Chapter 349 Crisis Moments

If it turned out, Wu Xing might have thought about it, but now he said without any hesitation: "Since the master has come to the fairy world, of course he followed the master."

"Then Xuan **** don't go back, I'm afraid it will not be easy for you to come out after you go back, I guess the sect will let you hand over what you got."

Wu Xing took out the fairy grass and prepared to give it to Mei Baoer, but she refused: "This thing is yours, besides, I don't lack it."

Wu Xing thought of the potion he had just taken, and knew that she was indeed not lacking, thinking about helping the master more in the future.

"Everything is under the master's arrangement."

"Well, is your injury healed? Let's go find Bai Su. We haven't been able to get in touch with him, and we don't know if something happened." Mei Baoer was in a good mood to be followed willingly by her subordinates.

Just thinking of Bai Su, whose life and death are uncertain, made me worry again.

The pace of the two couldn't help speeding up. No matter what good things they saw, they didn't go to pick them. According to Mei Baoer, she has plenty of fairy stones. She will take care of Wu Xing's cultivation resources in the future, so don't care too much about these things.

These words made Wu Xing even more desperate. Although his sect is not big or small and has such a scale, if he wants good training resources, he can only fight for it by himself. His talent can only be regarded as moderate. In the eyes of the sect master, It can only be regarded as average, and it is not taken seriously at all. The meager allowances received every month are not enough for cultivation.As a last resort, they usually come out to look for good things, which can be said to be exchanged with their lives.

The fairy grass was also bought by him with his life, and he was almost killed by the monster guarding the fairy grass.No matter who wants to snatch it, he will not be willing.

"It's just, master, Wu Chen may not spread the news about you killing Qiao Shan, but Qiu Fengyi may not."

"I know, you don't have to worry. After you and Bai Su go out, I will assign you tasks. They won't be able to find you by then. As for me, you don't have to worry. You can escape by yourself. However, if you wait If there is a chance that no one will find out, just kill her."

"Understood, master."

Mei Baoer took a deep breath, she was involved in such power disputes when she came out of Bixia Star, should she say that she is a troublemaker, but she cannot avoid these troubles, in short, she is not afraid .

Wu Xing didn't say anything more, since the master had made arrangements, he wasn't afraid of anything.The master's ability is very great, because he was helpless when he was in the spirit world, but now in the fairy world, his strength is already at the peak of the heavenly immortal, a realm higher than him.

"You go out first!"

After a long time, Mei Baoer suddenly said, "With your current strength, there should be no problem going out, right?"

"no problem."

"Well, you go out first, find a secret inn, hide your identity, and meet me after I come out. Your injury has not fully recovered, so find a place to recuperate. It's too dangerous here."

Along the way, they have encountered several waves of attacks. These people are deliberately ambush here, wanting to kill people and seize treasures.It had to be said that she just disliked that Wu Xing's strength was too weak.

Wu Xing seemed to know that he was really weak. If Mei Baoer was alone, his speed would definitely be much faster, so he didn't hesitate much.If the master couldn't solve the matter, he couldn't solve it either, so he readily agreed.

"Be careful."

Mei Baoer brought out several bottles of medicine powder, and Wu Xing happily accepted them.These things are life-saving means, when he saw Mei Baoer using them just now, he felt a little itchy.

"Then master, you should be more careful."


After Wu Xing left, Mei Baoer's speed really increased, and because she hid her aura, she never encountered any attacks along the way, so she took Wu Xing with her, but Wu Xing couldn't have as many as her. These methods cannot be learned in a while.

Bai Su's side probably couldn't wait any longer, she looked a little anxious.

At this moment, she found that the jade pendant shook, and when she took it out, it turned out to be Bai Su! !

"Bai Su, what's the matter?"


"It's me. What's going on with you? Why can't I get in touch with you? Are you in trouble? Where are you now? I'm already here. Tell me a direction, and I'll come right away."

Mei Bao'er felt that Bai Su was very weak, and couldn't help frowning. It seemed that she was really in danger, and she probably found some incredible treasure, which attracted people to hunt him down.

"Master, I... I'm afraid..."

"Just tell me where you are, and I'll come right over."

"Master, but..."


She was really angry, and when she heard that Bai Su had a will to die, she felt a little angry, "You can't let me come all the way here for nothing, can you? If you die, I will lose a lot."

Bai Su couldn't help but smile bitterly. In the fairy world, he was just a small shrimp. The master also said that she had lost a lot. Now the master is probably stronger than him, and he obviously just wants him to survive.It was as if the previously cold heart was surrounded by something warm.

Immortal world is a cruel world, I never expected to experience such sincere concern.

"No matter what, try to survive, as long as you still have a breath, I can let you survive! No matter if it is disabled or what, as long as you have a breath."

She had already expected that the situation at Bai Su's side might not be very good, "How many people are chasing and killing you? What is the most powerful one?"

"The peak of the Immortal King." Bai Su smiled bitterly, "Master, you..."

"As long as you can live, aren't you afraid that you won't have the chance to repay in the future?"

"Okay, I will try my best to survive, and when the master comes, I will definitely stay alive."

Perhaps it was May Baoer's voice that made him suddenly want to live, so he believed it once.Who would choose to die if they could live?If he can survive this time, then his life in vain will belong to the master.He felt lucky to have such a master.

Hearing that Bai Su agreed, Mei Baoer was relieved. If Bai Su was determined to die, she might not be able to change anything no matter how fast she rushed over.Now Bai Su, as long as she persists a little longer, she will be able to save him with confidence.

After confirming the direction, she came along all the way, paying attention to Bai Su's situation, and at the same time paying attention to the surrounding situation. A strong person at the peak of the Immortal King would not dare to fight head-on. If she was in the realm of the Immortal Monarch, she could still fight What's more, there are too many strong people here.

Then we can only take secret actions, take advantage of when everyone is not paying attention, or use some method to lure them away, so that there is a chance to rescue Bai Su.

(End of this chapter)

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