Chapter 343 Go Back
Now she doesn't need to confirm, Mei Ziyu and Mei Zixing are the sons and daughters of the head of the Qiankun Sect, and it is probably the Qiankun Sect who captured Mei Fanzhi back then.Touching the invisible finger in his hand, this thing is probably the token of Qiankunmen, and the map should be the treasure of Qiankunmen, no, it should be the treasure of this body's parents.

Feelings, she has met an enemy.It seems that even if she doesn't provoke her, the other party will not let her go.

In Mei Zixing's eyes, she probably knows that she is a pure spirit body, and she is someone who wants to use her to become a god?

Mei Fanzhi felt a little embarrassed, and quickly introduced Mei Zixing and Mei Ziyu.Mei Ziyu just nodded proudly, as if she didn't want to pay attention to anything.

As for Mei Zixing, he was much more enthusiastic: "Our surname is Mei. It seems that this is a kind of fate. I don't know if Miss Bao'er has a place to go now. How about going to Qiankunmen with us?"

"It just so happens that Fanzhi is also at the Qiankun Gate, so it's good to have someone to take care of him."

Mei Bao'er had a half-smile: "That may not be a coincidence, I have already found a place to go, and I won't go to other places for the time being."

For Mei Zixing, who has always been able to attract women's attention, being rejected, a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say much after all.Now that the person has arrived in the fairyland, he is not afraid that the other party will run away.

Even if he can't be soft, he will be tough in the end, believing that a woman with no background will obey obediently.After making up his mind, he didn't care too much about it.For the time being, he is still interested, so just play with her.

"So that's how it is. Recently, we also plan to travel around. Since we are traveling everywhere, we also want to visit Miss Baoer's place. Miss Baoer won't mind, right?"

Mabel wanted to say, of course she would mind.But look at the way the other party smiled. In this case, she didn't refuse if her legs were on his body. It's just that something happened when the time came, so don't blame her.

Mei Zixing only felt a little cold on his back, remembering that he still had injuries on his body, and didn't think much about other things.Then, a group of people took the teleportation array to Bixia star.

"Bao'er, are these people the same as before?"

Hearing Zhuo Xuanyu's voice transmission, she nodded invisibly and admitted the matter.Zhuo Xuanyu's eyes flashed with a cold light, which was good, he hadn't gone to Qiankunmen yet, but he met him in advance.

It seemed that Bao'er knew about his life experience. He wanted to confess, but felt that the timing was not right. After thinking about it, he decided to let this matter go. When the time came, everything would fall into place.

It's just that Mei Zixing's eyes displeased him.That kind of possessiveness that is too naked/naked, you can tell at a glance that it is a ghost idea.Bao'er is his sister, and your Mei family really doesn't have many good things.

"Miss Mei, are you back?"

Li Yi was waiting at the door. He was a little happy to see Mei Baoer and his group, but after seeing three more people, he was a little surprised. Seeing that they were not so close to Mei Baoer, he also understood the relationship and nodded his head. Did nothing else.

He is also very busy now, and there is not much time left for him. He knows that May Baoer will leave here sooner or later.If he wanted to continue to follow her, he had to open shops all over the fairy world, no matter where she was, he would be able to be there at that time.

Li Yi was not enthusiastic about Mei Zixing and the others. They saw a lot of people waiting in line in one side of the room. They heard that they were waiting for a doctor to see a doctor, and they suddenly felt a little weird.

Then many people came out and saw Mei Baoer's subsequent address, which surprised them, especially Mei Fanzhi.

"Miracle Doctor Mei, are you back?"


"I heard that Miracle Doctor Mei won't see you anymore?"

Seeing the nervousness on this person's face, Mei Bao'er said: "If Qingshui can't cure it, I'll treat it. If Qingshui can solve it, I won't take action. Don't worry, everyone! Do you still want to send the fairy stone to me? Come?"

Everyone couldn't help laughing. We all know that Miracle Doctor Mei's outpatient fee is horribly high. It depends on your mood. If you are in a bad mood, you don't know if it will bankrupt you, although such a thing has not happened yet.It's good to leave the general illness to Li Qingshui, and there have been no problems so far.

Most importantly, Li Qingshui's charges are reasonable.What kind of disease, what kind of fee.But many people still want Mei Baoer to visit the doctor, but this genius doctor is too weird, so he won't see him unless Li Qingshui says that he can't be cured.

Now Shui Wei is also in charge of Li Qingshui, and Mei Baoer has become the hands-off shopkeeper.Li Qingshui didn't complain at all about this, she enjoyed the process very much.

"It turns out that Miss Bao'er is a miracle doctor. Didn't I hear that only people from the lower world have the title of miracle doctor? Does the fairy world still need a miracle doctor?" Mei Ziyu couldn't help it a long time ago. For any reason, she didn't like it from the very first meeting.

Mei Bao'er felt it, and didn't care about it. Anyway, she calculated the other party, so let's make up the merits and demerits!
"Some people need it, and some people don't need it."

She didn't say much, it was this answer that made Mei Ziyu feel even more uncomfortable.

"What does it mean that some people need it and some people don't?"

It seemed to be questioning. When the words came out, many people around showed bad looks: "This girl may not need it, but we need it. If the girl doesn't need it, please don't take up a seat here. We have to queue up every day. A long time."

"Yes, girl, it seems that you are from a big family, and you will not suffer any harm. If you encounter danger, you will naturally be protected, and of course there will be no health problems."

Mei Ziyu's face was extremely ugly, and she wanted to explode, but she was stopped by Mei Zixing: "Sister She rarely goes out, and she has less experience, so don't blame her."

"Brother, what are you pulling me for?" Mei Ziyu glared at Mei Bao'er, and said in a low voice. "She clearly made it difficult for me on purpose. I don't think she has a good temper. Let's go back in two days! The time for this tour is almost up, and it's time to go back to Qiankunmen. Brother, don't forget, although Daddy He is the head of the Qiankun Sect, but there are many excellent senior brothers in the sect, if you don't go back sooner..."

"I understand, I'll be back in a few days."

Compared with the rumors of becoming a god, he felt that he had to stabilize his position first.The head of the Qiankun Sect is indeed his father, but he is not the head of the Young Sect. This is a position that can only be obtained through fair competition.After all, Qiankunmen is a sect.

After the two made up their minds, they also opened an upper room, lived there for three or four days, and then bid farewell to Mei Baoer and left.Before leaving, Mei Fanzhi found Mei Baoer.

"Bao'er, where's Yanluo?"

Mabel glanced at him lightly: "Do you know what she did?"

(End of this chapter)

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