Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 358 It Only Takes One and a Half Months

Chapter 358 It Only Takes One and a Half Months

On the second day, Mei Baoer appeared in Su Ping's room, and the rest of the people who were able to come over also stayed around. Of course, Guan Xiao would not be absent.He wished he could never leave, as long as Mei Baoer failed, he would slap her and turn her into a meat paste.

"Everyone, don't make any noise later, and don't disturb me. For the sake of safety, I will activate the formation."

For this, everyone has no objection, as long as they can watch it.Afterwards, Mei Bao'er activated an advanced array, which surrounded her Su Ping.Su Ping's condition also looks good. Since yesterday, his heart is full of hope.

A ray of immortal power appeared on Mei Baoer's fingertips, and it entered Su Ping's body along with it, and slowly checked the situation in his body. She was surprised to find that Su Ping's condition was actually better than expected.After a long time, she roughly closed Su Ping's body, and felt that she was more confident in curing him.

"It seems that you have never given up."

She thought about it for a while, Su Ping's body was able to maintain such a good state, thanks to not giving up cultivation on weekdays, and using a lot of elixir to warm up.When Su Ping heard this, he became even more excited. This girl Mei really has the ability, and he has hope.

"Start to stimulate your meridians today to promote growth. Although you did not give up and took a lot of elixir to warm up, but after the meridian is broken, it still shrinks a lot. If you want to reconnect it, you must let it After a few days of growth, I will use silver needles to help you stimulate, and then I will give you medicine, and you will be able to start after a while. Stimulating the meridians is not the most painful, the most painful is when the meridians are connected later."

There are many meridians in the human body, and they are mixed. Fortunately, monks are better. Due to the reason of cultivation, the meridians that have no effect have long been eliminated, so the remaining meridians are still very easy to straighten out. As long as they grow to a certain length, You can start.

Su Ping just listened and nodded, feeling more and more that she was right, and severely suppressed the excitement in his heart. If he could laugh at this moment, he would definitely laugh non-stop.

Then, Mei Baoer took out a bag of silver needles. After all, the meridians of the whole body were cut off. These silver needles were of different lengths, and it made one's scalp tingle just looking at them.Everyone watching trembled. Although they were usually not afraid of all kinds of battles, this small needle made them feel a chill.

Mei Baoer seemed to have sensed it, and raised her head to look at them meaningfully: "Don't be afraid, I'm very light, and you will feel it when the time comes."

For some reason, seeing her expression, coupled with her words, everyone always felt a little uneasy.Think about it more, do you think the other party is really comforting them?Guan Xiao stared at it without blinking, his nostrils seemed to reach the sky, he really didn't believe that Mei Baoer could succeed.

"Drink first."

Su Ping didn't hesitate this time, and drank the liquid in the bottle directly. Sure enough, a warmth rose from his lower abdomen, which made him feel that the situation in his body had improved a lot. Maybe it was his illusion, but this illusion really It feels good.

"I'm going to start."

She asked Su Ping to sit cross-legged on the futon, and when the needle fell, Su Ping's body trembled, and it was really painful.However, when his meridians were broken, he didn't feel any pain. This was his chance to return to normal. No matter how painful it was, he had to endure it and never give up.

Except for the slow stitches at the beginning, everyone saw Mei Baoer's fast stitches, which made people dazzled, while Su Ping's body was shaking all the time, and the veins on his forehead were exposed Come out, grit your teeth, hold your hands tightly, and your whole body is tense.

Everyone didn't know how painful it was, and they felt a little scary just looking at it.At this moment, Su Ping was covered in blood, but he just didn't cry out. This kind of endurance has to be admired.Even Guan Xiao took it seriously, and after regaining consciousness, he had a bad premonition, and even vaguely felt that he seemed to be being used by Mei Baoer.

Now as long as the other party heals Su Ping, he will never dare to deal with the other party in such a position. Thinking of such a result, he thought secretly.

"Senior Guan is wondering if I have the ability to cure Su Ping. If he is cured, you will have no chance to attack me clearly. Do you want to come up with some other methods? Why not destroy my healing results? , I believe everyone's eyes are discerning, under everyone's supervision, there will be no opportunity for senior Guan to take advantage of it."

Guan Xiao's face turned red. In fact, he also wanted to control, but this time he was not prepared for Mei Baoer's words. When he reacted, his expression had already been seen clearly by everyone.Only then did he realize that Su Ping had quieted down.


With a cold snort, Guan Xiao flung his sleeves and left.

"It seems that Miss Mei is capable. We all go back first. This is just the beginning. I believe that Miss Mei will be able to cure Su Ping in a short time. Now Miss Mei consumes too much, so she should rest."

"Yes, Miss Mei, if you need anything, just ask us."


Faced with the 180-degree turn of the crowd, Mei Baoer was not surprised at all. Humans, when it is beneficial to themselves, they will naturally change their faces quickly.She turned around and took away all the silver needles on Su Ping's body.

Su Ping felt that his body had changed a lot, especially the place where the meridian was broken, it was crispy and itchy, as if something was moving in his body. Could this be the growing meridian?
"how do you feel?"

Su Ping nodded: "It seems that the meridians are growing."

"That's right, take a good rest, you take this thing every day, and I will come back to help you start connecting the meridians in ten days."

Su Ping was surprised for a moment: "So fast?" He held back his excitement and asked, "Miss Mei, may I ask when will I be able to fully recover?"

"If you are talking about meridians, it will take one month and a half for your body to fully recover. If you want to restore your cultivation, then you have to ask yourself. I can only help you heal your body, and I am not responsible for your cultivation."

Su Ping was shocked.

It only takes one and a half months for him to fully recover?

"By the way, I can help you restore your cultivation, but, can you afford the doctor's fee? If you can afford it, I'll restore it for you. Because of your bad luck , I will give you a discount."

Su Ping suppressed the shock in his heart, and then he couldn't laugh or cry.In view of his unluckyness, how unlucky he is. In other words, this girl's luck doesn't seem to be much better, otherwise she wouldn't be targeted by Guan Xiao, a difficult person.

(End of this chapter)

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