Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 333 Your righteous sister is looking for you again

Chapter 333 Your righteous sister is looking for you again

Shen Bilan's expression was a little stiff, and she couldn't help but said: "Brother Yi, let's come in first! After a tiring journey, Bi Lan has already prepared for Brother Yi..." Before he could speak, he heard Kong Hao speaking anxiously.

"No need, I'll go and see Wei'er first, thank you Yimei for your kindness."

Regarding Shen Bilan's thoughts, Kong Hao understood in his heart, every time he remembered that he saved this person back then, he felt regretful in his heart, if Shen Bilan was not here, his Wei'er would definitely not have become like this.Thinking of Wei'er's changes over the years, his complexion became more and more ugly, and he wondered if there was a way to change Shen Bilan's place, but it was easier to ask God to give it up than to give it up.

Shen Bilan could only stare stiffly at Kong Hao walking past her, leaving behind her back.

"Miss Shen, where are we going now?"

The words of the maid beside her finally woke her up, she quickly put away her bad face, and smiled again: "Naturally, I want to see the door owner's wife, let's go!"

It is said that Kong Hao ran all the way outside the house with a worried heart. Seeing the closed room, his heart tightened again. He pushed the door and entered without thinking much. Looking at the scene inside, he was stunned for a moment.

It took a while to react, and said hesitantly, "Wei'er?"

Mrs. Kong, that is, Shui Wei turned around, and saw a worried and hesitant man looking at him, and couldn't help laughing: "The master of the sect is really a busy person. He has only been away for a few days, and he is so busy Don't you know Madam?"

Kong Hao confirmed it, and found that he really did not go wrong. The woman in front of him with a gentle smile was his Wei'er.He didn't understand how she had such a change after only leaving for half a month this time.

He stepped in and closed the door behind him.This kind of Wei'er, in his impression, looked like hundreds of years ago. I don't know when, his Wei'er became angry, unruly and self-willed, making trouble for no reason... But he still didn't get bored, he just thought it was I was too busy, which made Wei'er's temper weird.

He knew that his Wei Er was not like this, and would return to her original appearance one day.

He hugged her waist with both hands: "Wei'er, I haven't seen such a person for a long time, and I suddenly surprised my husband."

"Isn't it amazing?" Shui Wei raised her bright eyes and showed a bright smile. This smile made him stop breathing. He remembered that she smiled at her like this when they first met.

"It's also amazing, as if we met for the first time."

Shui Wei's eyes glistened with tears, she lowered her head slightly: "Then I will always be like this from now on, what does your husband think?"

"Wei'er can do whatever he wants, no matter what Wei'er is like, my husband likes it." It's just that Wei'er like this made him feel more relaxed, and he also vaguely felt a throbbing from his heart.Counting as an old couple, Wei Er has the ability to make him fall in love again.


Shui Wei blinked her eyes, this appearance caught Kong Hao's heart, and she was about to go over to kiss Fangze and do something else, but was stopped by Shui Wei.

"My lord, don't worry about this.

Kong Hao didn't understand why he was in such a hurry, he wanted his wife, but Shui Wei still stopped her.Seeing his eagerness, Shui Wei finally decided not to tease him, but told the truth about the matter.

Kong Hao was also shocked when he heard this.

Although he is not keen on whether to have children, after all, cultivation is a struggle with the sky, if everything is perfect, it is impossible.He is not those men in the mortal world, who only want to carry on the family line. For him, children are just something that can't be met.

However, Wei Er told him that now there is a genius doctor who can help them, how can he not be surprised, is there such a person in this world?

"Wei'er, the miracle doctor didn't deceive you, did he? If it's not safe, we don't need to force it, I just want you."

Shui Wei was moved in her heart, she knew that her husband didn't care too much about it, but she did. Without a child, she always felt that something was missing, anyway, she just liked it.In the fairy world, there are people who don't like it, and some people don't care about it, but she is the only one who likes it. Maybe it has to do with her coming from the lower realm!
"Husband, Miracle Doctor Mei is very powerful, there is no problem, she will not lie to me, look at me now, have I changed a lot?"

How Kong Hao couldn’t see it, he was just worried that his Wei’er would have to suffer in order to conceive, besides, it would take about three years for a fairy to conceive, which is not a long time for a fairy, but these three years can’t do other things Things, isn't it too cruel?

However, Wei Er's longing little eyes made him unable to refuse, and he could only nod in agreement.

"Husband, your righteous sister..."

"Wei'er, don't ask me to accept that righteous sister. As I said, no one likes you except you."

Shui Wei saw that the man was still determined, she couldn't help laughing, she wondered if she was too stupid at the beginning, stroked his face, and said: "No, I mean, this righteous sister always misses my husband, Do you want to knock, knock, or think of a way, I don't want my husband to be missed all day long."

"Since Wei'er doesn't want to see her, let's think of a way. I also feel that we saved a trouble back then."

"The husband is still kind? How many women have been rescued over the years, are you feeling pitiful?"

"Who dares, after this incident, when my husband saw the woman being chased and killed, he ran away in a hurry. How dare he save anyone, if he saves one, he will have a younger sister. Our Peacock Sect doesn't have that much territory."

Shui Wei was amused by him, she naturally knew that in recent years, not to mention saving women, he always detoured all the people who were hunted down, for fear of offending anyone, it can be seen that he was frightened.

The two were chatting with each other in the house, and Shen Bilan, who followed behind, was about to enter the yard, but was stopped by someone.

"How's brother-in-law and sister-in-law, why are you stopping Miss Ben?" Shen Bilan frowned in displeasure, "Get out of the way!"

"Sorry, Miss Shen, the door owner has ordered that no one can enter."

Shen Bilan had no choice but to stare fiercely, and left with her skirt in her hand.Well, you Shuiwei, you just pulled Kong Hao's heart back. Are all these years in vain?
No, it's impossible, she definitely can't be in vain.Thinking that she needs to wander alone in the fairy world, countless fears surged in her heart, and she didn't want to go back to those days.

"Your righteous sister is looking for you again."

Of course Shui Wei and Kong Hao knew when Shen Bilan came over earlier, but they didn't want to see her.

"Wei'er, don't be angry, I will find a way to send her away."

He didn't have any feelings for Shen Bilan. If Shen Bilan hadn't taken the initiative to recognize him as a brother-in-law, he wouldn't have cared so much. Let the other party stay in the Peacock Gate for decades, it should be almost the same.

(End of this chapter)

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