Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 352 Little girl, you are courting death

Chapter 352 Little girl, you are courting death

"Little girl, you are a peak fairy, and you dare to snatch someone from me, Guan Xiao. Are you too courageous? Where did you come from?" Guan Xiao was a little unpredictable, the opponent's strength was not strong, but his speed was a little Not too slow, what surprised him was that he, who was in the realm of the Immortal King, couldn't even catch up with a small peak of the Celestial Immortal.

And Bai Su is just stupid, is the master just the peak of the fairy?

Wait, why is the peak of Tianxian running so fast?
Mei Baoer glanced at Guan Xiao behind: "Old man, isn't it common to kill people and seize treasures? But, I can't kill you, can't I take your treasures? Unless you came after me to kill you, But looking at you, it seems that you want to kill me."

Guan Xiao was angry: "Little girl, if you hand over Bai Su to me, I won't hold you accountable."

"That can't be done. Since the person is in my hands, I will definitely not hand it over to you. You old man is extremely vicious. Who knows if you will kill me directly. After all, the dead can protect secrets very well. .As long as I die and Bai Su dies, you will be able to swallow the Chijin Jing alone, and no one will know at that time."

Guan Xiao's face flushed a little after being told what was in his heart. If other people were okay, but it happened to be a little girl at the peak of a fairy, how could this matter make him understand?

"Old man, seeing your qi and blood surging, this is getting angry. Since you are old, don't be angry. Getting angry can easily hurt your liver and get angry. I think your disease is already very serious. It needs to be cured!

To be honest, in fact, I am a miracle doctor. As long as you want to cure a disease, I can help you. However, my fees are relatively expensive. If you want to treat a disease, you have to hand over [-]% of your net worth. You Don't be angry, my fee is already very cheap.In short, the medicine can cure the disease, and there is no charge for not treating the disease. "

"Little girl, you are courting death!"

Mei Baoer made a strange face at Guan Xiao, and then threw something out of her hand, Guan Xiao subconsciously dodged, and then the colorful powder fell on his side, he had already prepared his defense, however, Nothing happened.

Angry, he was played by this little girl again.

It just pissed him off.

Bai Su was stunned by surprise: "What is that?"

"It's just dyed flour. Why is that old thing so afraid of being like that? Could it be that he thought it was some kind of poison? Would a person who can release Xianli be poisoned? It's just playing tricks on him. I didn't expect him to be a Mentally retarded, I really believe it." She looked contemptuous, "This old man's IQ is not good."

There is no cover for these words, Guan Xiao has been chasing after him, but he can hear them clearly, especially Mei Baoer scolded him for being timid, called him a mentally retarded, and said that he has a low IQ.

Although the vocabulary was a little new, he understood everything.

His body was trembling with anger, and he almost fell from the air.

"Little girl, even if you beg me this time, I won't let you go!"

Guan Xiao let out a sharp breath, and when he was about to say something, he suddenly felt the energy and blood in his body surge up, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.Then Bai Su saw Guan Xiao's face was blue and purple, and was taken aback again.

"Master, what's wrong with him, isn't he going to be pissed off by you?"

"I'm not so good. I added some other things to the flour before, but I forgot to tell him." She glanced innocently, as if to say, Guan Xiao, look, you are really a Mentally retarded, I didn't believe it before, but now I should believe it?

Guan Xiao's skin was bruised and purple, and his veins were exposed, which was hideous and terrifying.Bai Su couldn't help swallowing, and asked again.

"Then will he die?"

"No, this poison can only harm him for a while. He is a strong man in the realm of the fairy king. After reaching this realm, there are very few poisons that can harm him. It only takes time to recover. Let's go quickly, if If he recovers, he will not be able to escape. If the old man recovers, he will definitely settle accounts with us."

"Well, master, then let's go!"

In this way, Guan Xiao could only watch Mei Baoer take Bai Su away, and when the two disappeared before his eyes, he spurted out another mouthful of old blood.He was tricked by a little girl today, Guan Xiao swore that one day, he would crush that girl into pieces!


"Finally escaped from the dangerous area."

Mei Baoer let out a breath, she has contacted Wu Xing, and she is now in the inn where Wu Xing is hiding.Wu Xing was taken aback when he saw the distress of the two, especially when Mei Baoer really rescued Bai Su.

That was really unbelievable. After he came out, he heard that Bai Su got the red gold crystal and was besieged by a group of fairy kings. He thought it was hopeless.Isn't his master too capable?

"Wu Xing, make me a cup of tea, I'm dying of thirst."

Mei Baoer wiped off her cold sweat. Although she escaped, the journey seemed easy, but she actually calculated every step accurately, even the escape route, which was also drawn out from the very beginning.She deliberately scolded Guan Xiao, just to poison him. If this person was not angry at all, she would not succeed, and the end would be miserable, although there are other ways to escape.

Wu Xing hurriedly made tea, and after she drank it, she breathed a sigh of relief before checking Bai Su's situation.

Bai Su felt a little sad now, his kneecap was broken, and it was not easy to recover.His hands were pulled and broken, and it was broken completely, and the meridians were destroyed. If he wanted to raise it well, it would be impossible within a few decades.

"Fortunately, the injury is not serious, and it will be fine after ten days and a half."

When Mei Baoer finished her diagnosis and said this sentence, Bai Su blinked. What did she just say?
"Master, it only takes ten and a half months?"

"That's right, your injury is a minor injury, that is, the kneecap is broken, and the meridian on the back of the hand is broken and a small section is broken. Don't worry, it's okay, you can just connect it. As for the kneecap, I will prepare medicine for you to apply every day later." Just apply it. After half a month at most, your legs and feet are guaranteed to be better than before. As for the meridians, I will use silver needles to connect them for you later, but it will be a bit painful."

As she spoke, she took out all kinds of bottles and cans, which dazzled the two of them. Some of the medicine bottles contained unknown things, which made them smell the intoxicating fragrance .

Seeing Mei Baoer dispensing the medicine seriously, Bai Su had a lot of questions in his heart to ask, but thinking of her so determined appearance, he couldn't help but feel hopeful, if it is true that he can recover within half a month, then...then the master's Really a miracle doctor.

(End of this chapter)

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