Chapter 356

"How expensive is it?"

Mei Bao'er chuckled lightly, dragging her cheeks: "It depends on your mood, how about this, if anyone here is sick, I'll treat one for free, and let you see if what I said is true, after all, now No matter how much I say, you all think that I am talking big, why don't you see the truth and talk about it based on your real skills, how about it?"

This remark made everyone agree, they were discussing who would be the first one, obviously they were still very skeptical of May Baoer's medical skills, no one wanted to be the first one, and there was some hesitation in their expressions.Seeing this, Guan Xiao was a little happy.

Seeing his appearance, Mei Bao'er smiled secretly, Guan Xiao, Guan Xiao, I'm afraid that if you don't make a move, if you don't make a move, how can she convince these people more?As long as Guan Xiao finds someone, based on the grievances between them, no one will think that she has found someone.

"I don't think it would be better to send someone who is very sick."

In the originally quiet private room, everyone's eyes lit up when they heard Guan Xiao's words suddenly.Although Guan Xiao and Mei Bao'er have grievances, it's none of their business.And if this person was found by Guan Xiao, wouldn't it be more convincing?That would prove even more that Mei Bao'er is indeed a person with real abilities. If they could see her cure a person with their own eyes, what would they worry about?
Mei Baoer sat on the side and observed everyone's expressions clearly. As for Guan Xiao's complacent gaze, she really didn't want to be shocked.

"Why, Miss Mei seems unwilling?"

Guan Xiao's words immediately attracted everyone's attention to her, and she smiled slightly: "Senior Guan, don't spout blood, you heard me say I don't want it? Besides, I proposed to treat a person for everyone to see. It seems that Senior Guan You really want to kill me, do you want to shoot me to death immediately with a knife?"

Although Guan Xiao thought so, he was still annoyed at being treated as if he said it.He can be regarded as a master in the fairy world, and he is also a little famous in one side, and he has to face.Ever since meeting May Boer, the nemesis who specifically restrained him, I feel that everything is not going well.

"Aren't you still afraid that I can't find a powerful patient to cure me? If you dare not accept the trick, why don't you just admit that you are incapable!"

Guan Xiao suddenly realized that his IQ also skyrocketed.

"Well, actually, I'm also afraid that if Senior Guan uses his power for personal gain, how about the seniors here and Senior Guan go together to find someone who is seriously ill?"

Everyone nodded and agreed very much. After all, they hoped that Mei Baoer would have real abilities, unlike Guan Xiao who was thinking about how to get rid of her.

"I do know one, I heard that his meridians were broken every inch of his body, and his meridians were severed by a strong man. Even the repairing pills can't fix it, why don't we just find this person? "

"This is not bad."

"What does Brother Guan think?"

Guan Xiao thought for a while and then nodded: "If that's the case, I don't have any opinion." The meridian is broken, and it's not that the meridian is broken in one place. He still doesn't believe that Mei Baoer can cure the person with the broken meridian. It is very normal for a mortal's meridian to be healed, but it is different for an immortal.

"Miss Mei, do you have any objections?"

Everyone has been watching her expression, and seeing her still calm, they feel relieved a lot, maybe she can really do it?
"Of course, I'll wait here."

She is not in a hurry at all, it should be the people in front of her who are in a hurry!After some observation, she has already seen that these people have various problems in their bodies, most of which are various hidden diseases that occurred after the battle.Although these hidden diseases are not fatal, and may not affect the improvement of their cultivation base, they can bring a lot of trouble and pain to their cultivation, and they can change them in a way, so they are naturally unwilling to miss this opportunity.

Guan Xiao went out with two middle-aged Immortal Kings. The group waited for a while, and saw the three of them come in with a pale middle-aged man, and put the middle-aged man aside. He looked very scared and didn't understand. Why did a strong man capture him.When he saw Mabel, his fear was reduced a lot.Perhaps Mei Baoer's strength was not strong, which made him relax, or perhaps, he felt some kind of hope in his heart.

This person has no cultivation base, as they said, his meridians have been cut off, and the meridians in his body have shrunk long ago.If you haven't met Mei Bao'er in this life, the day when the longevity is approaching is the time to die.

"Seniors, I don't know why you arrested this junior?"

Su Ping still didn't understand, but he also knew that these people were not here to hurt his life.He also became more courageous, thinking back then that Su Ping was also an amazingly talented person. If there hadn't been that accident, he might have aspired to the realm of the Immortal Emperor long ago. How could he be manipulated by these people at will?
Thinking of this, my heart felt a little sad, and my eyes turned gray.The reason why he didn't die was because there was still a little bit of hope in his heart.Although everyone looked at him and said there was no hope.

"Su Ping, now there is a chance for you to return to a normal person." Seeing that everyone was silent, Guan Xiao really didn't mind doing it for this villain.As long as Mei Baoer can't cure Su Ping, it proves that the other party is incapable.

Mei Baoer sneered in her heart, how could she not understand everyone's silence.The only way for her now is to cure Su Ping. I'm afraid these people have already sentenced her to death in their hearts, and they don't believe that Su Ping can be cured at all.

When they didn't see Su Ping before, maybe these people still had hope. However, seeing Su Ping like this now, many people's eyes are a little dim. Can such a person be cured?Even if it is a top-level pill, it is impossible.

Many people feel sad for May Baoer, but they don't have the slightest intention to help. Now that this mouth has been opened, it is impossible to close it.When Guan Xiao wanted to do something to Mei Baoer, they didn't stop them.

Su Ping was shocked. Is there a chance to recover?

Afterwards, Guan Xiao explained, and he understood. He glanced at the little girl in front of him, she was at the peak of a fairy, perhaps based on her bone age, she was already a genius.But the old monsters are the most numerous in the fairy world, each of them is powerful, and they are only the peak of the heavenly immortals. In front of these, they are really nothing.

He didn't know that the little girl was in a more dangerous situation now, so he hesitated.

Back then, I was also young and vigorous to challenge the majesty of the strong, and that's why I ended up like this.This little girl is probably the same, he clenched his fist tightly, wanting to refuse, if he refuses, then can he help this little girl once?
(End of this chapter)

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