her eyes: "Yi'er, let's go! We will soon arrive at the Hundred Flowers Sect, and whatever mother says will bring you to the Hundred Flowers Sect, the Sect Master will see you in the past I will definitely arrange for you." The woman's expression is mostly loving, if she is not seriously injured, she must be a charming and beautiful woman.Many people shook their heads, which is a pity.

Seeing the woman wake up, the boy wept with joy, and carried the woman to the Hundred Flowers Sect step by step.Although his steps were a little staggering, his eyes were extremely firm.He knew that only when he came to the Hundred Flowers Sect could his mother get better.

All the onlookers moved out of the way. The mother and son were really pitiful. People in the fairy world did not lack sympathy unless they killed people and seized treasures. Some people even showed the way for the mother and son.

"What's wrong with Bao'er?"

Mei Baoer looked at the back of the mother and child, thought for a while, and said: "My first customer is here, but this customer is not earning immortal stones, but other things."

After saying this, she followed the crowd behind the mother and son.That child really had great perseverance, obviously he didn't have much strength, but he still entrusted the girl to the door of Hundred Flowers Sect.

"Mother, you wait here for a while, I will come as soon as I go."

The boy put the woman aside and went to the gate of Baihuazong.

"Who came to my Hundred Flowers Sect?"

"Your Majesty, Li Yi, is the son of Li Qingshui. I would like to ask the two aunts to report to the suzerain that now my mother is seriously injured. I hope the suzerain can save my mother. Li Yi is willing to be driven by others."

Li Yi was young, with a serious expression on his face. The two gatekeepers sized him up, then nodded, and went in to report.Seeing that a smile finally appeared on Li Yi's face, he quickly returned to Li Qingshui's side and helped him up.

"Mother, we will see the suzerain soon."


Li Qingshui looked a bit defeated, so what if she saw her, now she is probably useless to the suzerain.I don't know if the suzerain is willing to let Yi'er stay because of the past affection.If it wasn't for her having no other choice, she wouldn't want her son to come to this place.

Not long after, Hua Yongmei came out.

Li Qingshui seemed to feel it, pulled Li Yi, and knelt down to Hua Yongmei: "Qingshui has seen Master."

"Why did you come back?"

Hua Yongmei's expression was very indifferent, as if she didn't want to say anything more about this person.One sentence made it clear that she did not want to accept the mother and son.

"Qing Shui knows that this is a violation of the rules of the Hundred Flowers Sect, but Qing Shui's husband has passed away, and now Yi'er is left, I hope Master..."

"Hundred Flower Sect will not keep you, Qing Shui, you should understand. Didn't you insist on marrying that person back then? What do you mean by coming back now? Do you really think my Hundred Flower Sect is taking in beggars?"

"Yes, it's Qingshui's, please master..."

"Qing Shui, if your son wants to stay, after he becomes an adult, he will naturally have to become a man practicing my Hundred Flowers Sect. You are willing, if you are willing, then you can stay."

Everyone felt that Hua Yongmei was too cruel when they heard it, but the Hundred Flowers Sect never cared about these things. What kind of reputation, it has already been rotten, and it will not affect anything if it is rotten.

"Li Yi paid a visit to the suzerain, as long as the suzerain is willing to save my mother, Li Yi is willing to be driven."

The ten-year-old child was so serious that Li Qingshui couldn't help crying.She had known for a long time that the Hundred Flowers Sect was not a good place to go. She insisted on doing that because she wanted to escape from this devil's lair, but she didn't want to escape from one devil's lair and go to another.Now because of himself, Yi'er will suffer like this.

No, no, even if she died, she would not let Yi'er stay in the Hundred Flowers Sect.It's because she is too naive, how could Hua Yongmei look at friendship, Hua Yongmei is a cold-blooded person.


Li Qingshui shouted loudly, "We won't go, we won't go."

"No, mother, as long as the suzerain is willing to save mother, I am willing to pay any price!" Although he is young, he knows that this is the last chance to save mother.He also knew that once he agreed to the suzerain's conditions, his life would be ruined.

However, compared to losing his mother, he felt that all this was worth it.

As long as his mother is still there, he feels that everything is still there.He can't lose the only person who loves him, he can't just watch his mother die, he can't do it!

Many people present were shocked by the little child.

"Your son is not bad, so I agree."

Hua Yongmei took a second look at Li Yi, thinking that this child might be a good one when he grows up, and he could bring a lot of benefits to the Hundred Flowers Sect.Li Qingshui panicked and pulled Li Yi back.

"Yi'er, let's go, if you dare to do this, mother will kill herself in front of you."


Li Yi was in great pain, why did this happen?

Hua Yongmei didn't have so much patience, Li Qingshui was indeed her most beloved disciple, so what?Everyone in the Hundred Flowers Sect has dedicated everything to the Hundred Flowers Sect, especially if they are her disciples.

"Jackie, bring these two inside."

"Sovereign, no, suzerain, I'll go, we'll go now."

Li Qingshui regretted it, she shouldn't have come here, isn't this pushing her child to another devil's lair?She took two wrong steps, and now she has taken another wrong step. She doesn't want her child to suffer with her.

As she spoke, she pulled out the dagger and was about to stab it into her chest, but was held by a hand: "It's better to die than to live."

She looked up along the line of sight, and a bright girl appeared in her line of sight. Her smile was so warm that she let go of her hand, and now Li Yi quickly snatched the dagger from her hand.

"Mother, what are you doing, are you going to leave me alone?"

"No, Yi'er, mother doesn't want you to go to Hundred Flowers Sect, mother only wants you to live well."

Seeing someone doing something bad, Hua Yongmei looked over, her pupils shrank suddenly: "Miss Mei, what do you mean?" She looked warily at Zhuo Xuanyu behind Mei Baoer.

(End of this chapter)

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