Chapter 338 Planning Revenge
As for why Yu Xing and the others were not allowed to continue to do the killing business, she just felt that they were not suitable.

The killer must be cold, the four of them are brothers and sisters, if they can fall into her hands, it means that they will fall because of this kind of thing sooner or later. Now let them develop their power secretly, and at the same time do some business of selling news, which is the most suitable They're over.

Li Qingshui was a little happy when he heard that, anyway, he could also help Miss Mei.I thought to myself, I must study medicine well, and strive to be a teacher as soon as possible so that I can help the girl.

She is not stupid, just a few short reminders, she understands the future development direction of Momei Palace.

"What you have to learn is not only medical skills, but also alchemy. If you can learn how to refine medicine, I will teach you. When you have almost learned it, the affairs of the medical center will be handed over to you."

She also plans to accept some students with good qualifications, not disciples, but students. There is still a difference between the two.To train these people, after all, if you want medical centers all over the fairy world, you still need manpower.

Li Qingshui's heart beat even faster. It was really a terrifying and exciting thing to be in charge of the medical center in the entire fairy world.

"Seeing how excited you are, you have to study hard, otherwise the people below won't be convinced."

"That's what the girl said."

Li Qingshui secretly cheered herself up, saying that she must study hard and not embarrass the girl, so she trembled a little when she spoke, she did not expect that she had such a side.

He also thought of his son, who was only in his teens, and it was really a blessing for both mother and son to be valued by the girl.

"Qing Shui is here to thank the girl."

"It's so polite."

Mei Baoer smiled, "Okay, let's go back, I guess Xiaoyi and the others are still worried." Li Qingshui replied yes, and the two of them couldn't help but quicken their pace. Seeing Li Yi's worried expression.

"Mother, Miss Mei, you are finally back. If you don't come back, I plan to find you." They said they would come back earlier, and they passed the news to Li Yi.

Seeing that the two of them were intact, a look of relief appeared on Li Yi's small face.

"Master Zhuo, Miss Mei is back."

Li Yi quickly ran into the inn, followed by Mei Baoer, saw Zhuo Xuanyu and An Pingle playing chess, and when they heard the news of her return, they all put back the chess pieces in their hands.

"Are you OK?"

An Pingle's eyes flickered with worry, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.Before he knew it, he felt that he was a little more dependent on this woman who didn't give him a good look, like a brother's dependence on his sister.

"Of course it's fine."

Mei Baoer approached and found that An Pingle was good at chess and had a good talent. Thinking of the identity of the opponent, she was not surprised.Especially this kind of juvenile with physical problems should have strengths in other aspects.

"Bao'er's business is done?"

Zhuo Xuanyu had a smile in the corner of his eyes. Among so many people, he was the only one who would not worry about Mei Baoer's accident.He has seen Mei Baoer's ability before, and now she is even more powerful in medicine and poison. As long as she wants to save her life, she can escape from the realm of the immortal king.As for the Immortal King, the difference is too great, she is indeed no match.However, the Immortal King Realm in the Immortal Realm is not a Chinese cabbage, so they will come out at will to make trouble for others.

"It's all done, thanks to big brother."

If it wasn't for Zhuo Xuanyu's help, she wouldn't have received such a good subordinate.From Yu Xing's mouth, she also learned who wanted her life, besides Baihuazong, who else could it be?
Hua Yongmei's grudge against her back then, coupled with the matter of Li Qingshui's mother and son, has reached the limit of the other party's tolerance.It was very normal for the other party to attack, but Hua Yongmei didn't know that her behavior brought convenience to herself instead.

Zhuo Xuanyu laughed: "That's good, but Baihuazong, what is Bao'er going to do?"

Mei Baoer pondered for a while, Hua Yongmei has now advanced to the early stage of Immortal King, if she matches, there must be no good fruit to eat.Since it is impossible to come clearly, it is better to come secretly.

Thinking that Baihuazong is not looking for mines everywhere, there are many mines under the name of Baihuazong, is she going to get some to develop her own strength?
"I've already made a decision. Since she wants my life, and I can't kill her with my strength, let her feel sorry for her!"

An Pingle listened quietly, and said at the right time: "Do you need my help?"

"I'll lend you someone."

An Pingle blushed. Obviously, as Mr. An, he seldom did this kind of courteousness, especially Mei Baoer's eyes that I had seen through you a long time ago made him feel ashamed .

The thin fingers couldn't help but tightly grasped his sleeves. Mr. An had never felt such treatment, and he was not even angry at all, for fear that she would not accept his kindness.Many times, he was thinking how wonderful it would be if Mei Baoer was his sister.

Every time he saw her carefully explaining various things to Li Yi, he felt envious in his heart, even very jealous that Li Yi could get her advice.

"I really have to borrow two people from you for this matter." Facing the young man's longing eyes, Mei Bao'er has no reason to refuse. This awkward and arrogant young man, these years of getting along with her made up her mind. The other party's family agreed that she would treat him.Although this disease is troublesome and it will take a lot of time to cure it, she is slowly starting to prepare now.

When An Pingle heard that she agreed, the corners of her mouth curled up faintly, and the brows were also filled with joy, obviously very happy.

Mei Baoer planned this event until one month later. According to reliable sources, Hua Yongmei was going to go out after one month. At that time, she took advantage of the fact that the other party was not paying attention, and went to various mines of the Hundred Flowers Sect to steal fairy stones. .When the few people heard her plan, they couldn't help but feel a chill in their backs. Fortunately, they were not Hua Yongmei.

Since the conversation with her that time, Li Qingshui worked harder and harder. Apart from practicing, he was studying medical skills and refining alchemy all day long, without stopping for a moment.And Li Yi is also studying business, he also knows his own development direction, and with various books written by Mei Baoer, his progress is also very fast.

"Xiao Yi, you and Qing Shui won't participate in next month's affairs. During this period, you go to choose the manpower you will use and prepare to start action. I will give you enough loyalty symbols."

For complete secrecy, she had to use this.Of course, the premise is that the two can persuade those who join to agree without reservation.The people who can use the Loyalty Talisman are the core personnel of Momei Palace.

But the two are just getting started, and they need some trustworthy people.Once they stabilized, she was ready to leave.She should have left a long time ago, but because of some things later, she delayed her departure a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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