Chapter 361
Bai Su said coldly: "Don't make such an idea, kid, so I won't be fooled. Naturally, I am willing to follow the master's side. It's just a mere reputation. Didn't you see who framed me? I don't care. , What do they like to do!"

Although the relationship between the two has eased, there will still be disputes on many things, and they are just small quarrels.

"Okay, since you have decided, then I will not force it. You are in my hands anyway, and you can't run away. When the time comes, if the sect wants to bully you, you have to see if I promise or not."

Only then did the two feel relieved, and then helped Mei Bao'er arrange the time for the doctor's visit.

When they saw Mabel making someone scream in pain, they finally understood how painful it was.Afterwards, many people changed their packages one after another. Even if they had complaints in their hearts, they couldn't do anything about it. Seeing those people who were cured of their secret diseases one by one, they felt envious in their hearts!

Those who chose the most expensive package at the beginning were treated like VIPs. Of course, this is just their illusion, it's just that Mei Baoer is in a good mood and doesn't want to punish them.In short, even though they spent a huge amount of consultation fees, after being diagnosed and treated by Mei Baoer, they all felt that this fairy stone was worth the money.

The dull pain of so many years is gone, and it's almost a gradual rise in cultivation, and there is no pain at all.

As Mei Baoer's reputation as a miracle doctor spread, people from all over the world came to seek her treatment.Everyone said that she was a wonderful hand rejuvenating, and she was able to heal immortals, and then said that she was a black heart, and the price she paid was very expensive.

But as long as it is a person who heals from her, there is no complaint at all.The people who had been waiting and watching came in an endless stream. After experiencing it for themselves, they finally knew how powerful Mei Baoer was.

Whether you have a broken meridian or a broken arm or leg, as long as you come to her, you can heal you.Of course, no one with a missing arm or leg has come to seek medical treatment yet, but the news has spread.

Everyone in the fairy world knows that if the body is destroyed, it is indeed possible to refine a body through refining techniques, but the conditions for success are very harsh, and it also has a great impact on the cultivation. If the material is not good, it will be destroyed forever. Can't progress any further.

So it was a shock when they learned that Mabel could treat missing body parts.

However, Mei Baoer was more shocked than them.

"Guan Xiao must have done this."

Bai Su looked a little serious, "Master, if someone really comes to cause trouble, what should we do?" He subconsciously believed that it was impossible for Mei Baoer to cure the disease of lacking body parts.Unless there are very good refining materials, there may be a chance, but they know that she does not know how to refine weapons.

Wu Xing was also a little worried: "There are also many people in the fairy world who lack arms and legs. If they really come to find the master because of this matter, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with it."

That Guan Xiao is really too hateful, this is to put the master to death.In fact, the body of the immortal is very wonderful. Even if the arm is cut off, as long as it is not destroyed by someone, it can still be easily connected. However, there will still be some accidents, and the cut off part will be destroyed immediately. It's too late to save, so the immortal is still disabled.

Some extreme people are very cruel, they will find a weaker immortal, cut off the opponent's arm, and put it on their own body.After all, this is not your own. There are many disadvantages in doing so. Unless it is absolutely necessary, not many people are willing to do this.

The two were anxious here, talking for a long time, but found that Mei Baoer didn't respond at all.They glanced at each other, looked at Mei Baoer who was busy, and saw all kinds of bottles and jars in front of her, liquids of various colors in the transparent glass, which looked very beautiful.

"Guan Xiao?"

After a long time, Mei Baoer snorted softly: "He wants to court death, so let him be. What is he doing recently?"

Bai Su and Wu Xing glanced at each other, feeling that Mei Baoer really didn't look worried, and couldn't help but relax a little.

"I heard that he is selling all kinds of treasures. It seems that he wants to auction off the Chijinjing. It is said that he is a craftsman." Wu Xing slowly explained, Guan Xiao knew that he could not kill them openly. At that time, it did not appear in front of their eyes.

"Well, what kind of things does he mainly sell?"

"It seems that everything has been sold except for the refining materials." Bai Su added on the side, he seemed to feel that the master was planning something.

"How long will it take to shoot Chijinjing?"

A bright red flower appeared in Mei Baoer's hand, and a ray of fairy power fell on the flower from her fingertips. For some reason, the bright red flower gradually withered, and a drop appeared in the container under the flower. Drops of bright red liquid.

The two were no longer surprised by this, they both knew that this liquid was the purest essence of this flower.It is the potion they usually use for cultivation. Of course, the one in front of them is just the raw material, and what they take is reconfigured.

"There are still three days." Bai Su added: "It is said that Guan Xiao sells the treasures in his hand, plus the fairy stones borrowed from other people, the total is about one billion."

Mabel paused, eyes narrowed slightly: "One billion, how much of it did he borrow?"

"About four hundred million."

"not enough."

Hearing Mei Baoer's words, the two of them didn't understand, what is not enough?Master's mind, they felt it was too difficult to guess.

It's just that when they saw the calculating expression on her face, their expressions became weird, and they heard her say: "Is there a special place to borrow immortal stones on White Mist Star?"

The two thought for a while, and at the same time their eyes lit up: "It seems that there is, and it is said that it was opened by the Wuji Gate."

It turned out to be the Promise Gate?

She was surprised now. The Promise Sect is a mysterious sect in the Promise Starfield. Basically, it will not participate in various battles in the fairy world. It seems that this is an extremely rich sect, and it is also very mysterious. Not many people dare to provoke it. It's normal to open a place like this.

"Find a way to get Guan Xiao to borrow immortal stones from Wujimen. The more you can borrow, the better."

Wu Xing frowned: "Master, do you really want Guan Xiao to take pictures of Chi Jinjing?" Will think of other ways, maybe other people will pay a high price for Guan Xiao to transfer some, in this case, the goal will not be achieved at all?

"of course not."

"But if he can't take pictures, it doesn't seem to make much difference to return these fairy stones to the Wuji Gate." Bai Su also expressed his doubts. He really didn't understand why the master wanted to go around this big place. Guan Xiao is the main reason why Guan Xiao can't be organized in this way.

(End of this chapter)

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