Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 365 The whole person seems to be crazy

Chapter 365 The whole person seems to be crazy
Therefore, Chi Jinjing is not something that a small person like Guan Xiao can auction off.If it wasn't for the leak of the news, without Mei Baoer's appearance, he might really be able to get the Chijinjing.

Unfortunately, no if.

"30 billion."

The voice came from an old man, Guan Xiao was a little distracted, but Chi Jinjing still missed it.At the same time, countless hatred welled up in his heart, holding the magic weapon in his hand, he would definitely kill Mei Baoer and Bai Su, and if he didn't kill them, he wouldn't be Guan Xiao!

Mei Baoer felt a chill, and then felt that Guan Xiao had left the private room, and with a flick of consciousness, the "people" waiting for Guan Xiao outside had already moved.

Fierce bidding was still going on in the hall, and no one stopped.None of the three intend to go out, after all, they need proof of their alibi, don't they?
Wu Xing and Wu Xing really wanted to go and have a look, but they didn't dare to act casually in order not to be suspicious of each other.

"These people are rich."

Mei Baoer sighed, but made the two of them vigilant.

"Master, these people probably belong to a certain senior immortal emperor, especially those senior immortals. I don't know how long they have existed. They often hide in places where the immortal power is relatively weak, otherwise they will be detected by Lei Jie. "

"Chengshen Leijie looks scary?"

"Where is the horror that can be described, out of ten people who have crossed the catastrophe, nine of them will be out of their wits." Wu Xing couldn't help but sighed: "Otherwise, how could the price of red gold crystal be so high."

She thought so too, after all, her life is the most important thing.

"In fact, pills are also very helpful for crossing the catastrophe, why don't these people prepare more pills?"

Wu Xing and Bai Su looked at each other, and then said: "The elixir is indeed very useful, but you must have the strength to take out the elixir. If the thunder calamity continues to fall, you will be bombarded before you can take the elixir." It's scum..."


She smiled. Indeed, at this time, there is a magical weapon that is better, and the elixir can only work after taking it to save life.In this way, it is really important to have a good physical body, especially one that can withstand the thunder calamity.

At this moment, she paid more attention to her physical body, and planned to use medicine to recuperate it from the beginning, and enhance her actual combat experience.

The Lingyu auction was still going on here, and Guan Xiao left angrily outside.

"You can see clearly, that is really Chi Jinjing? It can't be such a coincidence, can it?"

Suddenly, a voice caught Guan Xiao's attention. He looked towards the source of the voice, and saw two strange faces talking in a secret place.He secretly listened from the side, but his heart was a little hot, and his eyes flickered. Could there be other places where red gold crystals appeared?
"How could I lie to you? I really saw it clearly. I heard that the man is going to sell it for a good price after the auction house is over!"

Guan Xiao's heart moved, and he walked out. Seeing this, the two of them suddenly turned pale.

"Where is the red gold crystal?"

Guan Xiao's aura seemed to frighten the two of them, he dared not say anything, and told what he saw.Excitement flashed in Guan Xiao's eyes, and he passed the two of them at once, and left in the direction one of them said.

After a long time, the two smiled and disappeared in place.

"Five billion red gold crystals, Bai Su, you are really developed." Wu Xing felt sore, and patted Bai Su's shoulder, "I really don't know what to say right now."

Bai Su also felt a little dreamy: "It's really like a dream, but it should all belong to the master. If it wasn't for the master, I'm afraid I would die."

"Come on, the master still cares about this? With the master's ability, if you want a mere 50 billion, isn't it easy?"

Bai Su thought about it, and it was the same.Seeing the two smiling, Mei Bao'er felt the situation on Guan Xiao's side slightly, and passed on the situation here. It didn't take long for good news to come from there.

"Okay, we can go back too."

"Master, did you succeed?"

The two asked in unison, only if they succeed, the master will let them go back.Their sparkling eyes made her look a little uncomfortable.

"Yeah, it succeeded. Guan Xiao probably will be in trouble in a few days. If you are interested, you can go and watch it."

Wu Xing sighed: "Sure enough, the master is powerful. He used a piece of fairy crystal to deceive all the fairy stones in Guan Xiao's hands, a total of 20 billion fairy stones. I can't wait for such a method."

"Master, besides the 20 billion, you can't let go of the others, right?"

"Well, now Guan Xiao has nothing left."

The implication is that Guan Xiao has become a pauper, without a piece of fairy stone, and it is estimated that his precious refining materials are also gone.

"However, at Guan Xiao's age, there should be treasures hidden in other places, but these are not something we can touch. Let the friends of Wuji Gate and Guan Xiao go to collect debts. After eating meat, you have to pay for it." Save some soup for the family?"

"Master is right."

Bai Su was smiling, and that treacherous appearance really made Wu Xing a little unfamiliar. It has only been a while, and Bai Su has changed a lot. How should I put it? So Bai Su is a fast learner?

Mei Baoer got a pen and was in a good mood. After returning to the inn, she cleaned up Guan Xiao's belongings. As for what happened outside, she really didn't want to know at all.She doesn't care about Guan Xiao's follow-up development at all. Now Guan Xiao probably doesn't have time to trouble her at all.

After she cleaned up all of Guan Xiao's belongings, she couldn't help but be speechless. This old man is quite rich, no wonder he dared to borrow so many fairy stones from others.However, no matter how rich you are, won't you be poor immediately?
Live it!


Bai Su's excited voice sounded outside the door, she paused: "Come in."


Bai Su jumped in with a huff, and Wu Xing closed the door with his brow twitching.Only then did Bai Su dance with excitement, shouting, "Master, do you know what happened outside?"

"Is it Guan Xiao's business?"

"Yes, master, you are really good at predicting things."

Wu Xing: "..."

Mabel: "..."

The two looked at each other, were they a little too excited, followed by Bai Su, and couldn't wait to tell the news he had inquired about.

"When Bai Su knew that the red gold crystal he got had turned into a piece of fairy crystal, he seemed to go crazy and destroyed the inn over there. Xiao was severely injured..."

Bai Bai talked endlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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