Chapter 346 Laugh so treacherous
"Kong Hao!!"

Shen Bilan finally couldn't bear it anymore, with tears in her eyes: "You really hate me so much, and you still want to insult me ​​in public? How can I feel sorry for you, I just like you, is it worth letting you say such things in public?"

After all, Shen Bilan still had some feelings for Kong Hao, so of course she couldn't hear this.If she is really innocent, Kong Hao's words are too much, but all of this is her own fault.

Kong Hao just glanced at her indifferently: "Miss Shen, do you still remember the things you gave Yu Wei'er?"

When these words were mentioned, everyone knew what it was.This thing is so scheming, many pregnant women in Bixiaxing have been given a book of "Common Sense of Pregnant Women" by Shui Wei, and there are many pregnant women who came here today.

Someone said on the spot: "This woman is too cruel. Everyone kicked her out. She was kicked out by the Peacock Sect. Now she is shamelessly retrieved. Didn't she enter the Xuanbing Sect? No wonder she has such a talent for learning charms. Emotion itself is a bitch, if it wasn't for Mrs. Kong's vigilance and Dr. Mei watching over her, she probably would have let this bitch get away with it long ago."

With the support of a pregnant woman, several pregnant women who came here shouted, making the husbands of these pregnant women look helpless. Of course, they also very much agreed to drive Shen Bilan out. They really don't know that such a person is here. What will happen, if you hurt your wife and children, what can you do!
Shen Bilan's face turned from pale and red to blue-purple, she was extremely beautiful.

"Shuiwei counts you as cruel!"

She glared at Shui Wei fiercely, and said harshly: "Just pray that your life will be better in the future!"

After speaking, she left.The crowd didn't stop them, and they were even more contemptuous of Shen Bilan. In short, after this experience, Shen Bilan's reputation was so bad that it couldn't be more stinky, and there was basically no chance to clear her name.

"Everyone, I'm really sorry for letting such a person disturb your elegant mood, so let's continue our banquet!"

As for Shen Bilan's episode, it could only become a topic of conversation for everyone, it was just an episode.Now the Peacock Sect is also developing well, getting closer and closer to the Xuanbing Sect, so naturally they are not afraid of each other.In fact, if the Xuanbingmen had not been inextricably linked with many sects, as well as the tricks that people could not guard against, otherwise they would not have become the number one sect in the Xuanbing Immortal Realm.

Everyone was happy and happy, and made friends with Peacock Gate one after another. Seeing this, Mei Baoer felt relieved.No matter how many intrigues Shuiwei has, she can't match against the powerful Peacock Sect, so there is nothing to worry about.

"You seem to be worried about them? It's just a Xuanbingmen."

The Xuanbing Starfield is the weakest starfield, and the strength of its Xuanbingmen is probably only comparable to the second and third rank sects in other starfields.For An Pingle, it was indeed a small sect.

"Maybe in your eyes, they are nothing to be afraid of, but this is Bixia Star, the Xuanbing Starfield, especially people like Shuiwei who have entered the Xuanbingmen. There is nothing impossible for women to do tricks, only You can't think of it."

Especially since Shui Wei was insulted today, she might retaliate.However, Shen Bilan is now a member of the Xuanbing Sect, and Shui Wei must not kill her directly, as this may provoke a dispute between the sects.

For this reason, she chose to keep Momei Palace in the dark. She only needs to develop her forces secretly and monitor the actions of all parties. Without a fixed place, no one would dare to think about Momei Palace.

The most important thing is that she can run away after cleaning up the people, and let the other party not know who did it. This is her favorite thing to do.Wouldn't it be fun to see someone angry and anxious at the same time?
"What the hell are you thinking, smiling so treacherously?"

An Pingle's eyes were shining brightly, looking at Mei Baoer with some longing, he has started to take the pills that Mei Baoer gave him these years, and it has really improved his health. He plans to go back in a few days and tell his grandfather about it, maybe He is saved.

"Where is the treacherous smile, you read it wrong."

An Pingle didn't listen to her sophistry, and took a sip of wine, "I'll drop by with you, but only for a while."

"Are you ready to go back?"

"Well, it's been a long time since I came out, grandpa should be worried."

Mei Baoer understood that this young man had also grown up, and now he has grown into Mr. Pian Pianjia, but his body is weaker and his face is paler.The fingers that were caught while holding it seemed to be wrapped in a layer of skin.However, those eyes were no longer the original despair, but now full of hope.

Perhaps, he wanted her to help him heal his illness.

That's good, An Pingle looks like she grew up these years, she is not bad tempered, and she is almost ready, if he can convince his grandfather, then she can also make a move.

"Master Zhuo is going back too, right?"

An Pingle asked inadvertently. Hearing them mention it before, he was a little worried, and looked at Mei Baoer: "Can you do it alone?"

"Of course, what do you think I am?"

"Oh, I'm just a little worried. Your strength is still relatively poor in the fairy world." An Pingle said sincerely, remembering whether this was a bit hurtful, and added, "But your talent is the best I have ever seen. Well, as long as you have time, sooner or later you will be better than the rest of the fairy world."

"You forgot, my poison can't be resisted by ordinary people."

An Pingle thought of this and felt relieved.Indeed, if she wants to poison, who can resist it?Her means are endless, and he has not understood it until now.

I just feel that living with such a person is very relaxed and freehand, and there is no tension in the sect at all, and I often encounter strange eyes.The fault is that he is the grandson of the grandfather, but he has physical problems and cannot achieve much.

Thinking of her wonder, maybe this is his last chance.

For a while, the two of them didn't speak any more, and they didn't feel reluctant to part during the period. Maybe they had already been mentally prepared, or maybe they knew that they would meet again after a short separation.

The banquet at the Peacock Gate was very lively, but it was very quiet for the three of them.Lively to cold, day to night, the three finally left.

Li Qingshui and Li Yi did not leave with them, Mei Baoer taught them everything they could, and now it depends on their talents.And she also wants to set off to the Liuguang Starfield.There are still many of her people in the Liuguang Starfield, and I don't know what happened to those people.

On the way, he separated from An Pingle, and he rushed directly to the Promise Starfield from another place.

Finally, she and Zhuo Xuanyu were also separated: "Brother, take care, this is my heart." Knowing that Zhuo Xuanyu's mother had a birthday, she never thought about going there. Looking at her elder brother's appearance, that place is also very special. secret.

 Although the grades of this book are not very good, the author will work hard to finish it. ==
  Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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